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  • posted by LittleDrummerGirl

    QQ – do we count the calories in sauerkraut? I can’t find my list of ‘free’ stuff so thought a quick post here would be the easiest way to check.

  • posted by sunshine-girl

    QA. You count the calories in everything.

  • posted by LittleDrummerGirl

    Hiya, thanks for the answer. I thought some veg (broccoli springs to mind) weren’t included? Maybe I’ve got an old copy and it’s changed though – my copy is very old!

  • posted by sunshine-girl

    Some veg are so low in calories that it might seem pointless to count them. However, when you are looking at only 800 calories adding 35 calories for some broccolli would soon add up. If you are eating lots of that type of veg you will be doing yourself the world of good but people can slip up with veg as some are higher than you would think. Also, some veg are higher in carbs such as carrots or even an apple. Safer to check and count everything.

  • posted by LittleDrummerGirl

    Thanks – yep, totally agree that some veg is higher carb than expected; which is a shame as I love carrots and peas! Just had a sudden thought that it might have been something in one of the recipe books I’d seen rather than the original Fast 800 book, so been back through my recipe books (which I’d forgotten I even had, until now, so that’s a handy find!) and found the bit I remembered seeing; it’s in The Fast 800 Recipe Book and does confirm that certain veg no longer need to be counted, and cabbage is on the list, so I’m hoping that covers sauerkraut. I can always start counting them if it looks like I’m heading into problems I reckon.

  • posted by sunshine-girl

    I have just found the reference to not counting certain veg. Obviously if it makes life easier and works for you then go ahead.

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