Hi all, really hoping someone can help. So this is the start of week 12 low carb trying to reduce my HB1ac. Was 58 Nov 22 and last week (after a home test result) came back at 43. Ive lost just over a stone and exercising going really well. Was thrilled with my result so far and the support reading these posts has ben incredible. I have my official GP HB bloods beginning March so I’d like to think I can reduce the reading further.
The issue is this weekend I was derailed on my diet and had a few nasty spikes yesterday and my fasting level was 8.3 this morning which is a lot higher than it has been since about week 2. (Normally under 6.5) Obviously Im well back on track as of now, but;
Will a day or so of spiking affect my HB test in march or can I call it a blip and get back on track and undo yesterdays damage?
To say im feeling disappointed in myself is an understatement but I guess I just need some words of wisdom from you lovely lot and a bit of perspective on the situation.
Thanks heaps for reading x