Hi everyone ! I’ve had a few ‘private’ messages of support ( you know who are !) and I thank you all xxx
What a decent group of women you are !
I have also congratulated SG who has been totally inspiring in her commitment and determination and I am so pleased for her .What a journey ! You definitely deserved that vodka !! I have no doubt that you will smash your next target !
Well done too, OlivesAnd Tomatoes for passing your weigh in .You were very focused too and I am sure you will also smash the next challenge.
I am feeling much more grounded this week after a lovely session with my yoga teacher who knows exactly what to do with me when I am having a ‘wobbly’ .I realise that I was abusing food in an attempt to cope with stressful times and even though I have learned to avoid processed foods and the white carbs, I am still an over eater. I thought I had cracked it but I realise that is not the case . I had the sensation of searching for something and never feeling totally satisfied . The way I see it is that I was disconnected, not in touch with the signals and never satisfying my hunger . That was the problem when I was 100kg .I never allowed myself to experience hunger and so I never knew when I was satisfied .
I began by fasting from Sunday evening to Tuesday evening. I can’t eat before any sort of exercise and fortunately my body is well used to fasting and it was fine. I really don’t experience extreme hunger when I fast but it does help me to reset when I have lost my way .
So I am back to a sensible routine now with a close eye on portion control . No dairy, nuts or dark choc and I know it sounds weird, but no apples for now either . I am focusing on protein, green veg and my fermented veg and healthy fats (avocado ). I have never been very good at counting calories to be honest and I don’t like to weigh myself too often but that feels ok .
So thanks again for your support !
Hubby wants to go ahead with our trip to Paris at the end of the month so that’s good news. He insists he can take breaks when he needs it when we are out and about .He says if he needs an op it can wait for a while .It feels quite special as we haven’t been away for so long .
I hope my experience helps some of you ( maybe the absent members ???) It just shows that even the ‘old timers’ like me are not perfect .( I don’t think ‘ old timer’ is the best description but you know what I mean ! )
We can have wobbles too , we have to keep our eye on the ball and in my case continue to manage the comfort/emotional eating .
I need to re read the books I always recommend !! 😉
I hope your week is going well and if it’s not the best week , well, don’t judge , don’t be too hard on yourself. Just pick yourself up and move on xxx