Starting the 800 AGAIN. Who's with me?

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  • posted by Bengivengo84

    So… I had a relatively successful first stab at the 8 week program which started around 9 weeks ago and I’m eager for a second crack of the whip! I’m posting this (first post!) to get that motivation back on track.

    My starting weight was 15.10st and I got down to 14.03st by around week 6. I have gained a little weight back and I am now around 14.06st. For context I am 6.2 tall. I was surprised to learn that for my height I really should be below 13st so my overall target is to 12.12st.

    I was very strict for the first 5 weeks of the program, as I was highly motivated, which thankfully made it pretty easy at first. I stuck to the following principles: 800-1000 calories per day, at least 3 lots of 30 mins exercise per week, eat lots of veggies and a little fruit, no chips/pizza/pasta allowed (all fast food banned tbh), no added sugar, and a ban on alcohol for the duration of the 8 weeks. I had two events in the diary to take place at the end of the 8 weeks to help keep me motivated; these were a weekend in Brighton (where lots of booze would be consumed) and a half marathon in Wales the weekend after that. Both kept me going. Both have now been and gone, a great time was had!

    While I think I have done well, I did relax the rules around week 6, largely due to being hit with a massive cold which pretty much wiped me out – I am a little disappointing by this as I had garnered good results and I wonder if I could have done better (It’s effing amazing when your friends/family notice the difference!). However, extra calories were needed and physical exercise dwindled while I battled the unwanted cold. That said, I did the half marathon (my first in 4 years), and I am still alive to tell the tale.

    I am now on the first day of another 8 week program. Anyone else wanting to kick start, or who is thinking of starting, or has just got back into this, please get involved and let me know how you are doing. I know that I need to get something in the diary at the end of the 8 weeks to keep me going again, but I think posting on here and hearing how others are getting on will also inspire me to keep to this again… My big learning points from last time are: have something in the diary at the end of 8 weeks to keep you motivated, print off a diary and tick off each day you complete, have both short term and long term goals (my short term was 14.06st/long term 12.12st) prepare your meals in advance when you can, pack your gym gear the night before, tell people what you are doing and explain why (more often than not they’ll be supportive and they won’t slap you in the face with slice of cake!)

    Next goal is 13.06st by the end of these 8 weeks. Let’s go!
    That’s enough from me. Good luck to ya’ll.

  • posted by sunshine-girl

    Hi Ben, just popping in to wish you luck. I have been on this plan since June 2016 and I always stick with the plan with some ups and downs. I have not lost masses of weight but I am very happy my BG is down within normal even though I havent totally got rid of all my meds. One day….. Anyway just get back to it and keep on keeping on…

  • posted by LucyAB

    Hi Ben,

    I am going to start again having given up due to stress at work and absence. I am loads better now and want to tackle physical health now. Iโ€™ve (stupidly) tried a shake programme which was horrendous and I got terrible migraine from after 3 days!
    I have to get healthier and lose the weight before my 50th next year!

    Good luck to you !


  • posted by Bengivengo84

    Morning! Last week was manic so I wast able to reply. First week back into the ‘program’ was a mild success (not had a chance to weigh in yet though), I think it will (hopefully) ease me into a much more conservative week 2! In week 1 the exercise took place, the healthy eating was okayish (but damn did I eat too much cheese!), and the calories ranged between 1200-1800 per day. Still better than a usual week; but I think I should have done better. Always the way, huh?

    Sunshine-Girl, thanks for the message. I wish you the best of luck! I started doing this at first to support my Mum (as well as drop some weight myself) as she was diagnosed with type-2 diabetes last year. I can happily say that she too has been keeping to the principle of this lifestyle, she has dropped a huge amount of weight and her blood levels have returned to ‘normal’. She visited the Dr’s this month and it was confirmed that she is out of the ‘diabetic range’, she came off of a lot of meds and it is anticipated that she will be off of all meds at her next visit in 3 months time. So, it is possible. Keep it up! Happy to talk further if it helps.

