Sweat smells like chlorine

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  • posted by CHolme

    Hi I’ve been doing this TBSD for about 4 months but could never shake the cravings for sugary snacks in the evening, so over the past week I got serious and stopped having those treats and stuck to TBSD 100% and I’ve noticed that my sweat smells like chlorine, I hope this is nothing to worry about. Have other people also experienced this?

  • posted by sunshine-girl

    Hi there, sweat smells can be caused by any number of things. I would suggest if it is to do with the diet it is your body ridding itself of the rubbish. But, it could be hormonal, change of diet, more or less fluids, type of clothing, temperature. It is such a minor thing that can be dealt with easily. If it becomes a real problem you could ask your doctor about prescribing a super strong deodorant (I think there are some you can buy) or at the worst, botox injections under the armpits will cure it.

  • posted by CHolme

    Hi sunshine girl I have a super sensitive body and can’t use all the normal products so deodorant is out of the question the one I can use is those salt rub ons. The smell doesn’t bother me much, I just wanted to know what it was as google talks about kidney failure but I’ve had recent tests and they’re fine. Thanks for the reply

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