Starting Fast 800 today

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  • posted by ginger303

    Hello! I am starting the Fast 800 today. I had originally planned to start back in August but then life REALLY got in the way. Anyway, for those who have been successful on the Fast 800, what does a typical day look like for you? So far I’ve had my morning coffee (I don’t do breakfast) and will be making chicken thighs for lunch today and the rest of the week. I am thinking I will have salmon for dinner, maybe turkey burger.

    I’d love to hear how everyone else makes the Fast 800 successful!

  • posted by captainlynne


    I’ve settled into the routine of a cooked breakfast with black coffee, then usually nothing until my evening meal – meat or poultry with green veg or salad.

    Now I’m working to maintain, that has changed slightly as I slowly increase calories.

    It worked for me – 103 pounds gone since 19th December last year (around 45% of my starting body weight)

    Best wishes on your BSD journey.

  • posted by MuffinMaclay

    Routine seems to be the answer otherwise a lot of time is spent planning and weighing. I have coffee first thing and breakfast after 9.00am of blueberries, 2 desert spoons of fat free yogurt and a teaspoon of granola. Lunch is usually a salad of 2 tomatoes, cucumber and either 30g of feta or some prawns. For dinner it is a piece of fish or chicken with lots of vegetables. If calories allow then a spoonful of berries (frozen are cheapest & last a few days) with a spoonful of fat free yoghurt. My husband and I are both doing this at the moment with great success, the best on any diet over many years. Our favourite chicken at the moment is Cajun pieces from Aldi as they are really tasty and low in calories.

    To start with I used to write everything down so I could go back and get the calories from the list when I repeated the meal. I have given up milk in coffee so I can drink that as often as I want (decaf of course). I am also enjoying some berry tea from Aldi which is calorie free.

    I have lost 17lbs in 6 weeks and 6 inches off my waist ( so many clothes now fit) and am feeling better than I have for a few years. Very good luck and keep at it.

  • posted by denis carbs

    I too am starting Fast 800 – have on my own bat done 2 + weeks on less than 800 Cals. but slipped on 2 or 3 days to about 1000 Cals.
    I even have the OPTIFAST sachets, bought em direct from Australia jolly expensive !

    So am ready to do it , continue , next with the sachets and a light meal.
    Have written to
    Prof Taylor and Michael Mosley
    to ask a] why is there sugar in the Optifast sachets b] what is the caloric content of mixed veg !! and on the OPTIFAST instructions what the heck is a cup full of veg in grams ?? I have guessed from 20 to 50 Cals per 100 gram.
    BUT my diet : I am a bloke , can’t be bothered much with recipes, just use will power. Breakfast is high protein: omelette and maybe microwaved tomatoes and veg in water adding a little salt and pepper and maybe some knorr liquid.Later Bit of ham or chicken [boiled ] steamed fish…I measure the olive oil used to fry the eggs [delicious stuff learned that in Spain, nice big plate of greasy eggs and health giving oil ] Loadsa salads, some websites say NO CARROTS ! Great salad dressing is mild mustard NO CALORIES !!!
    Bottom line : It ends up being high protein, quite a lot of fats, and low carbs. Never feel hungry. Have to force myself to eat sometimes. or end up leaving half of my 3 egg omelette for the next day . GOOD LUCK.

  • posted by Iris62

    Morning! Similar to Mcmuffin, usually fruit yogurt and mixed seeds including chai (they are great fibre source.) Usually comes between 200 – 250 calories. A big salad and home made low cal soup at lunch- again about 200 Cals. I do have milk in tea so account 100 a day for that. Fish, chicken, lean mince made into chilli, bolognase etc with veg at night. Then nothing till breakfast again. It’s hard to not graze or snack and I think that’s the bit that really takes ‘won’t power’ !! As in I won’t have That!, I have lost 12 lb in 3 weeks. Feeling great started week 4. Good Luck! Irene

  • posted by lozzer57

    Just a quick question to MuffinMaclay, why do you use far free yoghurt not full fat as its says in the book. Just interested

  • posted by sunshine-girl

    Always full fat Greek yoghurt for me, keeps me full and does not contain all the sugars and chemicals of low fat products.

  • posted by MuffinMaclay

    Hi lozzer57. I suppose I am just used to fat free yoghurt and the one I use doesn’t have anything but milk in it so no nasties sneaking through. I did try full fat but wasn’t keen so went back to my fat free.

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