Positive Thoughts Thread Anyone?

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  • posted by Verano

    Pootle you reminded me of ‘times gone by’. Yes pop-up is a revelation. Thank you for making me smile!

    Sunny I use Fatsecret. I must admit it’s improved since I first started. It’s so much easier to add your own foods/recipes so slightly more accurate.

    So things here aren’t brilliant at the moment with friends ill, and very ill, and other friends with recent losses. But we have to carry on. For me, at the moment, I just have one positive tool …. I keep using my meditation app. It helps me so much and ‘Today, no matter what, I will stay calm’. Not worked that well today but there’s always tomorrow.

    Have a good evening.

  • posted by sunshine-girl

    While I am here reading your positive – I too have a pop-up plug on my new sink unit – thought I might as well think of something for myself. But on the subject of anxiety I have a problem. I have been complaining that since covid we have lost contact with people, gone back to UK or moved or died, and we don’t have any friends. I put it on the French site of facebook and a local lady invited me to join them at Le Club de bon Accueille – welcome club. They meet every Thursday afternoon and I haven’t had the courage to go there. I just want to talk to real people in French rather than the pharmacy, doctor, supermarket etc. Anyway –

    Got my weight back down to 71.7 – just a smidge over what it was last week.
    Found a new dressmaker to do alterations on my jumpsuit (found old one had closed down)
    Lovely sunny day and my birthday tomorrow.

  • posted by SunnyB

    🎊🥳🥂🍾🎉🎈🎁 Have a wonderful birthday SG, hope it’s the start of a special year for you. 🎁🎈🎉🍾🥂🥳🎊

  • posted by SunnyB

    Great to see we have rolled on to a new page. Thanks for the app info V, will be taking a look at that. I definitely need some where to keep track of my intake, particularly carbs and fat.
    SG, we moved nearly 17yrs ago and whilst I’ve a few acquaintances now, I haven’t made any real friends in that time. Hope you manage to make some new connections soon.

    Positive from me …
    🎊🙂 visiting eldest DD this weekend, we don’t often manage to get together so it’s good to catch up face to face.

  • posted by Pootle

    S-G…hope you are having a wonderful birthday.🎁
    Regarding moving and making friends…we moved to Wales 20 years ago, and whilst I am still in touch with most of our ‘old friends’, it is mostly through email or Zoom. Joining a local group that interested me, has meant that I have made friends here also…to drop in for coffee or tea and chat. In person is so much more rewarding than virtual!

    So to today’s positive; (Sorry, just the one today!)

    My very old dog🐕🐩 decided he wanted a longer walk this afternoon, (he has been turning back at a nearer point recently) so we went by our pine tree🌲, which has just shed it’s cones! Picking up 152 (yes, sad I know🥴, I counted them🧮) meant, not only do I have a lot of cones ready for next Christmas, but I bent down 152 times…Great exercise😂!!

  • posted by Verano

    I guess ‘moving’ depends on how far from your ‘roots’ . We moved in the same city 14 years ago so could keep in touch with our ‘old friends’ more easily and have actually made new ‘friends’ in our new ‘close’. I can see how difficult it would be when you move city/town or country. Sounds like some some good ideas for making new ‘freinds’.

    So to my positives. Lost a post again yesterday…. not quite sure what I’m doing! Anyway, here we go

    🧘🏻‍♀️🥒🥗 Meditation and consequent ‘calmness’ going really well. I’m now up to 5 straight days. Five might not sound much but last year I was lucky to string two meditation days together!

    🥦🍅🥒 Eating well and ‘counting’ although the numbers on that damn scale aren’t playing game. As s-g always says keep on keeping on , which I’m really doing my best to do.

    Hope you’re all having a positive day.

  • posted by SunnyB

    We moved from Surrey to Somerset, so my friendship base was very much no longer local and has been maintained largely remotely. Yes, I have family near by and a few acquaintances here, but somehow it’s not the same.

    Anyway, enough of that …. positives for the weekend ..
    🥂🙂 lovely visit with eldest DD, which included a bit of retail therapy in Canterbury, a day trip to France with a fabulous lunch and a little a bit of a stock up in a French hypermarket. In short, it’s been a weekend full of positives.
    Oh and one other positive for the weekend, a very close friend heard on Friday afternoon that he’s landed his dream job …. can’t tell you how thrilled I am for him. He’s had a few rough years and finally the tide seems to be turning for him and he so deserves it.