    Lucy, thank you also for saying hello. I think program wise you have to find what works best for you, it is certainly not a ‘one-size-fits-all and there may be some experimenting involved.The shake thing works for me but I like to mix it up. Usually a day will consist of skipping breakfast, having either a soup/shake for lunch (Batch cooking homemade soup is the way forward!), and then a dinner. I try to have around 200 calories for lunch leaving me 500/600 for dinner. I need the dinner to feel substantial, so it usually consists of either a massive mixed salad with a varying combination of protein/fat (Mackerel/Tuna/Chicken/Eggs/Avocado/Seeds/Nuts) or lots of steamed veggies again with a combo of good fats and proteins. Or, alternatively, I may batch cook a chilli/hotpot/stew, and go to town on that instead. Although I think variety is key, for others it may be easier to stick rigidly to the same things over and over again, as this makes it easier to stay in control of what you are consuming and limits the risk of falling off the wagon. Good luck and feel free to let me know how you’re getting on. Remember, lots of water, and herbal/green tea is also a good shout for minimising those damned headaches!

    Anyhoo, on to week 2 for me!

  • posted by DonCato

    Hey Ben,

    Cat here. I have just started the BSD. Week 2 and have lost 6lb. Some days I was good some days I went off (I made a chocolate torte for my mum’s b-day that I just had to have a slice). I really liked your post. I’m impressed you have already done this once. Like you I am not hugely overweight but could do with being fitter and healthier. I like to miss breakfast as well so I can eat more in the evening as late night is when I usually snack. I agree batch food is great. Sometimes I like when I know what I’ll be having for a few days so I don’t have to think about cooking. Also started couch to 5k last week. Well done and keep going!! I’m on 3rd week of BSD and 2nd week of C25K. Keep is updated on how you get on! ๐Ÿ™‚

  • posted by Bengivengo84

    Hello Cat

    Thank you for your message. 6lb is a great start and indeed I think allowing yourself those treats (who on earth says NO to Chocolate Torte, especially home made for you Ma’s birthday!) is paramount to your success. We all react differently to the 8 week program, but I had a bit of a pause on weight loss in Wk 3, if this happens at any point do not be disheartened, just keep on and everything will 100% go in the right direction.

    Also, I tip my hat to you for having two challenges on the go at once. I believe doing BSD in tandem with another challenge like the C25K is an excellent idea. I’m certain that when you see improvements in your physical appearance and when you feel your stamina increase, this will further strengthen your chances of success. I would mindful to not over do it though, or to put too much pressure on yourself. I noticed during my first stint that my energy levels dipped a couple of times, and I felt a bit dizzy on occasions, if that happens do listen to your body and don’t over do it! Ease off a little if this happens. Better to succeed with minimal bruising! Please let me know how you get on. Good luck!

    I’m on Day 1 of week 2. Had a 45 Min cardio session at the gym, and devoured a 400cal lunch consisting of Rainbow salad and chicken mayo… Now I gotta cut back on dinner. Ooosh!

  • posted by Californiagirl

    Hi Ben, Cat and Sunshinegirl! Itโ€™s good to see you all here โ€” I know Sunshinegirl from way back and Cat from another thread, and hello to Ben. Congratulations to your mom on her success โ€” that is wonderful!

  • posted by Bengivengo84

    Evening Californiagirl, thank you kindly!

  • posted by DonCato

    Hi all,

    Just posting for my own sanity. Yesterday I ate a bit over and had a hot chocolate with mum. But today going strong. 800 cals and a run this evening. So day by day going okay ish. Hope all are doing well. Also it’s soooo cold here in England!!! Good luck all!

  • posted by Californiagirl

    Thatโ€™s good staying the course Cat! Especially when it is cold โ€” how are you doing on the carbohydrate thing? Once you become keto adapted (usually less than 40-50 grams/carb per day) you might find you are WARMER than before โ€” and it gets even better as you go on, as you add mitochondria to your โ€œwhiteโ€ fat and turn it into โ€œbrownโ€ fat (which is heat producing).
    Check out Dr Bikmanโ€™s podcasts if you can โ€” he has good information on how this works.
    Good to hear you are doing well!!

