One week at a time beginning 15h December 2020

We have not checked the qualifications of anyone posting here. If you are have any health related symptoms or concerns, you should contact your doctor who will be able to give you advice specific to your situation.

  • posted by wendleg

    This is a tricky time … Christmas is close, 10 days away . There are loads of festive foods in the shops, people are cooking for their families and wanting to please and have a well deserved celebration …

    It would be very easy to just not bother to stay on plan right now because one or two off days can lead to the mind set that it is not worth making the effort , that we can deal with the damage in January .

    I know I would not cope very well at all in January if that were the case .I fear that it would be very hard to find the motivation to get back on track after totally abandoning this way of eating . I would really be setting myself up for a miserable New Year ..However we are all different and have coping strategies that suit us.

    Having said that , here’s my suggestion …

    to at least try to stay on plan as much as possible , maintaining if not discarding, depending on where you are in the programme . We can have a good 10 days of focus and then have our Christmas ‘treats’ of choice without feeling totally out of control .

    I hope this sounds reasonable and you are happy to stay with us so you can enjoy yourselves but not feel bereft on January 1st .

    Wendy and Sunny

  • posted by wendleg

    THE LIST . Please don’t leave us … even if you are struggling to stay on track and feel like giving up . Noone is judging . we are here to offer support .

    Niamh and Dean ( Neegan)
    Clarinet cathy
    Olive 1
    Double Dutch
    JGwen (of course !!)
    Tulip1 (Clare)
    Jeremy Fisher
    Kevlondon and Mrs Kev
    sunshine-girl !!!
    Violinist ( Catherine)
    Sarah 1968
    Delabodge( Clive)
    Calliope Swan
    EclecticRajistani !!!
    Mumof4in France
    Squidge !!
    No more banquets
    The other me
    AMZ !!!!!!!
    Stephen J
    Nhatha 3432 (Nick)
    Reuby 19
    Rainydays 42

  • posted by SunnyB

    Thanks for keeping the weekly thread going Wendy, I know there are many who find it invaluable, me included.

    As many will know, I have been absent for awhile, my excuse is having been at our second home in Turkey for 3mths and largely out of circulation on the forum. Now for the confession ….. gained a scary 7lbs during that time, so give that I was 1lbs above target to begin with, I returned with 8 unwanted pounds to shift.

    By stepping back and returning to more normal eating patterns again, I have already binned one of the eight, so seven still to go. Unlikely I will be able to rid myself of all of those before the festive season, but going to do my best.

    Our Christmas looks like being a lower key affair than usual, so like Wendy, I’m hopeful of not falling foul of unintended excess and keeping some control. Plan to keep things in check between now and Christmas and take it from there.

    Looking forward to being part of the weekly BSD group again, to help keep myself accountable and also to sharing the journey back to target weight with you all.

  • posted by Rainey

    I am very confused. I know a lot of this will sound like complaining but, in truth, I’m trying to *understand* what’s incomprehensible and frustrating for me.

    Some years ago I did 5:2 with good success. I did it for a couple years. I lost a lot of weight and eased through it as smoothly as you could possibly imagine. I developed a habit that supported me in my efforts. I rarely had hunger. On occasion I’d do 4 day fasts just because I still didn’t feel I really *needed* food at the end of my regular fasting.

    I had a huge salad with lots of beans and other protein for lunch — easily 800 calories or more just at lunch. I had protein (frequently salmon) and veggies for dinner. I didn’t count calories or carbs or anything else.

    I lost a jeans size at least once a month and got down to comfortable size 10s. One year the holiday season came along. I let go and never got my control back.

    Now, on BSD, I’m hungry a lot. I’ve stopped counting everything because it just took soooo much time but I don’t eat any carbs other than those above-the-ground veggies. I don’t drink. Never did. I’m losing weight. I’m at about the lowest weight I was when I did 5:2. But I’m in tight size 14 jeans. And struggling. I have insane carb cravings. I give in to them too much lately. I have trouble fasting even for a day when I used to do 48 hour water only fasts.

    What am I doing wrong?

  • posted by Tulip1

    Wendy- thank you for your words of encouragement earlier! And I will for sure be doing 2 Zumba classes this week, and today I did my 1st run of 2 this week too, and walking on the other days!

    I thought I was doing well today- but then a close friend bought me a Christmas gift- Lindor…..omg, where has my self-control gone. 6! I ate 6 in one sitting……I mean, they are my absolute favourite chocolates but still..!!!!

    What can I do to stay on track tomorrow?!!

    Love and hugs xxx

  • posted by Patricia1066

    Hi Wendy, tulip and Sunnyb.
    Thanks Wendy for your encouragement, you really are the best!

    The two year anniversary is coming up in January, and I have been mulling over how to celebrate the holiday without undue risk on so many fronts.

    The one aspect of my shape that I want to change is my waist. My weight has not changed for the past year, still 83kg plus or minus a few kilos yet my waist has increased by 6cm. All other measurements are the same.

    Exercise is a daily walk and decorating. We have been oiling the floors and skirting boards, cleaning and painting woodwork.

    I will drop the carbs between now and 23rd, no alcohol except for two days at Christmas. The Christmas puddings and pies are not as appealing, when I see my waist enlarge.