  • posted by SunnyB

    Quick positive for today …..
    🥘🙂 younger DD and eldest GS joined us for dinner this evening. She starts her new job tomorrow and he has just returned from a week visiting Berlin. Good to see them both and catch up with their news.

    If you can find a positive from your day, please take a moment and let you know about it.

  • posted by sunshine-girl

    Hi SunnyB, here are my positives

    60 days to our cruise,
    trying to lower my carbs so I am almost totally keto – down to 27 yesterday
    spent the night getting up to wee – looks like the keto is working.

  • posted by Verano

    Good evening! Thought I should pop-in with some positives.

    S-g we have 63 days before we set off on our trip. We have six nights in Tenerife then cruising up to Lisbon from where we then fly down to the Algarve to see our son and his family. Really looking forward to the trip except my husband is now having a hernia repair on March 18th so just keeping everything crossed we will actually make it!

    So to my positives ….

    🧘🏻‍♀️🧘🏻‍♀️🧘🏻‍♀️ 12 straight days of meditation and I have to admit it’s getting easier and I can now ‘follow’ my breathing when I wake in the night and get back to sleep really quickly.

    🥦🍅🥒 Feel like I’m eating really well although I’ve not quite got my head around the ‘Keto’ way of eating.

    📚✒️📚 Doing lots of reading on my kindle this last week or so which is really satisfying.

    Just had a bizarre happening …. while I was writing I must have ‘touched’ something because the last five minutes of conversation I had with my OH appeared here!!! Need to be careful.!

    Anyway, enjoy your evening and jeep positive!

  • posted by Pootle

    Sorry I haven’t posted for a few days… whilst there wasn’t a lack, there just didn’t seem to be any ‘different’ positives in my life! 🤔🥴

    I am envious of your planned holidays but not that they are cruises🚢 …..,I get sea-sick in a barge moored on a canal… and a ferry makes me feel sick for days afterwards! ! We last went on holiday in May 2017 (a week at a b&b in the Lake District) which was fine, but I really would like a break where I get pampered!! 🍾

    So today’s positive was that my husband and I teamed up with a chainsaw, loppers, secateurs and trailer to do some serious pruning which has been neglected for a couple of years! 🌲🌳🏡
    Very tired and achy but satisfied tonight… a long soak in the bath 🛁🫧coming up… pure bliss! 😄

  • posted by SunnyB

    Wonderful to see lots of lovely positives being posted.
    SG and V, how exciting you are both only a couple of months away from your cruise holidays. I’m especially envious as we don’t yet have any definite dates for our next trip.
    Pootle, that sounds like a good job jobbed and I would think very satisfying too.

    Positive from me for today ….
    🪑🙂 did some chair yoga (my first time). Was surprised to find it’s more strenuous that it appears. My intension is to try to do some sort of exercise each day now.

  • posted by sunshine-girl

    Hi ladies, Pootle I was telling my daughter and sil about the Captains night when they had a 5ft display of champagne coups and they filled them by standing on the balcony. They didn’t think it would be possible on a moving ship – well, you don’t really feel any movement. I get sick before the channel ferry has even left port yet found cruising had no bad effect on me. Enjoy your soak.

    Sunny-B, yes that is what I found with chair yoga and there were some things I couldn’t do for a couple of weeks. At the end of the month I was totally back to strength and breathing ability. Not gone back to it although I do proper yoga with Adrienne on YT.

    V, fingers crossed for your husbands quick recovery.

    My positives are
    Still on keto – not worrying about calories as a 100 cals of cheese are better than 100 cals of bread.
    Lost a total 2lbs in 2 days
    Did 30 mins difficult aerobics yesterday

  • posted by SunnyB

    That’s an impressive result, SG. I’m quite envious, as I seem to be making zero progress at the moment, despite efforts imcluding fasting, OMAD etc.

    Anyway, regardless there are still positives to be had, including …
    💐💐 saw lots of roadside snowdrops and primroses today, which must mean spring will soon be putting in a full appearance.
    👍🏻🙂 bagged a couple more charity shop bargains – 2 x mulled wine glasses for £1 which match a pair I already have and a three strand necklace with large crystal beads and long silvertone spacers for £3.50.

