2022 MEANINGFUL MARCH !! One Week at a time beginning March 15th 2022

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  • posted by wendleg

    I struggled a bit last week with ‘stuff’ and I recognise I was falling into the ‘you deserve it ‘ mindset and that is not good. Not eating rubbish but just eating too much .Let’s just say portion control went out of the window . I can very very easily over eat even the good stuff .

    Time for a serious talking to !!!
    There is so much tragedy and injustice in this crazy world but I have decided to dig in deep this week to focus on things within my control and celebrate my small victories !

    Does that sound like a plan ?
    I am not sure we can do more than that ?

    Well done for those who have managed to maintain motivation .SG , you are an absolute inspiration !

    Please join us as we continue to try to do our very best for our health and well being . Let’s share the wisdom and encourage each other !

    Wendy, SunnyB and sunshine-girl xx

  • posted by wendleg

    We seem to have lost a few along the way but would love to see any ‘returners’ !

    Natalie( without an H :-))

  • posted by Elle-Mae

    Just a quicky to say thank you for the reassurance over my eye worries. I have been to the opticians and it is all fine 😁

  • posted by sunshine-girl

    Thats great news Elle. Thanks Wendy. Maybe we should keep giving you a prod to help you with your plans. I will be keeping an eye on you 🙂

  • posted by wendleg

    Brilliant news…that’s a relief Elle-Mae ! 😙😙

  • posted by florob85

    Big hugs Wendy and Elle xx

  • posted by SunnyB

    Excellent news Elle! I’m sure you feel relieved and reassured knowing there is nothing to ge concerned about.
    Wendy, I so identify with over doing the good stuff … I’m guilty of that too …. nuts, the odd cube of cheese etc. Think my main downfall at the moment is nuts though, so I definitely need to dial back on those this week.

    Still not where I want to be on the scales, but I still have two weeks to see some progress before we head off, so trying to stay positive.

    No matter how this last week has gone for you, draw a line under it and make a fresh start from now.

    Hope your doc appointment goes well tomorrow SG.

  • posted by Verano

    Great news Elle!
    Wendy I opened this thread and there was my story in your post! I won’t spoil this lovely new week with my tale but I’m so pleased we have a new week to begin over again. Guess that’s the beauty of a weekly thread, we can just put the last week behind us and start anew.
    I think I may pick on my old mantra of changing just one thing a week. This week I’m going to make sure I drink at least 1500mls of water each and every day not just when I remember which is the habit I’ve got into lately. So that’s my goal for the week.
    Have a good week

  • posted by sunshine-girl

    Hi everyone, yes sometimes even the good stuff can be overeaten. I have nuts a couple of times a week but only because I know I find it hard to stop. I always buy pistachio with the shells on so they take longer to get to. I could also binge on cheese so I make sure I have some on plan like my Monday breakfast of scrambled egg with chilli flakes and cheese – if it is grated it goes much further and looks lots more.

    Just back from the doctors and he said ‘felicitations’ ‘tres bon’, So I guess he is happy with my blood results. He always weighs me and I have lost 2.5kg since my last visit. Also my BP is 110/60. Wow, but he didnt suggest cutting my BP meds. I showed him my little book of numbers that I fill in every day – Exercise, Weight, Date, Insulin Units and Results. He says my results are consistently low and asked if that was correct that I was on 14 units. Says I should reduce to 12 from now and, even though I do it myself when I see numbers going down, he said when I get to 8 units I should STOP USING INSULIN. For me there is a BUT there, like when we go on holiday, even though I stick with the no bad carbs rule I do tend to have a few drinks and slowly, over the period of a couple of weeks I can see my numbers start to rise. You never know, my body might be making its own insulin now. I wont be a downer on this and still hope for the best.

    However, I am going to treat myself to a nice large vodka and tonic tonight. Then that will be it again until my hubbys birthday at the end of this month.

    I would like to thank you all for your good wishes and support. Dont forget, keep on keeping on…

  • posted by florob85

    Well done you sunshine girl, that’s such fab news!


