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  • posted by Actionmum

    As I have started this new path of life style change, I find myself mostly solo. I’m not complaining but at times it would be nice to have support from people around me. All my family/friends have never had to struggle with their weight. Does anyone else feel like this at times?
    I’m now into my third week, I have lost 6 kilos (13.2) pounds. I am extremely happy with this!!! I hope everyone has a lovely day!!

  • posted by Switzerland

    Hi Actionmum,

    An amazing loss for 3 weeks. Your happiness is justified.
    These forums offer so much support. As it’s global, there is usually someone reading the threads to answer any queries and offer kind words.
    When people have never had to struggle with losing weight, they really don’t understand – remember Week 1 Day 1 and before that when you always felt hungry? And then as the carb cravings settle you don’t feel hungry all the time – I’m pretty sure the ‘not feeling hungry all the time’ is how people that don’t have weight/carb problems feel all of the time. It’s hard to understand when you haven’t experienced it and coupled with weight loss myths (eg she/he can’t lose weight because they have no willpower) people like us end up with the ‘perfect storm of no/little support’.
    I don’t have anything to offer you in terms of how to get your friends/family on board. Hopefully as they notice you losing weight and you educate them about the BSD they’ll come around.
    Meanwhile, use these forums, as often as you want to – there’s a world of support here.

  • posted by hashimoto

    Hi Actionmum, welcome to the forums and the BSD way of life!
    You are not alone on these forums full of friendly, helpful people on the same path as you. There is always someone to support you and laugh or cry along the journey ๐Ÿ™‚

    Congratulations on what you have achieved so far! ๐Ÿ™‚

  • posted by Eureka

    Hi Actionmum
    First rule of BSD, LOVE YOURSELF. You have come to this diet/ new way of life for YOU. Approbation from others is good but not necessary for you to succeed. You & your determination are all that is required for you to succeed.

    You are flying Solo & wow how confidant are you at the throttle. Go loop the loop, all eyes on you! ๐Ÿ›ฉ
    Ground control is here to support you if you stall

  • posted by Bill1954

    Hi Actionmum
    Like Eureka said, you are doing this for yourself, not anyone else.
    Give yourself a huge pat on the back for making the decision to start this new lifestyle, you’re starting to see the results now and, although your family may not be saying much, they’ll be noticing the changes in you.
    You have a global BSD virtual family now and we are all happy to offer you all the support you need.
    No one will castigate you when you have a slip up, the BSDers will take you by the hand and gently lead you back to the path.
    Congratulations on a great start and best of luck on your journey. ๐Ÿ™‚

  • posted by Actionmum

    A big thank you to all who have replied and who have shown me support and reassurance. I now definitely know I’m part of the BSD FAMILY. I truely appreciate everyone’s input. This afternoon I managed to find a couple of smaller sized clothing items of which I haven’t been able to wear. My husband asked “where are you off to?” “Are you going out?” This is a good sign! Bring on week 4, wow I’m nearly half way through the 8 wks. I have found the program extremely manageable.

  • posted by Izzy

    Wow that must have been a real boost wearing those clothes ๐Ÿ™‚ I have a pair of jeans I keep trying on hopefully but I’m not there yet! I look forwards to it though. It is true that we have to do this for ourselves, but I’m sorry you don’t feel you have support around you. As others have said perhaps when they see how well you have done. Sounds like your husband is beginning to see. I hope so. I’m quite new here myself but I’ve found it to be a great support and very welcoming, Congrats on your loss so far and good luck with the weeks ahead.

  • posted by captainlynne

    Hi Actionmum

    Welcome to the family ๐Ÿ˜ƒ You’ll get lots of support on here, now we’re worldwide there’s usually someone around day or night. Look forward to hearing more of your progress.

  • posted by HappyLife

    The best part is we are not alone as we all have each other in here.
    My husband isn’t on it as he doesn’t need it and yesterday he went grocery shopping and brought home two chocolate bars.
    I convinced him I don’t want that food in here anymore and he said throw them out. Instead we will give them to someone.
    He’s seen my transformation in just 2.5 weeks and was on board but somehow lapses in his judgement when shopping.

    I think the hardest himp is speaking up for ourselves with anyone around us but it’s important or we will eat like them again and gain our weight back. .

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