    Do you have a positive to tell us about?

  • posted by sunshine-girl

    Not much to say really

    Another half a pound down – maybe you could try it Sunny-b. I was in despair at not losing – but…..
    Kept weekly shop to €71, which is then added to the freezer shop of €17. Total of €88 which is back almost to pre-everythingnowsobloodyexpensive. I have been spending around €130 a week.
    Had a pooh – yeah… Sorry about that one but it has been 3 days.

  • posted by Verano

    Well done s-g!

    Decided that I really do need to find some positives today. As has been said still half of February to go and I mustn’t let it get me down. So ……

    🧘🏻‍♀️🧘🏻‍♀️🧘🏻‍♀️ Now 13 straight days meditating. Think that’s a record for me. Yesterday I didn’t manage a session until early evening and I slept like a log last night. Maybe I should take away something from that!

    🛠️🔨💡 Few minor tweaks to my revamped kitchen were completed today. The new lights, brighter than before, have been a real eye opener. I really hadn’t realised how dull lighting can make you feel ‘dull’. Problem solved!

    🥦🫛🥚 So far so good with low carb eating today. Having 2 meals a day at the moment but am having green tea as my first drink so fasting overnight for roughly 16 hours which is an improvement on my 12 broken with milk in tea around 7am.

    So yes feeling more positive just have to stop myself from expecting miracles happening overnight!
    Enjoy Valentines tomorrow if you celebrate it, but if you don’t….. just enjoy Friday!

  • posted by SunnyB

    I’d like to be reporting a daily discard SG, but sadly nothing worth mentioning. As for the constipation, it’s a constant issue for me, so I’m especially envious of the result you had today!
    V, well done on 13 consecutive days of meditation, I’m sure you must feel better for it. I’ve allowed mine to lapse and I’m thinking it would be a good idea to get it rolling again.

    My positives for today ….
    🙂👍🏻 found some really interesting recipes in the Tesco mag to try out
    📿😍 made a bracelet for OH as a little valentine gift
    🌱🌿 today I bought a honeysuckle plant, planted some sunflower seeds and transplanted a little cactus …. roll on the warmer weather so I can get gardening in earnest again.
    Oh, and one extra one … so far this week I’ve included some exercise each day. Not loads, but some, which must be better than none.

    Whatever you are doing tomorrow, whether you’re celebrating or not, be sure to find a positive or two.

  • posted by SunnyB

    Reporting in with some weekend positives…..
    🥂🍾💝 Friday we had a lovely evening valentines celebration
    🚪🛠👍🏻 today, OH successfully replaced our back door, despite a couple of unexpected setbacks

    Hope there we’re plenty of positives in your weekend.

  • posted by Verano

    Thought I should pop in with some positives.

    It’s so easy to zone in on the things in life that are going wrong and then that makes it so difficult to find the positives. Over the last six weeks or so we’ve had our share of sadness, which I guess is expected as we age. Today we’ve had little flashes of sunshine and I did notice yesterday afternoon, that despite it being a dark miserable day, it was still light after 5pm.

    So …….
    🌤️☀️🌤️ Days are lengthening which is always a bonus. Just over five weeks now until the clocks ‘spring forward’. Definitely on the last lap of winter now.

    🥗🫐🫒 Friends here for lunch tomorrow so my ‘shout’! I do make a dessert, or should I say I buy a really nice one, but I don’t get tempted. Amazing how a sweet tooth disappears with time.

    💡💡💡 And then there was light…. my new ‘daylight’ bulbs really are having a great effect on my mood. I can now understand how a SAD lamp could work really well in the winter.

    The end of yet another week for me tomorrow. So great because that means another new start! Still ‘at sea’ but improving so that’s positive! Have a good week.

  • posted by SunnyB

    V, I’ll be starting afresh with you tomorrow. It’s been an odd week on the food front, but I’m going to start tracking properly again this week. My SAD lamp certainly helps, although even with that I still struggle when a winter is as gloomy as this one.

    Anyway, my positives for today …..
    🚮📦 had a sort out of some things disturbing while the new door was being installed. A few things binned, a couple boxed for charity and the rest tidied
    🌷💛 noticed one little tulip beginning to open in the front garden and lots of mini daffs preparing to put on a display soon

    Two will do for today …. what about you?