  • posted by Verano

    Brilliant S-g!
    Almost off insulin …. that really is amazing. Please don’t use a BUT. Get down to 8 units and just see what happens. You can maybe start adding in bits and bobs and see how you go. The most important thing is not to take fright at being ‘insulin free’. Dr Gorgeous wouldn’t compromise you health so just trust him. Just 4 more units to ditch now that you are dropping to 12. I can’t wait for the day you say “I’m insulin free’ you’ve been working towards that day for over 5, nearly 6 years. You can, and you WILL do it.

  • posted by Verano

    PS s-g remember just how far you’ve come. Last lap now. You can do it. You will do it.

  • posted by OlivesAndTomatoes

    Well…I passed my weigh in this morning! I cheated badly today and am planning on it tomorrow too. However, I’m feeling motivated to get right back to it on Thursday and hit my ultimate goal. For the week, I’m hoping to ultimately stay within the ball park in which I left off. I mentally need the quick break but am putting my resolution here to keep going! I hope I check back here Thursday morning for the pep talks

  • posted by sunshine-girl

    That is brilliant news Olives. Feels really good to achieve a goal like that. I too have reached a pinnacle although the doctor saying I could come off insulin when I get my units down to 8 has scared me a bit. After 15 years of injections it is second nature and gives me some control over my numbers. Because of the drinkie treat I didnt reduce my insulin to 12 as the doctor suggested but kept it at 14. Should have listened to him. My BG was down to 2.7 this morning so I will reduce tonight.

    After a little treat of a couple of large vodkas last night I have gained 0.3kg. Im sure someone not on a diet wouldnt gain after 2 drinks but hey ho, thats the way it is. Anyway, I have set myself a new goal to be down to 72kgs by the time we go back to the UK for Easter. That is just under 3lbs in just over 3 weeks. I could probably do more but there will be a meal out on my husbands birthday at the end of this month.

  • posted by wendleg

    Hi everyone ! I’ve had a few ‘private’ messages of support ( you know who are !) and I thank you all xxx
    What a decent group of women you are !
    I have also congratulated SG who has been totally inspiring in her commitment and determination and I am so pleased for her .What a journey ! You definitely deserved that vodka !! I have no doubt that you will smash your next target !
    Well done too, OlivesAnd Tomatoes for passing your weigh in .You were very focused too and I am sure you will also smash the next challenge.

    I am feeling much more grounded this week after a lovely session with my yoga teacher who knows exactly what to do with me when I am having a ‘wobbly’ .I realise that I was abusing food in an attempt to cope with stressful times and even though I have learned to avoid processed foods and the white carbs, I am still an over eater. I thought I had cracked it but I realise that is not the case . I had the sensation of searching for something and never feeling totally satisfied . The way I see it is that I was disconnected, not in touch with the signals and never satisfying my hunger . That was the problem when I was 100kg .I never allowed myself to experience hunger and so I never knew when I was satisfied .

    I began by fasting from Sunday evening to Tuesday evening. I can’t eat before any sort of exercise and fortunately my body is well used to fasting and it was fine. I really don’t experience extreme hunger when I fast but it does help me to reset when I have lost my way .

    So I am back to a sensible routine now with a close eye on portion control . No dairy, nuts or dark choc and I know it sounds weird, but no apples for now either . I am focusing on protein, green veg and my fermented veg and healthy fats (avocado ). I have never been very good at counting calories to be honest and I don’t like to weigh myself too often but that feels ok .
    So thanks again for your support !

    Hubby wants to go ahead with our trip to Paris at the end of the month so that’s good news. He insists he can take breaks when he needs it when we are out and about .He says if he needs an op it can wait for a while .It feels quite special as we haven’t been away for so long .

    I hope my experience helps some of you ( maybe the absent members ???) It just shows that even the ‘old timers’ like me are not perfect .( I don’t think ‘ old timer’ is the best description but you know what I mean ! )
    We can have wobbles too , we have to keep our eye on the ball and in my case continue to manage the comfort/emotional eating .
    I need to re read the books I always recommend !! 😉

    I hope your week is going well and if it’s not the best week , well, don’t judge , don’t be too hard on yourself. Just pick yourself up and move on xxx

  • posted by sunshine-girl

    Hi everyone, not much to say. Back on the 800 with TRE and have lost a smidge already.

