Over night oats

Recipe by Running man

  • Time needed: 6 minutes
  • Calories per serving: 236
  • Servings: One
  • Difficulty: 1
  • Rating: 4.50 based on 4 reviews

Fresh fruit/frozen berry mix with oats, chia seeds and yogurt over night ready for breakfast


• Jumbo oats 15g
• Whole chia seeds 4g
• Set natural biopot yoghurt 150g
• Fresh Kiwi fruit 71g(weights var per kiwi)
• Frozen berry mix 56g


Place oats,chia seeds and yogurt in a bowl finely chopped kiwi with skin and mix all the ingredients together well . Sprinkle the frozen berry over the top then cover bowl and leave in fridge over night ready for the morning. Depending on the weight of the kiwi 236 calories.

7 reviews for “Over night oats”

  • review by:

    I lliked this a lot, and easy for the morning! Didn’t have any Kiwis, so substituted an apple. Not sure about adding Kiwi skin though, I thought it was bad for you?

  • review by:
    Not rated

    Question: is there a health benefit to soaking them overnight and not cooking them?
    I (think I) read in Dr. M’s book that cooking changes the resistant starches. So, does this recipe use rolled oats?
    If using steel cut oats, wouldn’t you have to cook them? Thanks.

  • review by:

    This one kept me full for long enough to last til lunch time. The only swap I made was to use blended peaches instead of the kiwi and berries. I made too much and froze the rest in ice cube trays for later. I also added it to myfitness for future use.

  • review by:

    Soaking rolled oats “activates” the enzymes which improved nutritional benefits- Nourishing Traditions by Sally Fallon. I soak the oats overnight in water and warm through. It cooks quickly while making the oats soft and fluffy. As I take thyroxine each morning, dairy is not to be consumed for several hours. I add berries for flavour and crushed walnuts. The oats keep me filling full for several hours.

  • review by:

    Found this a great breakfast to have to stop feeling hungry.

  • review by:
    Not rated

    Thank you for sharing your recipe. i love oats but i never try this recipe. next time i’ll try your recipe. it seems so delicious and a new experience for me. i make oats in 4 different ways you can check my recipe. https://www.risaweiner.com/oats-overnight-oats-recipes/ Hope so you’ll like my recipe. the best thing is this is weight watchers style recipe.

  • review by:
    Not rated

    This is great. Not a fan of kiwifruit so replaced with feijoas which I have millions of at the moment .

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