Getting a bit old with dodgy knees

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  • posted by MaryWR

    I’m just starting the 800 BSD and determined to fulfil every aspect. I’m thinking some of the exercises will be hard on my knees. Has anybody discovered some good HIT ideas which are knee sparing? Swimming is not an option.

  • posted by Mixnmatch

    Exercise bike is probably the lowest impact on knees, so I would try that, if you can get access to one.

  • posted by K8sgettingthin

    I got an exercise bike on Freecycle for the same reason – my poor sore knees and it seems to be fine so far – no extra knee pain.

  • posted by MaryWR

    Free cycle! Brilliant idea, thank you. The world must be full of unused exercise bikes. Thanks for your help friends.

  • posted by Californiagirl

    Rowing! Do 600 yards all out for 4-10 reps — build up!

  • posted by Natalie

    Oh dear that reminds me of how hard it was to get rid of our treadmill that we never used. It was huge and took up so much space. And so heavy and hard to move! But no point advertising it for sale, literally thousands there already. Gave it to a friend for about a year but when she renovated her house she gave it back. Literally couldn’t give it away. But eventually a work friend of my husband took it. I was so glad to see the back of it.

    I wouldn’t mind owning a rowing machine or elliptical, but there is no way my husband will let me buy one after that experience!

  • posted by Seasidenana

    Hi all, I’m 61 and have dodgy knees ! I have bought a rowing machine about a week ago. I managed to find a fold up one so it takes up less space. This is fine for my knees, and I’m gradually building up strength on it. I find it best to row to music. I found it hard to get in and off at first because of pain in my knees, but have now worked out a more elegant way to do it. I think it will really help,if I stick with it and build up slowly. It’s quite good fun !

  • posted by Michael Rolls

    My knees used to protest at going up and down stairs – this started perhaps a year or so ago. About three months ago (before I had even heard of the BSD) i started taken cod liver oil capsules (1000 mg, one per day) and they’ve stopped protesting! Of course, I don’t know how bad my knees were compared to anybody else’s, but it worked for me. At the start, I weighed 14-5 give or take, and the knees improved before I started on the BSD whihc has seen my weight come down to 13-0 after 5 weeks and I am sure that my reduced weight will also help, but, as I said, the knees improved before starting the diet. Oh, and I’m 79, 6’1″

  • posted by sandrainc

    chair aerobics…walking action while sitting down…plus daily intermittent fasting cleared up my knee bursitis without me planning it…all the best

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