    Wendy, glad you are feeling better and more in control. Eyes are on you. People will be keeping you going. Just a thought though. I have been reading the new Dr M book on keto and he says something very interesting. Not word for word but to the effect that we can continue to eat the bad stuff and never feel satisfied (doesnt mean we dont get full) and there is always room for more. He says it is because the body is craving something and we think it is the cake, biscuits, chips, whatever, when it is in fact protein. When you get the urge and feel empty inside try turning to a chicken leg or some ham and stay away from the ‘good’ stuff you cant control (nuts, cheese) or at least portion them out. You have been doing this long enough to know exactly what needs to be done. You just have to get your head to agree.

  • posted by wendleg

    Thanks for that ,SG. That definitely makes sense. I’m focusing on protein and leafy greens and my fermented veg . Had a lovely pilates session this morning which is great for connecting with the body so you do the exercises correctly.
    I also stocked up on some new infusions / herbal teas which I find really comforting and I can get through several cups in the evening.
    Please keep your beady eye on me ! Xxx

  • posted by Californiagirl

    Yes, Sunshinegirl is right, protein is the “almost miracle” answer. When you are hungry, follow Dr Bikman’s advice, PRIORITIZE PROTEIN.
    Also guys, there’s a separate conversation stream going on? I feel left out

  • posted by Californiagirl

    Yes, Sunshinegirl is right, protein is the “almost miracle” answer. When you are hungry, follow Dr Bikman’s advice, PRIORITIZE PROTEIN.
    Also guys, there’s a separate conversation stream going on? I feel left out

  • posted by sunshine-girl

    Hi everyone, especially Californiagirl. Sorry you think you are being left out. We start a new thread every Tuesday (set up on Monday evening) and the conversation can bounce around. Sometimes what we have been talking about last week is finished or you can still mention things. The difficulty there is that not everyone on last weeks thread has joined in this week. It is more of a re-setting so we dont have to go back on old worries. New week new motivation. Hope you are able to keep up. I did answer what you were talking about and the nut convention. I asked my daughter if she was at Red Bluff and she said there are lots of conventions in California. She just remembers staying in a hotel called Wine and Roses in a place starting with an ‘L’. Lohen…. or something.

    Keep chatting, we are interested and will always include eveyone if possible.

    Where am I today. Weight back down another smidge 73,1. Ordered a new dress today from an online company called LightInTheBox. It is a pretty dress and only €27 but it is a test to see how they perform, delivery, quality, sizing etc. So far no one has asked me what I am wearing for the wedding (I mean my daughter, husband etc) and I need to be thinking about the weight I have lost, what is already in my wardrobe, is it suitable etc etc. So just starting. I will be doing a mass trying on next week.

    If anyone has any online recommendations please say. Sosander look very nice and it might be worth spending a bit more.

    Have a good weekend everyone.

  • posted by sunshine-girl

    Hi all, where are you!!!!!!!

    Back down to 73kg and now aiming for 72.8 by Tuesday.

  • posted by Elle-Mae

    For some reason I stopped getting notifications! Well done S-G on your weight you can do it, and excellent news about your insulin 🤞.
    Sorry you have been finding it difficult Wendy, my go to when I feel the need for an extra nibble are nuts, either cashews or Brazil’s or a teaspoon of peanut butter. I find the hardest part of the day is between lunch and dinner. I can do 17 hr fast, and go for a long time between breakfast and lunch but I always want to eat, not hunger, between lunch and dinner.
    I have just done a 17 hour fast but will be over eating tomorrow as it’s my birthday and Fiance has just asked if I would like to go out for brunch tomorrow and we have planned a takeaway curry for the evening. Next weekend we are going away to visit my son and my brother’s so won’t be too good then but plan to be good in-between.

  • posted by Californiagirl

    Oh, Wine and Roses is in Lodi, sunshinegirl (that’s a fun hotel). So your DD was about three hours south from where I was for walnut conference — which is logical because almonds like it warmer and drier and walnuts prefer cooler and wetter — so up north.

