What are the benefits of fasting while on the fast 800?

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  • posted by wobblebottom

    I often skip breakfast and eat between 10am and 7pm which leaves a 15 hour fasting period.
    Is this likely to have any impact, positive or negative on the outcomes of the diet?

  • posted by Frog

    Good I should think – I can do late or skipped breakfasts, but I’m rubbish at eating early in the evening.

    The BBC did an experiment on their “trust me I’m a doctor” series a few months ago; its not on iplayer any more, but there’s an article about it on the BBC website – the group that had long overnight fasts did better than the control group. Micheal Mosley is in the series, but didn’t present that piece.


  • posted by SkyWalker

    Many of us fast from around early evening to breakfast managing 14 hours. hard cases report 16 and eat only in the 8 hour period. It seems that over 12 hours is more or less essential and longer is good. Dr M explained that when we fast our bodies switch into a kind of repair mode rather than storing fat, especially when food is scarce. So 800 cals and a long fast does the job. We need to up our fats and protein when we reduce carbs to a low level and wait for our bodies to switch to fat burning. My blood pressure reduced significantly since I started. I am in week 18 now but no longer counting anything and since I added a magnesium supplement ( I am over 60) I have been transformed in terms of energy that was a bit lacking recently to a point where some days I would be exhausted.

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