  • posted by Smead01

    Hi All,

    I am kicking off today after a first crack at the 800 BSD 6 months ago. Lasted for 5 weeks had great results and then went on holiday and dropped the ball! Overweight and uncomfortable so time to make a change. Looking forward to taking the journey with you all.


  • posted by Bengivengo84

    Thanks for the podcast tip, that name has popped up on my radar a couple of time, so maybe it’s time to investigate. I’ll have a listen over the weekend while I do some mindful cooking.

    Cat, posting to discuss any shortfalls is a most positive step. Don’t beat yourself up, dust yourself off instead and pick it up today if you can. I’ve gone over a bit this week myself too, felt guilty as hell, then had to remind myself that my calorie count is still way better than it has been these last few years. Plus what I’m consiming is largely healthy. And indeed it is COLD! ๐Ÿ˜‰

    Hello Samantha, I hope all is going well. Good luck with your second shot. 5 weeks is still a success really, but certainly getting in as long as you can will reward you with even better results. Keep us posted and let us know if you ever got any questions. There’s a fair few helpful people in amongst the various forms.

    Have a day all, Jim

  • posted by DonCato

    Hi all,

    Nice to meet you Samantha. Good luck on your second go. 5 weeks is great going! Hope all is going well with everyone. Hey CG! I’m about 85% doing okay with the carb thing. I have had a some potatoes here or there. The big thing I’ve noticed is I eat between 5pm and 6pm and run at about 6.30pm so recently I have been going from 6pm to 9am not eating which I heard helps your body (fasting state??). I’m trying to eat more healthy fats and veg to replace the carbs I used to eat. The hardest part is breakfast. I used to have muslie, or Weetabix, or toast most mornings so I seem to be having a lot of eggs. How is everyone else doing? Stay strong! ๐Ÿ™‚

  • posted by DonCato

    Hi all,

    Nice to meet you Samantha. Good luck on your second go. 5 weeks is great going! Hope all is going well with everyone. Hey CG! I’m about 85% doing okay with the carb thing. I have had a some potatoes here or there. The big thing I’ve noticed is I eat between 5pm and 6pm and run at about 6.30pm so recently I have been going from 6pm to 9am not eating which I heard helps your body (fasting state??). I’m trying to eat more healthy fats and veg to replace the carbs I used to eat. The hardest part is breakfast. I used to have muslie, or Weetabix, or toast most mornings so I seem to be having a lot of eggs. How is everyone else doing? Stay strong! ๐Ÿ™‚

  • posted by Bengivengo84

    Morning all!

    Thank you for all your posts up here, they’ve been very encouraging and I hope they’ve been the same for you.

    Well… it’s checking in time. I’ve gotta be honest I’ve been beating myself up a bit of late. I ended the last two weeks of my first stint (let’s call that phase 1) in a way more relaxed fashion than it had started. Phase 2 (starting to sound like the MCU now-fellow nerds will get it!) is going well but hasn’t start as nearly as strictly as phase 1. I’ve had a slice of toasted sourdough (how could something so beautiful be so evil!) with every evening meal (soup or scrambled eggs). So, it is with great relief and a huge amount of joy that I can confirm at today’s weigh in I was 14.0st. I’m genuinely over the moon. Last weigh in was end at the end of October and I was 14.06st.

    So… Points to consider: I’ve not eaten as well as I could have, while calories have been in deficit and my weight has reduced, I do need to get more greens in me. This will help me stay fuller for longer and may also address my mood and energy which have noticably dipped.

    But… I must not forget that I’m just slightly over a stone away from my target! Feels good people. Have a great freakin’ weekend! Be kind to yourselves and enjoy the ride.