  • posted by sunshine-girl

    Just popping in to say whoop whoop – 72.7kgs. Will certainly be trying on all those clothes in my wardrobe that I havent been able to quite fit into. One is a dress I bought online and delivered to my daughters in the UK. By the time I went over to collect it I had gained just a little and couldnt get the zip up. 5 years later it is still there in its original packaging, just waiting for me to be that slim again. Nearly there.

  • posted by Natalie

    Sunshine-girl congrats on the continuing weight loss! And I’m sure the dress will be lovely.
    When I got down to 72kg a few years ago, I bought a lovely (and expensive) top and pants for work that were just a tiny bit too small and I was confident I’d be wearing them soon as I’d been losing consistently. Unfortunately that was my lowest point, and I’ve gradually regained since then. Oh well, they are classic in style and still waiting for me! One day.

  • posted by RubyG

    So, the BSD week is almost over and I survived last week’s challenges.
    I gained ~1lb over the week, and it was hard.
    The 16:8 TRE and only eating my own packed lunch and then going out for supper worked well as a strategy to avoid the pastries, homemade goodies and all the chocolates brought in from their respective countries by the colleagues who travelled to the UK.
    On the Thursday night, I had 2 slices of pizza and then also had some dessert, and coupled with very little sleep I felt awful on Friday. I understand the compulsion to eat and never feeling satisfied as mentioned by wendleg, and as S-G has mentioned the aim now is to eat some protein. On a positive note, I did not reach for carbage on Friday, which would have been my previous default.
    We are working away this week, at the coast, so fish it is, although the portion sizes of the past 2 days do need to be scaled back.
    S-G well done on the weight loss and I’m sure you’ll get into that dress, that’s a good motivator.
    Like Natalie, I have a few items that I bought late last year at my lowest, about half a stone away – I got there last summer but have settled in around 12st since the end of last year. I am hoping that the improved weather and higher activity levels will help the loss over the next few weeks.

  • posted by WindyJulz

    Hi guys,
    I’ve not been about the past few weeks but feel the need to pop in and offload a wee bit….. I have fessed up to my weight and I have put back on pretty much all of it….so now where i was in March 2020. I need to get a grip of this now!! Actually glad i looked…..i was totally in denial and although doing some things right, I was also finding no consistency and going wayward far too much. So ive said it…. I’m going to own it and get it sorted. Trying not to be sad, just motivated!!! I’ve dug out old spreadsheets adn i can see what i need to do…. so here goes!!

    The over eating and never feeling satisfied is resonating very strongly with me….. I need to fix the habit of looking for that something to fix the feeling, knowing it doesnt exist…. like the idea of it being body asking for protein though….. !
    Wendy – i feel i relate to you in so many ways….

    Right off to be productive and know i am now on the right path and that i will stay the distance!!

  • posted by wendleg

    Hi everyone. I’m doing my best to listen to myself, staying in tune with the hunger signals etc. It’s not always easy I admit but I’m persevering !!

    Well done SG on your fantastic and well deserved success getting to your lowest weight !! Natalie, 72 kg was my lowest ever too but I haven’t maintained at that weight . To be honest I haven’t got a magic number I want to achieve on the scales . I want to stay healthy, wear my cheerful clothes and feel good about myself . But ….. I realise I’ve slowly found a way to adapt my new style of eating ( no white carbs ever, no processed foods ) to revert to the Wendy that still over eats !!!

    I’m still work in progress and I fully empathize with anyone struggling. Ruby G , sending you lots of love too .
    Elle-Mae I hope you had a lovely birthday . I have to be very careful with nuts because I can convince myself they are good for me and just overlook the portion issue . I do find the protein solution useful though . Yesterday I made baked scotch eggs with a light coating with almond flour and ground linseeds .They are in the freezer. I too am away next weekend .I try not to think in terms of “being good” because we are not bad when we over eat or make the wrong choices but we have to remain mindful and not just stuff in food because we are squashing down something else . That sounds a bit weird, I hope you understand what I mean. .

