Today was day 56 (8 weeks). I started at 135kg (298lb) and clocked in at 117kg (258lb) today. That’s a 18kg total loss which works out at 13.3%.
My target was 114kg which would have been 15.6% – for no other reason that I would have been “17st something” which sounded better than “18st something”
The diet wasn’t difficult; I never really felt hungry. My biggest problem were temptations left out by others in the house. I also had a couple of blips related to social occasions (birthdays) but, the graph is more or less linear.
My motivation was blood sugar – which has dropped from 9mmol/L to 6ish. Most of that drop only happened in the last 2 weeks which deflated me a bit. It’s still higher than I’d hoped for.
I’m kinda wondering “what now?”
1 … Should I continue for a week or two to hit the 114kg mark and if so, for how long? (The title of this forum is “… for up to 8 weeks” )
2 … A lot people seem to have gone on for 12 weeks – Is this advisable or is it too long?
3 … Or is it best to up the calories and if so to what level? (I’m 6’3 – most calculators give a figure of ~2300cal/day … perhaps 5 days at 2300 and 2 days at 800 ?)
4 … Or Is it advisable to plateau for a couple of months then do another 8 week burst?
All advice will be gratefully received!!!