  • posted by DonCato

    Hi all

    Ben that’s fantastic you’ve reached your 14st mark! Well done mate. I have been really bad this weekend omg (dare I say celebrations were brought into the house and digestive biscuits and fish and chips! None of which by me). Even though I knew I was going of the wagon for the last 4 days I would say I kept a tally of the cals. About 1200 a day. I am writing this just to remind myself that’s okay and to try again tomorrow. So tomorrow is a new day folk! It’s okay to stummble, just keep trying. Peace out y’all (I hope that sounds cool – have never tried saying that in person) ๐Ÿ™‚

  • posted by AuroraMagic

    Hi Bengivengo84, & everyone else! ๐Ÿ™‚
    Sounds like you are doing just great!
    My weight loss is far slower than 1stone / 2mths! But I’ve learned how to have a good diet and varied foods.
    Rye bread seems to be ‘OK’.
    Try looking at Dr Clare Bailey’s Recipe book… you can substitute her recipes if you prefer.
    I’ve been on this since June and I only had 3stone 3lb to lose ! I ought to have you make up my food!
    Anyway injuries/operations have seen me do next to no excercise.
    However just had what I hope is the last op and still going ok. Now down at 9st 5lb from 11st 8lb!
    Anyway as others have suggested (elsewhere) and as I find helpful write down all you eat and drink.
    I never ‘check in’ until I decide to.
    At the back of the book I have a chart of weights and measurements …. and it is wonderful to see the numbers dropping bit by bit month by month.
    I see this as a way of life. Expecting to only slightly increase foods as I’m only loseing so little but I’m good on this.
    I will admist my ONLY indulgence in all this time (I would say I was truly on this foodstuffs from mid June onwards but can’t afford everything on his suggested diet menus so simplify them), a chocolate bomb a few weekends ago (before op) and a tiny sponge cake after returning from Op the hosp had supplied. But madly it was really boring and uninteresting but I’d not eaten anything and it was ‘there’, not normally a temptation, but I was also curious to try it and see what I thought. Knoing I’d blow weight losss for the week if not a bit longer. Glad it was boring as makes me stronger and easier to ignore futher temptations!
    I hope soon to do more excerise but I do a lot of DIY … and been doing more before last Op. (home last Sun night).
    Keep going but see it as a change for life … try to consider embracing the principals and like me I hope to not have a future weight problem. ๐Ÿ˜€

  • posted by alliecat

    Hi Aurora! I haven’t caught up with you in awhile. I hope everything is going well for you…I agree with you
    that the biggest victory is not losing the weight, but keeping it off. We have the tools to do it, as long as
    we don’t delude ourselves into believing we can return to old patterns of behavior and get away with it ๐Ÿ™‚
    I’m feeling very confident about the holidays, and for me that begins with not bringing any of the bad stuff
    into the house…Some folks are suited to the concept of “everything in moderation”, but I’m not one of them ๐Ÿ™‚
    Best wishes to you in navigating the festive season. Good to hear from you!


  • posted by Bengivengo84

    Hello to Aurora & Allie! Thanks for your messages. I’m definitely embracing the principles and agree jotting things down does help keep on track. I printed an 8-week planner first time around and stuck it on my notice board. I used it to tick off each day, and to record each meal and each phys session that I completed. I know there are plenty of apps for this, but having this in my eye line worked better for me.

    Hi Cat, I hear ya! 100% enjoy the good food when it comes your way, don’t guilt yourself, and just crack back on with it the next day.

    Quick catch up from me. Not the best of weeks food wise. Daytime eating has remained the same (zero breakfast, a soup/shake for lunch), but evenings have been troublesome. I had a wee bit of chocolate, crisps and sweets this week – I’m none too pleased by my lack of discipline. However, I’ll do a weigh in on Saturday morning after my run and I am hoping to still be at the 14.0 mark. Despite my short comings this week, I don’t feel bad about it. I am still generally eating a lot less and a lot healthier than before.

    Keep it up ya’ll

  • posted by oldbluejeans

    Oh my goodness. Here I am back again after 2 years and there are names I recognise. How lovely Iโ€™m not the only one. First time around I lost 22kg and stayed around that weight for 8 months – then got ill which got progressively worse. Will not bore everyone with details but mobility very limited and cake and biscuits have come back so much into my life that I am carrying the equivalent of a small toddler in weight around with me 24/7. Have had a word with myself as to how ridiculous it is to have a mobility problem and be overweight compounding the problem. So here I am again!! Nice to see some โ€˜old facesโ€™ on here.

