Wow totally addicted to the salsa Verdi and will try with other dishes. Thanks so much for this receipe it was delicious.
Succulent Pan fried chicken breast, with Salad. What’s not to like?
• 150g Skinless chicken breast.
• 1tsp gram flour (chickpea flour, bessan)
• 1/2 tbs olive oil for frying
• Salad of leaves and cherry tomatoes onions and herbs.
• Homemade salsa Verde (1tbs capers drained, 1big clove garlic, 1 or 2 dill pickles/gherkins, chopped parsley 1x good handful, 2x good handfuls mix of coriander, mint basil,other soft herbs to taste, 1tbs Sherry/wine/cider vinegar or lemon juice, 1tbs olive oil, 1tsp mustard, s&p to taste. Water or more lemon juice to slacken Optional extras lime/lemon zest, chopped chili. Chop it all till its fine... )
Cover a chopping board in clingfilm, put the chicken breast on it and again cover in cling film.
Now bash it with a rolling pin. Not in a psychotic rage. More well judged bangs in a considered judicial manner, until the breast is nice and even and spread out about 1-2 Cm thick.
Grind S&P over both side of the chook.
Now sprinkle the gram flour over. I used a sieve as it helps a little go further, reducing this ingredient to a minimum. It really does help with the final texture of the dish, is a bean flour not refined wheat flour, but even so... less is good.
Make your salad. Make it colourful. Make it zing. Screw skittles rainbow of fruit flavour- this is the real thing. Food.
Make the salsa Verde. It really is just chopping. And now there's no clingfilm on the chopping board it's clean and waiting. Though a food processor on pulse will do the job too. It should taste zingy, fresh, salty, but not crinkle your mouth to a need a twinkle toosh. Nothing needs a twinkle toosh.
Heat a dry frying pan till very hot, add the 1/2 tbs olive oil and lay in the chicken. Turn the heat down to medium.
After 2 minutes there should be good colour so turn it for another 2 mins. I know it's chicken, but don't turn it into dry shoe leather "to be on the safe side".
Serve it up. Pile on the salad, and a good spoonful of the salsa Verde.
250kc with all the salad and salsa For a filling tasty dinner.
Wine with that?

How did you find the recipe?