2022 MEANINGFUL MARCH !! One Week at a time beginning March 1st 2022

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  • posted by wendleg

    I hope it’s ok to pinch the Meaningful March title ? RubyG ???

    I don’t know about you but I am fighting the doldrums with the disturbing events in Eastern Europe and ongoing crises re climate change. Yes, thinking of anyone in Queensland and NSW suffering in the horrendous floods.

    So I am digging deep to stay focused and not give in to the stressy onslaught of news .

    I always like the idea of a new month, renewed motivation .We have a trip to Paris booked at the end of the month so something to look forward to and hopefully hubby will be fully recovered by then.
    Hopefully you will be up for the challenge this month, one week at a time ?
    Looking forward to joining forces (in the nicest possible way ) to keep us all on track !

    Wendy, SunnyB and sunshine-girl

  • posted by wendleg

    Who’s with us in Meaningful March ??


  • posted by wendleg

    I spent a bit of time last night updating my meal planner with recipes to keep me grounded .
    I have already mentioned these two before but I am quite impressed with divalicious and Keto Fitness club


    The recipes are uncomplicated and easy and switching things up helps me a lot .

    I was unable to get into the right mindset to complete my ADF schedule last week but I am having another go this week .

    All the very best for this week and this month everyone xx

  • posted by Californiagirl

    Yes Wendleg, I agree, what a stressful start to March 2022 — the situation in Ukraine is worrying to everyone in the world — and Putin’s threats around the nuclear option has anyone with a brain “on edge”.

    I know and trust that Brits have more of the “stay calm and carry on” point of view, so stay calm and carry on. Here in the US, we will make a lot of noise, and hopefully ultimately do something useful —

    But here’s the thing — this mess doesn’t have to derail our health achievements — we have done what we can with our own careful election of leaders and attention to the news — we have done what we can. We do not have control over the whole world.

    Don’t let this derail you. The world is still here and we are too. The sun rises and the mountains still stand.

    It is easy to toss in the towel when it all looks bleak. Don’t quit. Keep going. Just take it one day at a time.

    Prioritize protein. Cut your carbs down to 20 grams or less per day. Don’t stop now.

    Don’t quit. The Ukraine war will end and we will still be here.

    Don’t let the world ruin YOUR beautiful life. Your healthy life is within your grasp.



  • posted by wendleg

    You are absolutely right,Julia. Thank you for your wise words. We have to stay grounded and lucid.
    I will make it my personal mission to focus on my health and on what I can influence ….this week and onwards .

    Is everyone ok ?

  • posted by florob85

    Hey all, I’m here for the ride ladies and gents and anyone in between but I might be lurking in the shadows for a couple of weeks. Mental health has taken a bit of a sharp (like vertical) downturn so I’m fighting the demons and that’s taking most of my energy, but on the plus side I have zero appetite so making the most of it!

    I’m with you all in spirit xx

    L xx

  • posted by florob85

    Hey all, I’m here for the ride ladies and gents and anyone in between but I might be lurking in the shadows for a couple of weeks. Mental health has taken a bit of a sharp (like vertical) downturn so I’m fighting the demons and that’s taking most of my energy, but on the plus side I have zero appetite so making the most of it!

    I’m with you all in spirit xx

    L xx

  • posted by Verano

    Thanks for this new thread .
    Yes we certainly are in precarious times. We can only hope and pray that ‘Sanity’ prevails.
    We can make ‘March ‘ Meaningful’ if we just do our best.
    Last month was ok for me ….. note to myself ‘Could do better’.
    I have a new ‘strategy’ to help keep me on track. Instead of concentrating on how much I have left to lose, at the end of each month I make a note of how much I’ve lost since starting my journey. It’s still a reasonably ‘healthy’ number …. over 10% ….so onwards …. keeping on keeping on ………..