  • posted by Leeanne

    Here I am again! Did the 800 in the spring of 2016 – lost 2.5st. Had Metformin dose halved. Sadly I’ve regained the weight (combination of bad eating, bad back and menopause). More worrying are my blood sugar readings – currently in the teens – in fact I’ve not had a diabetic review since June 2016 as I’ve been trying to get back on the wagon unsuccessfully. So, here goes. Did it once and can do it again. Trying to clear out all the Xmas stodge!!

  • posted by Bengivengo84

    Hello all! What a busy time of the year. Not gonna lie, I’ve defo slipped up a wee bit, weight went up a smidge, however not beating myself up about it. I’m two days back into eating well… First day was tough as hunger pangs certainly kicked in! But it’ll get easier.

    As for those blood sugar levels, with a little discipline and dedication, they will drop into a healthy zone in no time. You did it once, you can certainly do it again. Just remind yourself, this isn’t just about weight loss, this is about looking better, being healthier and living longer. Wishing you all a Happy New Year… JB

  • posted by AuroraMagic

    Hi Oldbluejeans, Sorry to hear of your bother. I broke my ankle over a yr ago and have been house bound for about a year minus a very short period before the big op to fix it! So I get the house bound and ‘ill’ and being overweight. It was the pre-op weight that was my final ‘blow’ that kicked me into action! And I’ve lost just over 2.5stone!

    Hi Leeanne & Bengivengo84 – yep I too slipped a bit the last week! My first real slip since June!
    Friends inviting me to xmas dinners and so I made mince meat pies (& roly-poly’s etc) with apple, made with puff pastry, to give away, but I can’t find enough people to had them too, so err hummm had a few!! oops.
    But after one more tomorrow then that’ll be ‘IT’ !! ๐Ÿ˜€
    Not other food is in the house bar some old xmas puds that have been there for years anyway! ๐Ÿ˜€ So to me I’m back on track.
    But it’s interesting how that sugar hit makes you want more. A big reminder how addictive it is and can be. For me an interesting ‘excercise’ and great reminder how easy it can be to slip. But it is a slip and we can all slip. This slip for me tells me just how easy it can be! I see the sugar as an addiction and that I really must make it a ‘no sugar at all’ like alcohol. I enjoy the foods I’ve had & more than happy to get back on track… ! ๐Ÿ˜€
    Don’t feel bad though as that gains nothing, just restart the right foods, and know that the weight will fall off slowly and surely. And we’re here will try to help you stay on track. I’m definitely no expert but I’ll do my best.

  • posted by oldbluejeans

    Hi AuroraMagic – me too with sugar, if thereโ€™s such a thing as a โ€˜sugarholicโ€™ then thatโ€™s me. I really have to stay far, far away from anything loaded with sugar which of course I havenโ€™t been doing which is why my starting weight here this time is 88kg ๐Ÿ˜ฑ (according to my GP I should be aiming for 61kg!). I made a large lemon drizzle traybake for Christmas visitors most of whom wanted savoury nibbles and booze rather than coffee and cake. Did the cake make it to the bin? No, it didnโ€™t get further than my face. At least it spurred me back onto the 800.

    A Happy and Healthy New Year to everyone and letโ€™s hope that this time next year weโ€™ve all managed to stay off the rubbish foods and feel more comfortable with our health and bodies. Off to friends for a New Yearโ€™s Eve dinner party tonight, I shall enjoy everything I am given but not eat huge portions, calories are irrelevant tonight. Luckily I donโ€™t really drink so at least thatโ€™s one battle I donโ€™t have to fight.

    GOOD LUCK and GOOD HEALTH to everyone on here in 2019.

  • posted by Leeanne

    Hello again – a few names I recognise from a while ago.
    Today I sorted out all the left over Xmas treats – crisps/Pringles/crackers/chocs, etc and gave them away so they’re out of temptation’s reach. I succeeded last time by meal planning so that’s my NYE job – looking forward to staying in.
    Happy New Year to everyone!

