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  • posted by Donna2000

    So.. Is the 5:2 blood sugar diet no sugar and 800 cals only. ? No carbs too? Just meat and veg, nuts? What about fruit? Milk? Gotta have a brew!!!
    I’m a complete sugar addict and it’s spiralling out of control. I have no determination or motivation. Home life is hard with a disabled daughter and two younger kids and I find I turn to sugar for “pick ups” and my emotional crutch.
    Belly fat is forming very nicely!! ☹

  • posted by Pancita

    Read the book, The 8 week Blood Sugar Diet by Michael Mosley, and you’ll learn exactly what this way of eating is all about.
    Good Luck,
    P xx

  • posted by JGwen

    This is the forum for the Blood Sugar Diet, I think there is a separate website and forum for the 5:2. The blood sugar diet is low carb, moderate protein and make up the rest of the calories from good fats. With a daily calorie allowance of 800 calories. Some people have managed to drop enough weight after 8 weeks to move on to the 5:2 diet plan, while others stay on this plan for longer. Either you can follow the menu plans in the BSD book, or you could simply use an app on your phone like fatsecret to log what you eat. Some people manage to loose weight with 50g of carbs a day, but others find they have to drop below 20g of carbs to consistently loose weight.
    We have a couple of regular threads of a weekly and monthly challenge where people set their targets for the challenge and report on progress. On those challenges you will find a mixture of new comers and old hands at this way of eating who are willing to hold out a helping hand to those who need it.
    You might find the Take a look at this Thread helpful as well, as it covers links to articles and podcasts that people have posted because they found them helpful.

  • posted by sunshine-girl

    Hi Donna, you are on the right part of the forum as you posted in the 5:2 section. However, there are only a few people on this site doing 5:2 as most of us are doing the full 800 calories for blood sugar control and for people with diabetes (although not necessarily). The 5:2 is basically the Mediterranean diet for 5 days of the week so you are eating lots of fresh colourful fruit and veg with things like meat, chicken, eggs and fish. You are allowed some carbs, particularly brown rice, pasta or wholewheat bread or flour but no white carbs (white rice, bread etc) and no processed foods. On 2 days of the week you go onto the 800 calories and you will cut out all starchy carbs as you wont have enough calories to allow them into the plan. Again, you eat lots of veg with meat, fish, eggs, chicken etc just keep the calories to 800. There is a separate book on the subject by Dr Mosley which you might want to buy to get a much fuller picture of the 5:2 plan. If you type 5:2 into the Search Engine at the top of the page you might get to see more posts by people on the same diet plan.

  • posted by JGwen

    I was correct, Dr MM does have a completely separate website for those who only want to follow the 5:2 diet.
    I hope you find the information you are looking for on that site, and the regulars on that forum are as helpful as people generally are on this forum.

  • posted by Donna2000

    Thank you sunshine girl. You’ve given me the info I was looking for!! 👍
    I didn’t want info on the standard 5:2. I wanted the info about the 5:2 blood sugar…hence me posting on the blood sugar diet.
    Thanks again!

  • posted by sunshine-girl

    Donna, no worries, glad to be of help. We dont want to encourage you to go somewhere else – this is a good site.

  • posted by BM6008

    Hi Donna,

    Starting the BSD 5:2 method from tomorrow so will be eating low carb Mediterranean style every day but fasting (800 calories) on a Monday and Thursday. Planned my meals for the week so fingers crossed. Going to do his HIIT work out 15 mins, 3 times a week too.

    Let me know if you have started and how you’re getting on!


  • posted by SaltySeaBird

    Hi Donna2000, I am doing the BSD 5:2. I don’t have weight to lose at the moment but when I do put on weight it goes straight on my belly! I started the original 5:2 after watching the Horizon documentary in 2012. I found it very manageable and kept at it for a long time. Then having read a lot about low-carb eating and its benefits, I have moved to mostly low-carb but having read MM’s latest book (as well as Jasón Fung), I realise that fasting has benefits way beyond weight-loss and blood sugar control so I am doing the BSD 5:2.
    As others have said, reducing the carbs, especially the white ones, will make the process easier and lead to quicker weight-loss. Just a thought, if you are a real sugar addict (I hear you!) , you might find it easier to work in stages – get the sugar and starchy carbs out of your diet first but initially allow yourself to eat plenty of good fats, protein and leafy veg without being too focused on calories. Teaching your body to burn fat instead of carbs doesn’t take very long and once you’re there, the low calorie and fasting regime will become easier because your body will no longer be craving carbs for fuel.
    Good luck with your new start and keep coming back here – there are lots of very experienced and supportive people who can answer your questions and support you.

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