I am starting the 800course but have problems exersising with my arthritic knees , will I still get a good result.

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I am starting the 800course but have problems exersising with my arthritic knees , will I still get a good result.
Hi Terry trumpet.
I am in my third week and was 20 stone 9lbs and I am currently just under 19 stone probably a bit less.
I am a long distance Truck driver and as you can imagine it is not a job renowned for fitness.
I carry some free weights with me and do arm exercises/push ups along with sit ups.
As you can see 23 lbs in less than 3 weeks is great in my book so I do not see a problem with BSD for you.
Give it a go and at 800 calories a day your weight will drop at some point .
Good luck
Thanks Nidge I will give it a go from monday.