  • posted by Tulip1

    Thanks Wendy for the new thread and great advice everyone ☺.
    I agree, the worldwide events are awful at the moment….it’s almost unbelievable 😪.
    I really need to get back on track….seem to have really lost my way with catching this awful virus….all tips and encouragement welcome!
    Hugs to Lauren, I hope things start to pick up for you soon.
    Love to all,
    Tulip xxxxx

  • posted by SunnyB

    Once again thank you for leading us into a new week and a new month, Wendy. Hopefully a good number of our ‘crew’ will be travelling along with us again. I’m adding in my commitment to Meaningful March … I really need to make this month count, as I didn’t manage to achieve as much as I should have in Feb.

    Keeping ourselves in the right headspace in these unsettled times is not an easy ask ….. nobody needs this conflict ever, let alone just as theceirld struggles out of a pandemic. But we have to make the best of the hand dealt and try to stay grounded.

    Julia is completely correct …. largely as individuals we have done what we can to contribute to the global situation (at least for now), so we need to focus on controlling what we have the power to control. And how we treat ourselves and our bodies falls into that remit.

    So don’t punish yourself with carbs, you deserve so much better, feed yourself well and find space in your day just for you, for a bit of self-care in one form or another. And maybe try to take a moment to acknowledge the positives in your life, no matter how small. Now, is an ideal time for us all to be grateful for all the good things with which we’ve been blessed.

  • posted by OlivesAndTomatoes

    Well Feb 1-28 I went from 189 to 173.4. I exceeded my loose 174 goal for the week. I’m going to stay the course and hope to see 172 for the next one.

    I’m in the military and have my weigh in in two weeks. Making it is the first challenge…the real challenge will be staying the course after the fact until I get to a my ideal/healthy weight so I don’t yo-yo again.

    Thanks to everyone here for being wonderfully supportive and interactive. Reading everyone’s encouraging words helped me get through last week. I live alone so the hunger gets really tempting to cheat on – no one will see! When those feelings struck, I just went and read the forum. You don’t know me, but I appreciate you.

  • posted by SunnyB

    OlivesAndToms, great result, looks like you’ll do fine for your weigh-in. Glad you are finding the forum helpful, but do shout out if things get difficult and you find you need direct encouragement or support … someone will definitely be there to try to give you a boost and do keep us posted on your progress.

  • posted by sunshine-girl

    Hi everyone, we have to keep going no matter what is going on around us. Sometimes easier said than done. My daughter is still very upset with friends and colleagues in both camps (R&U) and is not doing too well dietwise. She thinks whats the point, but I think why should we let certain people impact on us in ways that we have under our own control.

    Saying that, had a small slip with a couple of drinks on Sunday – nearly made it to the end of the weekend. So here I am again looking at that 74 – but only just and it will be bye bye by tomorrow. Not done any exercise since Friday as Fitness with PJ nearly killed me. I must have used muscles I am not used to exercising, upper and inner thighs. Just about back to normal today but decided that doing some gardening would be better for me mental health. Trouble is, with diabetes, I very soon get shaky when i excert myself so have to keep having short spurts and short breaks. Still, it all adds up.

    Hope this Spring weather and feeling carry on into March and we all have a good month.

    Just one thing. If you are giving clothing to Ukraine charities please buy new. These people have come from ordinary lives like ours with jobs, homes, money. They have left it all behind and deserve better than cast offs (unless in excellent condition).

  • posted by RubyG

    I weighed this morning, and can pretty much say Jan and Feb have passed by with no sustained loss but no gains either, so yes I do need to make March count and get back to where I was last summer – that’s about half a stone away which as a slow loser would take a month anyway with herculean control.
    Today’s action for happiness calendar is “Set an intention to live with awareness and kindness”.
    Re. the current situation in Ukraine – I know a lot of people are getting really anxious about it, and the situation is truly awful, but we have even less control over this outcome than we had with COVID (at least we had some control over our exposure and actions then), so I am trying to be good, do good, keep up-to-date with developments, but react in the present – I need to refuel my car today, not to panic buy but to get to work the rest of the week, and I will pay whatever the pump price is – I have no choice.
    I do have a choice in how I respond, and I am trying my best to give myself some space – last night I finished work at a reasonable time and then sorted and put away the laundry (totally out of character, but something I felt was within my control, and the spare bed looks less like a jumble sale).
    I guess I’m saying, hang in there, look after yourselves and those that matter in your life!

