Weight now falling off

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  • posted by Scotgran

    I’m halfway through week two. Before I started, I’d had flu and no appetite for a week or so. I actually didn’t weigh myself before starting but exactly a month ago I was 12stone7lbs. I’m delighted to report that this morning I weigh11stone 11lbs! I don’t know how much is due to flu but I do know that if I hadn’t gone on this diet, I’d have put it all on and more as I usually stock up on carbs when I’m ill. This diet is such a revelation to me. My diabetic hubby is joining in now too although he does sneak some carbs. Now I’m feeling fitter and the weather is better I’m looking forward to getting more exercise.

  • posted by Bill1954

    That’s marvellous scotgran, keep it up ! and make sure the hubby does too.
    As he sees his weight and blood sugar come down, he will become as excited as you are.

  • posted by Lolo

    Hey Scotgran! What an amazing achievement! That must feel fantastic 🙂 It’ll be lovely to get outside now that the weather is brightening up a bit, I’ve been doing to strengthening exercises – but would so prefer to be outside! xx

  • posted by RozyDozy

    Congratulations Scotgran! I also started off at 12 & 1/2 stone and have just reached 11st 11lb – I’m a little jealous because it’s taken me 4 weeks longer than you to get there! Like you, I’m feeling better and feeling more like taking longer walks as the weather improves. Good luck.

  • posted by Scotgran

    Oh ! Oh! Today, four and a bit weeks in, my husband noticed that I am thinner, then I noticed, the “tummy wedge” is much less and the boobs fit in the bra and the trousers are slack and the jacket buttons up and and and and…….. Wow ….I am so excited. I feel GREAT.

  • posted by ON PHONE


  • posted by Col

    Way to go Scotgran! Good to know you have shifted the flu as well as the pounds 👍😀

  • posted by Janet1973

    I love that excited feeling Scotgran, you expressed it so well! Well done, you’re getting there!

  • posted by Lolo

    Scotgran that is fab!!! well done! Love the expression ‘tummy wedge!’ so stealing that one haha xx

  • posted by Scotgran

    Loll it was meant to be tummy wodge which I confess I loved and stole from someone else on here! Anyway hopefully there will be less of it soon.

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