Suggestion Regarding Book Recipes

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  • posted by Clivehw

    Hi I’m new here, but after reading the book, it occurred to me that we’re all struggling to cook and measure stuff while holding a tiny book where the pages would get greasy.

    Would it not make more sense to be able to download the recipes from the site and see breakfast, lunch and dinner at a glance? etc


  • posted by Bill1954

    Unfortunately making things available to download takes up masses of server space with the associated costs.
    I have a tablet so I can go to the recipe section and just take the tablet into the kitchen with me 😉

  • posted by Clivehw

    Thanks for that Bill. I have a tablet too, so how did you get the recipes on it? Did you just type them from the book?

  • posted by orchid

    Hi Clive,
    I copy the recipes I want to use from the website and paste into a word document. I may also edit to keep a standard style, and also add in the calories and carbs.
    They are then in one place and I can print off a sheet if I need it and amend as required.
    I am not the tidiest cook and all my cookery books are splashed with food so I am wary about taking a tablet or Kindle into the kitchen!

  • posted by Clivehw

    Thank you for your input Orchid.

    If Bill1954 is reading this: I actually work in the computer industry. Putting the recipes from the book up online would cost absolutely Zero! It would cost them more to host this forum than put up a few tiny pdfs on an external site like dropbox or onedrive. Put a few pictures up on this site with links to an external download site is all that is needed.

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