  • posted by Pootle

    Sorry to have been absent again….I have been reading all the threads but only on email notifications… Now getting so busy with work and home!

    A Positive that is sustaining me going forwards;
    I could not have done any of the things that I am currently doing at this time last year. I was so incapacitated, it was a struggle just to walk around. Now I am rejuvenated..and happy to be busy and able! 😅

  • posted by AnnieW

    Not often I post here but here goes:

    My husband caught one of the winter viruses and has been ill since a couple of days after Christmas. Each time he’s appeared to improve there has been a set back (bonus? I’ve had the bed to myself for quite a few nights since then as he’s decamped to the spare). Yesterday we managed to get out for a walk together, round the village, and have done it again this afternoon – two days in a row – in the sunshine. Fingers crossed he is now almost completely recovered.

    I really like to get my washing drying outside. I’ve been able to put it out a few times this year but today it actually dried – and it was towels, so I am ecstatic😀.

    Didn’t see any squirrels on today’s walk (we usually see at least a couple) but the birds were singing and the snowdrops and primroses were showing themselves off. The sunshine makes everything feel better, even when your walking boots are covered in mud from the trail. These two days in a row have really lifted my spirits. I don’t get SAD but have had a glimpse of what it must be like this last couple of long, grey, dark and miserable months; my heart goes out to those that do.

  • posted by SunnyB

    Pootle, good to see you back … and with an excellent positive too.
    Annie, always pleased to see someone different posting here. Well done on finding the silver linings … not always easy.

    My positives for today …..
    📝📝 for the first time in a long time, I actually tracked my food intake properly today … feels like a real fresh start and positive step forward
    🛏🌙 fresh sheets on the bed for tonight
    🎁🎁 some gifts and cards sorted out for upcoming birthdays this month
    Overall it’s been an okay day 🙂 hope yours had hern okay too

  • posted by SunnyB

    Quick pop in with some positives …
    💜💜 saw a big patch of wild violets on a grass verges this morning
    🧳🧳 packing for a visit to my parents this weekend half done
    🍽🍽 having a late lunch with GS tomorrow …. Good to have something nice to look forward to.

    Will you post a positive today?

  • posted by Pootle

    Spring must be on the way…
    Frogs 🐸 are wooing in the pond! Great to hear the chorus of croaks!!

    Snowdrops, crocus, iris reticulata, primroses and daffodils all flowering despite the grey, cold, damp weather!

    Great to have positives to share!

  • posted by Verano

    Pootle sounds wonderful!

    Good to read all your posts.

    Just one positive for me … shoulder has healed with paracetamol and rest. Can’t ask for anything more!

    Have a positive week.

  • posted by SunnyB

    Pootle, you’ll soon be surrounded by little froglets🙂🐸.
    V, glad you’re feeling better and if wasn’t anything really concerning.
    My positive for today was having lunch with GS and then he came back with me, to help me set up our rowing machine again. No excuse for not exercising now!
    From tomorrow we’re away for the weekend, so I might not post everyday, but will read any posts made, so please remember to share your positives.

  • posted by Verano

    Just one for me today ….
    🧘🏻‍♀️🧘🏻‍♀️🧘🏻‍♀️21 straight days of meditation. Is it now a habit? I hope so.
    Enjoy the rest of the weekend.

  • posted by Pootle

    Well done V. Good to hear you are ok and the ‘arm thing’ hasn’t recurred.
    SunnyB, enjoy your weekend away.

    Positives for today:
    I took a leaf out of your book and found a set of small glass ‘fruit dishes’ at our local cat charity shop. They exactly match a pair of larger bowls and a set of ‘melon’ plates that I inherited from MIL! 😄🍨

    The forsythia is in bud, so I have brought some into the house to open out, ready to put with a bunch of daffodils next weekend. (St. David’s day) 🌼🌼

    The sun has shone all day!! ☀️☀️🌞

    Happy Weekend!

  • posted by SunnyB

    V, well done on all those days of meditation … 🤞🏻 it’s now an established habit.
    Pootle, isn’t it wonderful to find a charity buy that fits perfectly with something you already own! Once I found four champagne flutes in the same design as a set of six we already had, so we ten matching flutes now 🙂.