    Jules, so glad to see you back . All I can say is you are not alone . Just stay with it, don’t judge yourself too harshly , focus on your well being . It’s really not just about the type and amount of food we eat .We have to find that peaceful head space too . We will keep sharing on here xx

    I will be back later to set up the new weekly thread . We need to keep supporting each other, folks xxx

  • posted by MerryMelba

    Hi WindyJulz and everyone. I understand where you are Julz. I’m also going off track too often and fully appreciate your comments about “ looking for that something to fix the feeling, knowing it doesnt exist” Just feeling so much awful stuff is happening that we can’t control like the war, floods, new variants etc. I am usually very much a glass 3/4 full person – but I think I am looking for something (food) to fix the feeling. I don’t keep many carby foods in the house, but cheese, peanut butter, wine, nuts etc after dinner (when I am not hungry) are meaning that I’ve got off track. As well as more meals out now restaurants are all open.
    I read all the posts every day- and all your experiences and stories do inspire me. I just need to get back on the horse! 🐎
    Merry 🌺🌺

  • posted by wendleg

    Hi Merry ! Totally agree..so much unsettling stuff going on around us we unconsciously look to food to provide some sort of coping mechanism.

    Understanding that is part of the solution,I reckon . We’ll get there !

    Hubby’s daughter and granddaughter in Tasmania both have covid at the moment after a long spell of feeling very removed from the risks but fortunately they have only a mild form.

  • posted by Elle-Mae

    Ty Wendy
    Yes we all overeat for comfort and we all need comfort with what is going on in the world at the moment as well as all our own individual reasons.
    Lovely birthday and eating but 3lbs up this morning, so telling.yself to make good choices for the rest of the week until we go away. Will be seeing both my brothers and my son as well as hopefully some old friends. One bother who has MS has had a bad fall and the other is recovering slowly from 2nd hip replacement.

  • posted by WindyJulz

    Amazing how we all go through similar emotions and reactions to some extent isnt it. So good to share, sometimes seeing patterns in others helps us see the way forward, sometime just knowing we are not alone is power enough.
    My work has been pretty unstable for a few months, and I think that certainly affects me, then add world events etc and its amazing how self care and discipline goes out the window!
    We are in it together though, unity is everything, on all levels, so finding our way forward is doable! Thank you for the support!

    love reading about the family times, its something that we have all been short of at some point over the past 2 years!

  • posted by wendleg

    It’s time to set up the new weekly thread for the last week of March !

  • posted by Verano

    I’ve had a strange week, no carbs or processed foods but too much of the good stuff. I think there are a few of us who are guilty of that!
    I did reasonably well with my 1500mls of water a day, I do have other fluids as well, so I do get my 2ltrs plus. I still need to have either more water or more green tea or both.

    I very rarely read my horoscope but just happened to this morning, part of which was ……..
    “If you are hungry now, it doesn’t matter how many good meals you’ve eaten. You can’t quench your thirst by remembering what you drank yesterday. Similarly, if you are looking for a reason to do something, it’s hard to be motivated by an old ambition”……
    It made me wonder if ‘going back’ to what we did originally with BSD is really the psychological way forward. Maybe we have to re-jig things, especially our mindsets, even though we will still be doing much the same thing, we will have ‘re-thought’ our plan! Not sure if that makes sense!
    Anyway, guess I’m saying let’s not let things get stale and in s-g’s words …. keep on keeping on ……..
    P.S. great result s-g! Almost there!

  • posted by wendleg

    That’s interesting , V . For me it’s about learning more about myself and that is still an ongoing process .Maybe we should also celebrate how far we have come and not get bogged down and disillusioned by the times we fall off track . We do know what works for sure but the ‘mind set ‘ element is key .
    I’m definitely working on rejigging that !
    Thanks for staying with us too, V xx

    The new thread is up and running xx

  • posted by SunnyB

    Thanks for sharing that quote Verano … it certainly makes sense to me that relying on old mindset means we may become jaded, so there might need to be a small shift in approach and mindset. Going to give that some proper thought and see what adjustments I can make. Hopefully it will help me find that focus to properly kick start things again.

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