  • posted by sixturkeys

    Just a question for Julia. I don’t know how many in the UK have watched CPAC just recently or Marjorie Taylor Greene (who has though got so many thinking of soups). What is your sense in the US? And Sunny, what do you mean by “largely as individuals we have done what we can to contribute to the global situation (at least for now), so we need to focus on controlling what we have the power to control. And how we treat ourselves and our bodies falls into that remit.” Really, what are you saying?

  • posted by Elle-Mae

    Hi all a bit late to the party this week but still here mostly lurking 🤣. What a difference a day makes lovely and sunny yesterday and back to the rain and wind today. Like you all listening and almost with disbelief to the news situation. My great grandparents came over from the Ukraine back during the early 1900’s, I believe my grandmother was born on route through Europe, so although I don’t know I may have unknown relatives there so it feels closer and more personal.

  • posted by WindyJulz

    Well welcome to March….. its been a bumpy one for sure!!

    wee up date on me…. I was super last week – Monday to Friday bob on plan.,…… then my hubby brought home the covid!! He has managed to share it with me and now with dad as well. Dad being 86, makes it a little concerning but so far we just feel like we have had a very tiring head cold! not great, dad is tired today but his cough is subsiding.
    Anyway….. I have tried to focus on making sure i get good nutrition into us all, super soups and plenty veg, but there has definitely been too many carbs, some lazy meals and too many snacks!!
    I’m hoping I’ll feel more myself tomorrow and so plan for thrusday to be the new monday and for me to really get back on board. March…. we are coming to get you!! Gonna make this one count!!

    World events are indeed stressful and so sad. Trying to remain positive and very grateful for the opportunities we have here and hoping that sense wins out on a global scale…….

  • posted by wendleg

    Hi everyone
    Yes the situation is pretty dire and I am trying to switch off doing my gentle pilates just to focus on my well being rather than the news. Big hugs Elle-Mae.

    Tulip/Clare , after a period of being a bit off plan because of Covid, I would just advise you to plan meals in advance to prevent you from grabbing something quick and potentially carb heavy. No one gets it right all the time, especially when not feeling 100% but take it slowly as you recover .Eliminate any processed foods and keep things simple for now. Well done on getting your new job by the way !!!

    Sensible words Ruby G . As you have so rightly said we can only manage what is within our control .I agree with Sunny that looking after ourselves and our bodies is certainly something we can control. I am becoming increasingly aware of the role that stress and anxiety play in my wobbles . Realising that is part of the solution and I have to stay mindful . You get that too, SG . I am sorry that your daughter is struggling but she is lucky that you are there to support and give her strength.

    Lauren, I am so sorry that you are having a tough time .Just stay with us and know that our support is there whenever you need it .

    Well done on your progress OlivesAndTomatoes. I am confident that you will achieve your target for your weigh in.

    Oh Julz I am sorry about your catching Covid. We seemed to have dodged it here as we are in a rural area .My son only needed a week in Paris to catch Covid but had mild symptoms, much as you describe. Do your best to eat well as healthily as you possibly can to speed up your recovery . Have you put your running on hold for now?

    So do your best to stay focused on your health and well being folks and try not to get derailed .That’s what I am trying to do anyway xx

  • posted by sunshine-girl

    Hi all, as I thought, the half a kilo gain from Sunday has now gone and I am back in that happy 73.6 with hopes of reaching 73 before doctors appt on 15th March. Nothing much more to say. Might do some painting this afternoon, just to destress.