  • posted by FiFi Dunn

    Ok I’m starting it for the first time… I have oodles to loose… Although not quite diabetic yet!!! I think I have done almost every diet under the sun!!

  • posted by alliecat

    My sincere warm wishes to all who are returning to the community to begin 2019 on a different note! I wish you every
    success ๐Ÿ™‚ WelcomeFiFiDunn! The BSD changes lives permanently, and isn’t just another diet, but a whole lifestyle,
    that if embraced, will make weight management in the future effortless and fun. The principles are relatively straight
    forward, no white carbs or sugar, low carbs, moderate protein and high healthy (plant based) fats. There are many
    very experienced BSDers here, so please just shout out if you have any questions or concerns, and one of us will
    be along with solutions and/or tips to help. Join any thread that speaks to you, and you will be made very welcome!

    Happy New Year everyone!

  • posted by AuroraMagic

    Hi Allie, All beasutifully said (as usual!)
    Hi FiFi Dunn – as Allie says this is a real ‘way of eating’ than a ‘diet’ but it works. YOu find your own way gradually, to the best foods out of it that suit you. It starts by following the ‘diet’ and subsitute (if you feel you need to) with other recommended meals from his wife’s book (Dr Clare Bailey) or just stick to what he states.
    I still follow the diet recommendations (e.g protein /ingredients) but I now won’t always do the recipe exactly as it’s stated, but often a slightly more simple one but neigh the same recommended ingredients.
    I just about now have most of the ‘right’ food in stock (a BIG help) and very little bad food (untouched – bar the mince pies I made for ‘everyone for xmas’) however, at most I gained a pound, but I was pretty good. ๐Ÿ™‚
    Just ask anything, as folk round these parts are helpeful and friendly. I’ve only been on this WOE for 6mths but lost over 2.5stone. I’ve been eating too many veg and probably a few too many nuts, but I’m enjoying my change of food and reduced the overall amount that I eat. I haven’t lost a stone in any month but I think if I stuck ridgily & precisely to it I might. But I needed at first to empty cupboards slowly & couldn’t afford to just bin the bad stuff. So it was a month or so before I was really on the full diet. But most of all I’m HAPPY. I’m thrilled I’ve lost so much as I feel in control and finally know ‘what & how’ to lose weight! ๐Ÿ˜€

  • posted by KazzUK

    Hi Aurora – yes, it’s like being given the answer to THE secret that has evaded us for 4 decades!
    I’m excited to be starting another year with the key to success! ๐Ÿ™‚

  • posted by AuroraMagic

    Hi KazzUK,
    Yes indeed. ๐Ÿ™‚
    But how sad that the simplicity of it hasn’t been really taught well years ago… or even today!? ๐Ÿ™
    There are lots of very good tv shows, which are ‘taking the message to the masses’ but I still feel it often misses the ‘keys’ so to speak!
    It shows foods… & recipies & even people properly cooking again! And they all lose weight! ๐Ÿ˜€
    But for me they miss the ‘obvious’.
    The variety of simple foods.
    The low carbs.
    The understanding of the carbs in veg & fruit & what to avoid. (Esp those with higher sugar in
    The fact that you WILL take back control of your shape through your food. ๐Ÿ™‚
    For me if someone told me that when i started whilst I might nit have totally believed them, I would hope for it! ๐Ÿ˜€
    And if *I* can do it (with a love of sugar!), then I reckon anyone can if they really want to.

