2 weeks down and nearly 1 stone lost!

We have not checked the qualifications of anyone posting here. If you are have any health related symptoms or concerns, you should contact your doctor who will be able to give you advice specific to your situation.

  • posted by Lostgirl

    I am an addict, that’s the only way I have been able to start this diet is to recognise that I am a junkie. I have an a addiction to carbs, to sugar and what’s worse to sugar substitutes. I was told some of these substitutes are more addictive than crack cocaine.

    I have always been big and have been off an on diets but I eat lots of veg, through multiple medical problems its left me struggling to exercise, but I thought that I ate well, lots of veg and not too much fat, I hardly drank alcohol , I drank Pepsi Max, after all it was sugar free.

    29 stone later I had another new medical issue, I’m not diabetic, or even pre diabetic, I have excellent cholesterol levels. A simple accident left me needing to see an ortho consultant. He told me if I don’t change that I live for 10 more years.

    10 YEARS

    I don’t have children, my life is lonely , so I accepted it, until he asked what I was eating and surely I had to admit that I had a problem.

    I explained my diet, and that weight has crept on, who was I kidding

    He told me about my sugar and carb addiction

    that’s when a lightbulb went off!

    I AM AN ADDICT, instead of putting it down to medical issues, which have a big effect , addiction is about to kill me.

    Since being on the diet now for nearly 2 weeks I am happy to say that I’m 1 pound off my first stone!!!!!

    its not been easy, hate carbonated water and there is no way to get my fizz; so if anyone can help please let me know.

    Most people are not as heavy as me on here, and the reason that I am writing this is to let you know it can be done!!

    If I can do it, anyone can, there will be times I relapse, that food wins,

    but this diet is saving at least one life!

  • posted by Bill1954

    Hello Lostgirl
    Guess what ??
    Your’re not alone any more.
    You now are part of a worldwide family who all have exactly the same hopes, fears, and goals as you.
    The fact that you are ready to start a new lifestyle (and it WILL become a lifestyle not just a diet) means that you have taken a massive step to a new and healthy you.
    There will be pitfalls along the way, you may suffer a few initial side effects, but if you cut out the carbs and stick to around 800 cals a day you will soon see the weight move and you will feel better than you probably have in years
    Make full use of the forums and the recipe section, there is a mountain of advice and tips in there.
    Don’t forget to throw the low fat stuff away and start to enjoy full fat products and keep the water intake up to 2 to 3 litres a day – this is important
    If you need help, just shout out. There is almost always someone there with a swift answer
    This way of eating will not just save your life
    It will recreate it 🙂

  • posted by Madmare

    Hello Lostgirl
    I echo what Bill1954 said.
    You are not alone anymore
    And to lose 13 is one week is AMAZING!!
    You are going to do this – you are going to have the life you always wanted
    GO GIRL !!!

  • posted by Sharon

    Welcome Lostgirl
    Like Bill said you are not alone, they are so many people here to help you.
    I’m about to stat week 6 on Sunday and I have lost 19lb so far. I did have a blib in the first few weeks, but got back to it l have at least another 8 stone to go, but I know with this way of eating I WiLL DO AND SO CAN YOU.
    You go girl.

  • posted by hashimoto

    Hi lostgirl, your ‘handle’ made me feel sad. I’m so sorry you are lonely and struggling with these problems on your own. But that is the past and now you have a big BSD family who are here to support you.

    You have already made all the big steps
    *you have decidedto turn your life around
    * you have begun this diet on your own
    * you have faced the fact that you have a carb and sugar addiction
    * you have lost an amazing 13 lbs in a week!!!!!!!!!
    *you have been totally honest about your problems
    *you have taken the huge step of posting on this forum

    I have total respect for you, those are all really big and courageous steps.

    I am so glad you have decided to join this BSD family, we will all be rooting for you and whenever you feel in need of a little encouragement or advice just shout you will usually get a rapid response.

    As for drinks….janet1973 gave us a nice tip for carbonated water – a dash of lime juice and a sprig of mint. It looks and tastes refreshing. I like herbal teas – you can have them hot or chilled.

    And last but not least if you stick with this you will quickly find you feel better than you have in years x

  • posted by Patsy

    That’s a really impressive weight loss – well done.

  • posted by captainlynne

    Hi Lostgirl. Welcome to the BSD family.

    There’s usually someone around to give advice and support. You are not alone.

    You’ve made a really great start – let us know your progress

  • posted by Desperate dieter

    Brilliantly brave of you, lost are on the right track now. Draw strength from the forum, we are here to help.. Remember … Food is medicine…. Food is poison… Choose medicine. Good luck, much joy

  • posted by Hawks

    I recommend the book The Fix which is an interesting look at addiction and how things are carefully presented in ways that make it very hard to say no or avoid The current fad for extremely lavishly iced cupcakes, is one example.

  • posted by NewLife

    Hi Lostgirl, how are you doing?

    I’m an addict too, as are many of us here. You have done SO well to address your issues and what a stunning weight loss 🙂

    Keep posting, keep going, you can do it!

  • posted by Lostgirl

    Thanks for the support.. I weighed myself and stone lost! Weighed myself 19 min later and not.. So will confirm tomorrow

    I’m so so . Had the chicken tagine last night . 148cal a portion!! Only didn’t realise I shouldn’t have had one of the spices. It interacts with the drugs I’m on and ..: not good. Having to take the next few days easy as don’t want to end up in hospital.