  • posted by wendleg

    Well done SG . I am doing mindless colouring which empties my head too xxx

  • posted by Californiagirl

    Hi all — sounds like everyone is sharing the same worries — Six Turkeys, you asked about what sense I have in the US — so first of all, many Americans don’t really know anything about what is going on in Ukraine, beyond just that they have been invaded and it’s “terrible” — most could not find it (sadly) on a map.

    There has not been much analysis in the media about HOW we got here — just a single message — that Ukraine is not part of NATO so we can’t help much. Lots of noise around sanctions, which are improving, but no serious talk about direct aid except from the stronger Rupublicans.

    There is a worrying undercurrent that I can see that there really is concern that Putin would use his nuclear arsenal if pushed into a corner. And is that why we are so constrained or is it because we are worried he might pivot to China? And what’s China got going here? They abstained from the UN vote — my guess is they’d like to try it with Taiwan.

    The real problem right now is we have an unbelievably weak President. This is what you get when the whole world’s media was screaming “anyone but Trump” at the last election. That’s exactly what we got — just “anyone”.

    Biden is old and confused. He called the Ukrainians “Iranians” in last nights address — omg, it’s embarrassing but worse, it’s so dangerous.

    I watch this and think — WHY would Putin start this and where is he going? There is lots of media theories that he is ill or has cracked under Covid lockdown. There is noise his own generals will kill him. Those ideas seem like fantasy to me — just a way to calm ourselves with our favorite blanket. He is killing people NOW and we are just standing by watching.

    I wonder how this could happen in today’s world. I thought Covid had “reset” our universe — but this invasion is a whole new level of crazy.


  • posted by sixturkeys

    Hi Julia. That’s interesting. I’m not sure I follow that the US electorate could not in the main pinpoint Ukraine(with the parochial inference) yet were influenced by foreign media in the presidential election. From this side of the pond we are getting the message of direct aid from the current administration. That and all the initiatives of other countries, maybe too little, too late. China, who knows. Abstention from UN votes and ambivalent statements. What are your “stronger Republicans” advocating (I guess you’re not looking to the beyond caricature Marjorie) ? It is just heart breaking to see the misery and destruction and yes a feeling of impotence as a citizen.

  • posted by Californiagirl

    Hi Six Turkeys and everyone,
    I didn’t mean to accuse my fellow country-persons of parochialism (which was implied) — it’s a simple fact — the public doesn’t have a deep understanding of geography here — but they are quickly catching up as the news continues.

    I did not mean to imply that “foreign” media was the source of the “anyone but Trump” in 2020 — actually, our own US media probably led the parade. And I’m having a hard time right now figuring out what is true and what is not true — what is information and what is mis-information.

    It’s sort of interesting, as a tenuous member of the keto community, somewhere along the way to adopting a keto lifestyle, you have to reject the government food pyramid (8 servings of bread/carbs per day recommended) and that seems to have led to questions around the Covid narrative and that has led to questions around the Putin narrative….

    Don’t misunderstand me. I am horrified by what I am watching. A democratic, western country has just been invaded and we are not truly acting to stop it. Tonight on our news, we are finally sending more ammunition but not establishing a “no-fly zone” — the fear is aggravating the situation — the fear obviously is we don’t want to start WW3. I agree. Maybe we missed our chance in the last year or two to stop this — I’m not in government — just an observer — sorry

  • posted by Tulip1

    Hi All- OlivesandToms- amazing job. You hit the nail on the head there- in fact even in a household of 5, I have definitely been known to indulge in some secret eating!! 😅
    I am heading towards getting back on track- I am going to take Lent as an opportunity to cut out the carbage and try to get to my Feb 15th goal by Easter. That’s 11 lbs in 6 weeks….I didn’t eat any off-plan foods yesterday and will build in reducing calories next.
    Wendy- this time it wasn’t covid, just some other horrible virus, but with CFS, viruses can knock me off my feet more than expected any way, plus there’s a theory that our immune systems are out of practice after the pandemic lockdowns and therefore colds are felling more of us than usual.
    Love to all,

    p.s.- here is my opinion. I think it’s good to share worries about world events here and personal struggles, but I am concerned (sixturkeys) that this may not be the best place for heavy political discussions/ debates on each other’s political views, as we need to support each other in our healthy lifestyle choices. Happy to be told if most people disagree with me.