  • posted by AuroraMagic

    Hi all,
    yeah it’s good fir us all to ‘quickly’ be back on track!
    But although i had a little slip over xmas I’ve been rigid in my determination to stick to thus way of life.
    As I approach my ideal weight, (about 8wks time), it is hard to imagine ‘dropping my guard’ is going to be ok!
    But as I’m losing weight slowly, I think that I’ll only need a liitle extra to maintain weight! So I’ll need to retain most if my guard, or I’ll slip totally.
    But fir niw I m happy that I have my little brekky (Bengiveg84 -kippers/ yoghurt / eggs / apple goji almond butter/ porridge etc etc ) then salad lunch, then protein & veg. With yoghurt /blueberries to help when hungry / nuts.
    I do add the nuts & seeds to all my salads & find that extra protein really helps!
    I think keeping up all the variety of food is really important. ๐Ÿ™‚ I’ve certrainly learned a great deal about variety & portion controls! ๐Ÿ˜€
    Keep it up everyone! ๐Ÿ˜€

  • posted by KazzUK

    I totally agree, Aurora. Only yesterday, a very large colleague of mine and another with about 30 lbs to shift and I were talking in the kitchen about how we want to shift some weight and get fitter. My large colleague, (approx 250 lbs) was excited to tell us she’d re-joined SW cos she just can’t live without her carbs! She’s holding a laden jacket potato with cheese and beans! I’ve sent her the links to this WOE in the passed, so I didn’t comment further. but my heart sinks. Nothing will convince her to try this way. ๐Ÿ™

  • posted by NightOwl

    Hi All, newbie here…tried this a couple of years ago as Hba1c was telling me I needed to get my act together…lost 18lbs in 31 days and then promptly reverted to type…idiot

    So here I am again, starting anew, with a very firm realisation that actually I need to be low carb for the rest of my life…starting with 8 weeks 800 as a good kick off point. I’ve a type 1 daughter and a type 2 dad and I hear it knocking on my door if I don’t change my ways!

    I have an UAT and PA which means I’m constantly tired but battling through and trying to be more active which for me means more walking so trying to increase my steps each day.

    I feel much better when I eat low carb so I know this is the way forward for me, and I’ve a daughter getting married next year so that’s my end target for now – 4 stone off by Feb 2020!

    Any advice gratefully received for keeping focused and on track! Good luck to all x

  • posted by DonCato

    Hi all,

    I have not been on for ages. I only made it 4 weeks but got down to 10 stone was pleased. I hope everyone else is doing well. Me and my mum have started the 5:2 diet now to do fasting slowly. Good luck all ๐Ÿ™‚

  • posted by AuroraMagic

    Hiya KazzUK – yeah it makes little sense if only we could all see past the ‘obvious’!
    I think that it’s only through experience when you know how good it feels and empowering as you ‘take back control’ of your weight and your life! ๐Ÿ˜€

    Hiya NightOwl, (great name!) ๐Ÿ™‚ I don’t know what UAT nor PA means but sorry to hear that you are struggling with other conditions. Feeling stressed and tired dont’ help anything. Perhaps take some images when walking ?
    In a way every day is a new beginning ! Some days I have I ‘eat more’ (like yoghurt and 30g blueberries) but the next day I’m usually that much closer to the ideal food intake. It’s all about the overall effect from eating good food with good portion size through control because ‘I’ (we) want to . With time one learns that it is for the long haul as you correctly surmise. ๐Ÿ™‚
    I’m sure once I’ve got to my good weight now and again a speacial treat will be just fine. But I will be fully away of how damaging that treat can be if it is repeated any time soon and that I’ll need to work that one treat off over the next month!

    Hiya DonCato, I try to stick to 800 cals a day as I find it easier but the only 2 meals on the weekends can be like 5:2 too. ๐Ÿ™‚
    But I’ve only been losing around a pound a week. But it comes and goes. I just keep plodding on. But I like my food and so it feels like I am treating my body every day with good food, that I previously felt that I could rarely afford.
    I’m not sure my ‘cooking’ does the food justice but I can only get better !
    I do see that I will branch out and try many of the other suggested recipes as time goes on, but only once I’ve lost the weight and a little beyond. (Since I know what I am doing is working & I’m enjoying it – still).
    It’s also helping me learn the recipes too ! ๐Ÿ˜€
    I’ve been doing this since June last year and from July more seriously. I couldn’t weight bare on one foot so no excerise at all for 4months and it’s been really gradual from then. Finally just starting to walk and bicycle again. ๐Ÿ˜€

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