    Reporting in with positives for the weekend and today ….
    🙂🙂 lovely weekend visit with my parents … Good to spend sometime with them.
    🍸🍹 Saturday I enjoyed a cocktail experience with OH, which he gave me for Christmas
    🌷🌷 was given a huge bouquet of tulips by one of my lovely DiL.
    🌷🌱 had a pleasant couple of hours gardening this morning …. most of today was sunny and bright here, with just one small rain shower 🌤🌞

    Hope you all had a wonderful weekend full of positives… would love to read about them.

  • posted by SunnyB

    Here are a few of positives for today …..
    🌤🌞 another day of mainly sunshine!!!
    🍽🥘 made a slow cooked beef casserole for dinner
    paired with a cauli dish. Florets partially cooked in the microwave and allowed to cool, then tossed in a mix of yogurt, grated cheese and seasoning and finished off in the oven … was really tasty.
    🥳🎉 a friend received confirmation he has secured his dream job. So pleased for him, he’s had a rough couple of years and really deserves for 2025 to be a turning point.

    What about you? Any positives for today?

  • posted by Yowzer49

    Hi everyone,Was just calling in to say feels like spring is here and then I read about your sunny day SUNNYB! Same here!
    And saw some lovely blossom on a tree today.VERANO may well know and have seen the very same tree..its by The WheelBarrow eating place? Looks so pretty.
    My other positive is …grateful in general for all the happy times in my life,feel very fortunate for all the good things I enjoy xx

  • posted by Pootle

    Hello all,

    Yes Yowzer, spring has definitely arrived! Catkins, flowers, blossom and frogs!!

    Positive for today…a friend contacted OH last evening to see if we are home and is coming to stay tonight! Will be brilliant to catch up!


  • posted by Verano

    Hello everyone!

    Yowzer no I’ve not seen the blossom yet but I will make sure I take a diversion to see it!

    ☀️☀️☀️My daffs started blooming yesterday and the sun shone today and we also had a rainbow, but looks like we are coming out of winter… thank goodness.

    🎼🎹🎼 My OH plays the piano by ear only. When he’s ‘happy’ he plays. He’s playing! So I’m happy too! Very happy!!!

    🧘🏻‍♀️🧘🏻‍♀️🧘🏻‍♀️ Still keeping the faith!

    Yes it is so important to try and concentrate on the positives in our lives, no matter how small, they are still a ‘win’.

  • posted by SunnyB

    Not seen any blossom yet Yowser, but there are plenty of spring blooms starting to pop open now. Pootle, enjoy the evening with your friend. Spontaneous get togthers are precious. V, music and flowers sound like a recipe for happiness, so take great pleasure in both.

    Positives from my little corner …..
    🌦🛒🌦 managed to get the grocery shopping done between rain showers
    🍸🍽 I’ve planned the menu for Friday date night, prep starts tomorrow

    Those will do for today. What about you?

  • posted by SunnyB

    Today’s positives are harder to come by, but determined to find one ….
    🌞🌿 today was sunny, whicht meant I was able to get some gardening done at the village hall.

    Just that small one will do for today, as having received some sad news this afternoon, it’s not easy finding any others.

  • posted by SunnyB

    A couple of positives for today ….
    🌞🌞 second sunny day in a row and absolutely no rain showers.
    🍽🥘 the Aga decided to throw a wobbly, mercifully last timebit decided to go on strike, I bought an air fryer, so no problem sorting out dinner this evening.

    Hoping to read some positives from others soon, so please post yours.

  • posted by SunnyB

    First4landlordadvice … your user name makes me believe your purpose for being on the forum, has very little to do with the Blood Sugar Diet. However, your post on this thread is sensitive and not outright advertising anything, so in the spirit of inclusion I decided not report it.

    Please be aware though, that this forum is not the place to advertise or promote products and/or services.

    Wishing you a pleasant weekend.

  • posted by sunshine-girl

    SunnyB, they are a specialist eviction company to help landlords throw people out of their homes. Not sensitive at all. I have reported.

  • posted by Verano

    Thank you s-g. I’ve just looked at the profile and they are definitely not ‘sensitive’!

    So for a few positives …..

    ☀️☀️☀️ Third day of sunshine with just the odd dull moment but dry!!