  • posted by Natalie

    Tulip I agree, I don’t want to stop people sharing their worries and emotions but I’d rather political discussions were kept to other more appropriate forums. Most people come here to get support in improving their health through MMs books and related topics.

  • posted by Verano

    Sorry girls. I’ve asked for my post to be removed. I did think twice before posting but you’re right …. inappropriate place to post.

  • posted by wendleg

    Sorry Clare..I got the wrong virus 🙄. Glad you are recovering anyway and you know we will always support you in reaching your target.

    I just did my ‘formal’ pilates class with 4 mates and it does me a lot of good..just focusing on trying to connect with my body and the movements and stretches I do as best I can.
    Those moments are precious as are any simple pleasures which keep us grounded and distracted.
    This is why I would agree that any political discussion could risk accelerating stresses right now and is best avoided.

    I have coped with my ADF schedule this week and I am being mindful not to stuff myself on the normal feeding days.
    Lots of love everyone . Glad you are safe Nathalie xxx

  • posted by wendleg

    Natalie…sorry wrong spelling !

  • posted by sunshine-girl

    Hi again, hope you are all staying mentally strong. We have lurched from one disaster into another and it is a lot for the human mind to take. Take care of yourselves, limit news viewing, do something that makes you happy, relax, exercise. What do you do to maintain a healthy balance.

    Once again my weight is down by a tiny smidge, enough to keep me motivted until 15th March when I see my doctor – must be at least 73 kilos. BG is also down and I have reduced insulin to 15 units – hardly worth taking. I must speak to my doctor about it or about possible different meds. I would like to be one of those people on here who just stopped using insulin. Where are you now, are you still diabetes free or diet/oral meds controlled.

  • posted by Natalie

    Lol Wendleg you always spell it Nathalie in the list at the start of the month but I don’t mind. It’s rather exotic. Better than my country cousins who pronounce it Nad-a-lee.

  • posted by wendleg

    I’ve been in France too long Natalie ! Xxxx

  • posted by OlivesAndTomatoes

    Tulip – yeah! I’m going one day at a time too. I’m glad you nailed it yesterday; I know you’ll reach your goal!

    I had a good moment today; I had a physical therapy session this morning for my back. One month ago at my last appointment after he gave me my exercises for ‘homework,’ I mentioned that losing some weight would probably help me. He agreed. I told him that I’m down 18lbs and he couldn’t believe that I actually followed through on that and the exercises too. It felt awesome! …Except he decided I was an overachiever and gave me 10 exercises to do twice a day this month…jibbers!

  • posted by Tulip1

    OlivesandToms…..ha ha, you made me giggle, as my profession is physio 😂
    Verano- please don’t worry, I think you were answering a question posed by another member x
    Mmmmm, somewhat shaky second eating day yesterday…..mostly because I turned to biscuits to shore up my flagging energy levels at work because I’m still not really fully well. However, today is a new day!
    Wendy, I’m not surprised I confused you with the viruses- I did of course have covid previously in 2020, but prior to that I had chronic fatigue syndrome any way, which for me also includes post-viral fatigue being periodically a problem.
    Love to all xxxxx

  • posted by sunshine-girl

    Hi everyone, not much to say except I hope you are all keeping well. I am down another smidge and whoop whoop;;;;; this is my lowest weight in the past 4 years. As I have said before I did get lower when I first did the BSD then I went on a cruise so I was around 72.5 for about a month. But heading there again with a weight of 73.3 this morning. Just telephoned the doctors surgery and I have un rendez-vous for the 15th so no going back now. I will have my blood tests on the Friday before. Plenty of time to get my results as I usually get them the same day.