  • posted by hashimoto

    Hi Lostgirl, I was thinking about you too, looks like Newlife and I were on the same wavelength!
    It doesn’t matter if you have had a blip, you can climb back on that horse. of course you may not have fallen of it and are busy organising your life!!
    Please post, we would love to hear from you no matter what your ‘news’ is 🙂

  • posted by Lostgirl

    I’m still at it. Unfortunately the drugs I’m on are strong.. And have learnt to ready what I shouldn’t eat before I eat it and get side effects!!

    I really don’t know how 19 min and no food or drink can tip the scales back up!!!

    It’s a battle daily. My exercise bike arrives today! But now can’t use it for a few days . Will save you the details but you don’t want to know!

    Not had breakfast yet only a brew this morning. As I have guests not sure what to provide.

    I spend ages planning my day and my meals. I try to enjoy the cooking and planning and think what I am eating and why .

    Yesterday again I wanted sweet but was full… I have strawberries in the fridge but I kept thinking your tummy is full! You can feel it’s full… So why are you wanting to add more?

    I don’t know how much weight loss next week will bring but I’m just going to keep doing what I am doing and hope it works

  • posted by Lostgirl

    Ok moved the scales
    And you can cornfirm

    1 stone of blubber as left this place it used to call home!!

  • posted by hashimoto

    Lostgirl, fabulous weight loss!! Scales sometimes do that, so just ignore it and believe your first early morning reading. That’s what I, and I suspect a lot of others, do.

    Cherrianne recommended liquorice tea to people with a longing for something sweet. Perhaps you should buy some of those teabags.

    Wow! You’ve ordered an exercise bike! Way to go, Lostgirl!!!

    With regards to guests: what I do is make the food I eat on this diet, sometimes EXACTLY what I eat but they get larger portions. Occasionally I will bow to their carb needs and give them say, a small helping of brown rice to go with spicy foods or foil baked salmon or a couple of baby potatoes. No one has complained yet!!

    For dessert they get Fage yoghurt with berries or if they are very lucky one of the coconut flatbreads to go with the yoghurt!

    You will have weight loss next week! Do what Inka and Lesley91 are doing, go on the NHS BMI calculator, put in your pre diet weight and note the BMI then put in your current weight and see how much you have achieved already. It’s very motivating!!!

    If you need to provide breakfast for your guests you can still stick to the BSD diet – yoghurt and fruit or fried, boiled, poached, scrambled eggs or omelettes. You can serve it with baked beans, grilled or tinned tomatoes, mushrooms, bacon or anything you have in. A big pan of scrambled eggs is probably the easiest and you can add a knob of butter to the pan – goes well with baked beans and your guests will not feel deprived!! 🙂

  • posted by hashimoto

    Fantastic lostgirl. It will make a huge difference to your BMI!! 🙂

  • posted by jpscloud

    Hi Lostgirl well done!

    My scales differ by several pounds throughout the day, sometimes your body fluids make a difference too, especially for women.

    Strawberries have saved me a couple of times from lapsing, they taste sweet enough to satisfy my craving. Don’t be afraid to have a few if you are struggling, they are very low in calories.

    We have a lot in common, I still go into denial sometimes but I’m getting a lot better at being in control. Looking forward to sharing the journey with you!

  • posted by Lostgirl

    I really couldn’t do this diet if I thought of it was a diet. I don’t see myself as that big. You watch these super size programs and I eat nothing like them so I don’t associate my body being lik there’s . It is

    The only way I can get through this is to class myself as an addict.

    I hope that I can help, inspire other people as people have helped me.

    One day at a time!

    Still not had any breakfast but think plough mans for lunch!

    I still miss my fizz. Tried the carbonated water with lemons, mint, berries etc I simply can’t cope!

    Any cordials ok??

    Looking forward to sharing and going on everyone’s journey

  • posted by NewLife

    Lostgirl, you’re doing great!

    Hashimoto has some good food advice in her post. Eggs in particular are my new best friend 🙂
    The ‘what did you eat today’ thread has lots of inspiration too.

  • posted by hashimoto

    Sorry, Lostgirl, cordials are not OK, they are packed with sugar! Stick with the sparkling water, you will get used to it in time. Go for more herbal teas in the meantime.

    I think we have all been sugar and carb addicts – that is why we have all ended up on here, so you are in good company! Thinking of it in terms of addiction is a good way to go.

    I like the no carb ploughmans too. I ate out yesterday with an old friend and had the cooked breakfast minus the toast for lunch. I really enjoyed it!!

  • posted by Bill1954

    Hi lostgirl, brilliant result there.
    When we were on holiday, we took some of those little Robinson concentrated squash bottles with us. Just 2 drops of it was enough for a half litre bottle of water and it’s available in a few flavours.
    It says no added sugar but will have some natural fruit sugars in it.
    But hey, 2 drops per half litre of water can’t be bad.

  • posted by Lostgirl

    Take it the herbal tea isn’t a herbal fruit tea… As love iced peach tea.

    Arrggh didn’t Michael say in the book of all else Diet Coke as a last resort . ??

  • posted by hashimoto

    Hi lostgirl, you could always get a small bottle of diet coke and just add a little to sparkling water when you really feel the need. That way you won’t get into the habit of only drinking a lot of coke!

    Yeh, like the herbal teabags. Liquorice comes from a root ( we used to buy a liquorice stick for half an old penny on the way to school, it could last for days) so you gat a lot of sweet flavour with no calories!

    I’m on my way to town to get some myself!! Glad you liked the peach flavour, I haven’t had that one so I might just treat myself!! Thanks, Lostgirl! 🙂

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