    🧘🏻‍♀️🧘🏻‍♀️🧘🏻‍♀️ 28 days now so I’m really pleased with my progress. I’ve never managed such a long stretch before and still going. At the moment I’m following ‘stress relief’ meditations and I’ve just started the second series of 10. My mantra at the moment is ‘I will stay calm’ sometimes easier said than done!

    🥦🐟🫛 Doing really well these last few weeks eating fish. I feel so much better when I eat less red meat. I really enjoy a fillet steak very occasionally and I love a stew or really long slow cooked bolognese but fish is my go to especially when I want to stay low carb. Tonight I have salmon with cauliflower mash, cabbage and asparagus.

    Just the first day of our new month let’s keep positive through March. One day at a time. Enjoy the rest of the weekend.

  • posted by SunnyB

    Sorry, I hadn’t checked the profile, so thanks for picking up on that SG.
    V, you’re doing great with your meditation… think it must surely be a habit now.

    Positive from me are …
    🙏💝 am very grateful for wonderful friends, who have been offering kind words and support over the last few days

    Looking forward to a pleasant date night with OH this evening.

  • posted by SunnyB

    ⌛🌞 days are noticeably much longer now and we were blessed with another sunny day today
    🥘🥘 made a very tasty smoky turkey chilli for dinner … bonus, plenty left over to freeze
    Those will do for me today … what positives were there for you this weekend?

  • posted by Verano

    Hello. Just popping in to add a positive ….

    ⛅️🌤️⛅️ Weather still dry! What more can we ask for!

    👗👚🥻 Took the plunge yesterday and tried on a few dresses. Definitely fitting better … as long as I don’t sit down😂😂😂 Still time before we go away … fingers crossed.

    So, I will just keep ‘meditating’ every morning. Now up to 28days and the second 10 day section of my ‘stress’ course. Finding it really useful especially when I wake in the night! So guess that’s another positive.

    Have a positive week!

  • posted by Pootle

    Evening all.
    After a very hectic weekend (and a five hour drive home) just popping in to say hello, and share some positives, before I head off again tomorrow!

    As you say Verano, the sunshine of the last few days has to be the best positive of all! 🌞🌞🌞

    I had a great laugh out loud on Friday (laughing is such good therapy) even though I was on my own in the car!
    I had been ignoring the satnav (I hate the thing!!!) and suddenly the late, great, Alan Rickman’s voice said, (extremely exasperated) “You are going the wrong way” ! And then gave up trying to direct me! 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣😂😂😂

    I had a super Sunday lunch with a cousin I hadn’t seen for a few years. It was lovely to catch up!

  • posted by SunnyB

    Keep going V, you’ll be able to wear these dresses comfortably soon. I’m loving the better weather too.

    My positive for today are …..
    👐🌻 had my hands in some soil again today, which I find very therapeutic

    Just one will do …. what about you?

  • posted by SunnyB

    One positive for today …. started planning our outward journey to Turkiye for next month. Still a lot to finalise, but it’s beginning to take shape … pleased to have the process started though.

  • posted by Pootle

    My positive for today:
    This afternoon I saw a number of very long standing acquaintances and it was lovely to catch up with all their news!

  • posted by Verano

    Hello. Just one positive for me today, apart from the fact that the sun is still shining. I just got my latest HbA1c results back and it’s down from 39 last February to 35 now! So pretty happy bunny here!
    Hope everyone has a positive or two today.

  • posted by Pootle

    Brilliant news Verano!

    One positive for today:
    My geese are making a nest, so should be laying again soon! Yummy goose eggs! 🥚🍳

  • posted by SunnyB

    Verano, excellent news about your blood results, must make all your efforts feel worthwhile.
    Pootle, sooo envious of your goose eggs …. something rarely seen available for purchase. Our farm shop has them once in a blue moon at something like £3 or £4 each. They do often have duck eggs though, so I make the most of those.

    My positives for today …..
    🎨🖌 have recently restarted dabbling with watercolour paints. Created two small paintings today and I’m really happy with them both … they turned out much better than I hoped.
    🙂🙂 whilst in crafting mode, I also got the air drying clay out and made myself a mini paint pallet. It just needs to dry out over the next couple of days, before it can be varnished.
    🖼📷 made a start on sorting out old photos ready to scan, prior to making my daughter a photo album for her 40th next year.

    Please take a moment to tell us about a positive in your day.

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