    Bit damp and miserable here so will be staying in and starting my Spring clean tomorrow. Hubby is going to an all day meeting so I will be at a loose end. Going to tackle our bedroom and bought new nets to brighten it up. Have a good weekend.

  • posted by sixturkeys

    I am not sure how two posts from Julia and two posts from me have become a “political” debate. Neither of us banging a particular party drum. Both appalled at the humanitarian cost. Wendleg, if you were in the classroom now, what would you say to your pupils re “accelerating stresses” and so debating being best avoided? Anyway, Lauren, wedding day coming up, and I hope you have a lovely day.

  • posted by OlivesAndTomatoes

    I think we are all just a little hungry and need to go eat some celery sticks

  • posted by wendleg

    Morning all !
    OlivesandTomatoes I favour black radish which doubles up as a very effective nasal decongestant but it will take the roof of your mouth if you’re not careful ! 🙂

    6T , I don’t think anyone wants to get into a spat about whether or not a number of posts constitutes a political debate . I just think we should respect those who see the thread as a supportive space to discuss their concerns about Fast 800. I understand it is difficult not to mention current affairs and how they impact us but I really don’t think this is the place for prolonged discussions . We all choose where we obtain our information and manage that to limit unnecessary additional stress.

  • posted by sunshine-girl

    Wendy, never tried black radish. It frightens me. What do you do with it??

    Been Spring cleaning our bedroom while hubby has been out at a meeting which included a wine tasting at the chateau the meeting was held at. I am totally knackered but the bedroom is spotless. Now need the new nets put up.

    Thats about it, no more weight loss – stayed on plan – hopeful to be lighter by Monday. Have a good weekend.

  • posted by wendleg

    Hi SG.
    Radis noir is quite strong but I love the peppery taste . I either just peel it, slice it and eat it raw or I chop it and add it to a tray of roast veg. It’s more potent than the small red variety.
    If I remember rightly the French praise its properties as a liver detox and you can buy the ampoules.
    Well done on the bedroom Spring clean. I need the sun to be shining with the windows wide open to get motivated !

    Have a good weekend and I’m sure you will see another positive result very soon xx

  • posted by Elle-Mae

    Hi all, I must have somehow been unsubscribed to the thread, thought you were all very quiet lol.
    Windy sorry you’ve got Covid 🤗.
    Have to say finally after my bout with it in December yesterday I could finally smell things again 😁.
    Olives I’m laughing with you at getting extra physio. My daughter is a physio.
    S-G well done on the spring cleaning. I have defrosted the freezer on a whim, which meant I could then go on my walk as I has to wait on it (no forward planning there) Got my lunch prepared while waiting and went for walk while it cooked, it needed 20 mins but it got 40, it was fine I always find roasting veg takes longer than you think. Lunch also included a new find for me in the supermarket, red lentil fusilli. It is red but turned normal pasta colour when cooked. It tasted like pasta to me. It’s good to know if you really fancied pasta their is a suitable alternative.
    Tulip excellent news on your job.
    Lauren focus in looking forward to your wedding, it’s getting closer.👰💒

  • posted by Natalie

    SG good work on the bedroom clean, but I’m not sure what you mean by new nets? Mosquito nets? Curtains?
    I had to clean today because we had the whole family coming over. One good/bad thing about COVID lockdowns was I didn’t have to clean the house!

