Mabletown, I have never heard of having to do this although DrM might have included it in the prog last night along with lots of the other tests a lay person doesnt need to do. To take your resting pulse you do it when you wake up or are relaxed. In a seated position (so not lying down if you are doing it first thing) find your pulse in your wrist using the 2 fingers next to your thumb, dont use your thumb as it has its own pulse. Find the beat then using a second hand watch or clock count the beats for 30 seconds then double it. That is your pulse. There are so many things that can make it higher or lower like your build, sex, age, activity levels and so on but at least you will know what it is for you and try to improve it. The two main things that can lower your pulse is losing weight and exercising. Dont test when you have been exercising. To give you an idea, I am 67 years old, 2 stone overweight, diabetic and my resting pulse is around 60 beats per minute. I have just had a swim and it went up to 128 and after 20 mins is now 108. Will be down to my normal rate in about 10 mins.