  • posted by sunshine-girl

    Funny how a bit of sunshine makes us want to get cleaning and gardening. Such a good feeling. I always tackle our bedroom first as it is the hardest room to clean, having to move the bed to get right under. With 3 cats I am guaranteed to find at least half an inch of fluff and dust. When I am doing it I am amazed that what I must have been breathing in. Then I have to move the heavy pine dresser and side tables. Also we have full length French windows (although the French dont call them that) and all the surrounds and the outside step. Phew!. The other bedrooms will be so much easier as one has bunkbeds which I can easily reach under and the guest room has lots of space so I can completely shift the bed across to the other side of the room. Then there is the rest of the house. Natalie, the nets are net curtains. We dont have any other curtains in our bedroom as we have shutters that we close, or partially close, at night. We back onto our garden then fields so no worries about anyone looking in.

    So still a lot of work to do but just getting started is a good feeling.

    Weight the same but as I havent had even a small cheat and still doing TRE from 8pm to 10.30am I should see some movement soon. You get to thinking you have been stuck for ages but looking at my diet sheet it was only Friday that I actually reached this weight. BG down to very low again so will have to reduce insulin to 14 units, which is where it was before we went away for Christmas. Just shows how a couple of weeks on cheats can upset the numbers and how long it takes to get back to ‘normal’. Around ten weeks to get my BG back down to a point where I can reduce the insulin injections.

    Have a good rest of the weekend and keep on keeping on…

  • posted by Tulip1

    thanks Elle Mae 😚😚

  • posted by RubyG

    Morning all,
    Spring cleaning – my southern-hemisphere brain still wants to spring-clean in September, even though we live in the UK now, so I normally have a blitz before Christmas!
    I managed to spend most of yesterday outdoors, sorting out bits and bobs with the cars and making sure each one had what was needed now that we are commuting to offices again (we each carry a bag with boots plus a waterproof layer and a hi-viz jacket, just in case), and then spent the rest of the day in the garden – it was cold but I layered up and it felt good. Chopping wood resulted in a bit of a sweat, then bagging and boxing logs, planting bulbs everywhere, and then finished off the evening by sowing some tomatoes and chillies in indoor trays. Supper was slow-roasted lamb shoulder with an onion gravy, spring greens and brussel sprouts, which was lovely and low-carb but quite high in cals. Today’s lunch is Asian style chicken broth, to bring the cal count down again and then tomorrow we are both in the office with packed lunches.
    Hope everyone is doing what they can to look after themselves, irrespective of what the world throws at us.

  • posted by WindyJulz

    Happy monday….hopefully.

    We are just about clear of covid – this is my 10th day so should be free to roam tomorrow. It took until yesterday for me to feel almost normal in that i could do a few outside jobs and not feel fatigued, and the stuffy head has abated, whoop!
    So today is starting afresh (again for the however many times), fully on board, tracking food and cleaning up my fasting window – black coffee and water (no squash – i know i know), trying to make my mindset one of excitement, its nearly spring, nights are lighter and I KNOW this works….. might have to brave the scales tomorrow to start tracking progress properly.

    Lovely to catch up with everyone through the post, thank you all for contributing and supporting. I wish i had the enthusiasm for housework as some of you….. we have done some decluttering in the past few weeks and it does feel good…but meh to cleaning!

    Currently sat at my home office with a little cat on my shoulder, every time i stop petting her she stomps across my desk and put her bum in my face. Delightful!

    Planning one of my favourite dinners tonight – home made cajun spiced burger with cheese, lettuce, red onion and no bun (obvs).

    And then it’ll be time for new thread…… weigh in tomorrow…. i think is a plan, even saying that makes me fell committed!

  • posted by OlivesAndTomatoes

    It is good you’re feeling better Windy! I had it in the fall and it isn’t fun lol.

    I agree about the scale – it keeps me honest. I was just thinking that after next week I’ll be at the halfway mark for my 12 week 800 calorie diet. Potentially reaching a healthy BMI early (maybe week 8 or 9?) has me ramped up and helps me to keep going so that I can switch to 5:2 sooner. I want to cheat, but the fastest way out is through!

  • posted by wendleg

    Hi everyone.I am about to set up the new thread as I need to fit in a live Zoom pilates session 😉

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