    My goal is to reduce waist to 90cm by January. Practical changes are no Christmas pudding, no alcohol, lots of yoghurt and berries, big portions of over ground veg and nuts.

    Rainy I feel for you on the urge to eat all the wrong food as soon as you decide to eat better.
    For me, I have to reflect on what is good food. I want to eat and really enjoy the meal and the better health that follows.

    Hunger for chocolate and pastry (and knowing that it is easy to get at them) is our gut controlling our actions despite our best intentions. My danger point is keeping liqueur chocolates on the sofa when I’m reading. My hand moves without thought and the box is empty! I’ll eat my snacks with my full attention this week.

  • posted by RubyG

    I’m still here, wobbling a little bit with a gain showing this morning, for no real reason, but I can’t let it derail me.
    Both hubby and I have started to do some (5-15 minutes) time every day on the exercise bike, which is feeling better every day and my clothes are feeling good on me – have to focus on the positives.
    Hubby’s BP is holding up well with the reduced meds and I have stopped taking readings daily now as they are unlikely to drop significantly (unlike in the first few weeks of the BSD). I will continue to take readings 1-2 times per week for the next few weeks.

    I was helping out at a local business over the weekend, and although I was surrounded by cakes, doughnuts and bags of sweets, I really wasn’t tempted at all. The fresh sausage rolls were slightly more tempting, but abstention was easy enough to manage as I wasn’t actually hungry and would have been eating for the sake of it.

    Hanging on and determined to get below 12st 7.0lb by the 24th – it can be done!

  • posted by WindyJulz

    I’m still here and keeping on. Still really appreciate these weekly threads!

    I’m doing some reading on how to improve my relationship with food as i struggle to find peace and relaxation with it sometimes and I want rid of the “sadness”. Has anyone else come across Vania Phitidis’ “Peaceful Eating” website? Its interesting….. I have had a wee test of giving myself “unconditional permission to eat anything i want”…… and actually, with some practice I think it might work… as over the past 9 months I have learned what my body likes, or what likes my body, and actually more than anything i want to eat good protein, broccoli and salad! This might end up being enlightening….. but it is a scary concept!

    I’ve done a lot of running in the past 10 days (cant believe I am saying that!) and eating has been mostly on plan…..calories up a bit probably…… so looking to be pretty tight with myself in the rub up to chirstmas. Plans still in pace and hopefully my planned deviations will work! Also planning to keep up the exercise….. only 3 days left to work before I’m off.
    Oh and I’m also committing to daily mediation as it has dropped off a bit and i know it really helps me relax and feel more peaceful.

    Tulip – yup, not way could i eat like 1 Lindor – 6 is totally understandable….thats why i am hoping to steer clear of the delicious little critters and focus on other delicious things which are in reality, just as good!

  • posted by sunshine-girl

    Hi everyone, more good news from me, lost another half a pound – yeah – and still keeping on. My motivation is at an all time high and hoping to be another half a pound down by Friday. No it is not a lot but my goal from late August was to lose 9.5 lbs before Christmas and I have now lost 8.5 so just another pound to go. Can I do that by Friday – lets see.

    Rainey, you talked about dieting on the 5:2 ‘several’ years ago. I dont remember how old you are but we all find it harder to lose weight as we get older. My daughter is losing 2kg per week and I am managing 1kg every 2 or 3 or even 4 weeks. Our bodies change. Your size 14s will not even fit you the same as they once did. Have a look on YouTube at some of the Dr Becky (Gillespie) videos, she has lots about women and weight loss and particularly women over 50. It might help you understand. None of us are as young as we were.

    Note to self about fasting for blood tests. Heck, I have been doing it for 15 years with no ill effect. I remember the days I used to take a banana into the treatment room with me ready to scoff straight after the test – dont eat bananas now but can usually get the test done, drive the 10 mins home and have breakfast straight away. What did I do different / wrong this time. Normally I fast on a week night and during that day I will have had 3 proper meals. Sunday I have only had 2 meals – brunch and dinner. Also I had my last meal a lot earlier, 6 pm rather than 7.30 – ready to fast from 8pm but I did an extra 2 hours. Fortunately I can feel myself starting to wobble, blurred vision, dry mouth, tingling lips and fingers, so I knew I was getting dangerously close to blacking out so I told someone, so I did the right thing. Future. Fast on week nights and eat right up to the last minute. This is why I dont do fasts on this diet, I even avoid TRE unless it is by accident when I dont get up until late. I usually have a late night snack to avoid the Dawn Effect or being too low. Okay, that’s that.

    Okay everyone, please try to keep going for a few more days. 9 days to Christmas Eve and then you can have a treat – although I dont feel deprived when on the diet and wont be doing very much different on the big day. I think I have already said that my Michelin star meal has only one portion of carbs – a potato and garlic rosti – which I will eat. I will ignore the mini cakes at the end of the meal and will probably eat some of the dessert which is a Buche de Noel – Chocolate Christmas log although it sounds too sickly so it will be just a taste. Like Wendleg I dont want to be starting from scratch on the 1st January, it would be just too much to bear. Stay strong everyone and remember Christmas is just one day.

  • posted by Rainey

    Thanks for the thought, sunshine_girl.

    It explains why it may be taking me longer to lose weight but what mystifies me is that I still have more *mass* when I’m at the weight I achieved back then. Quite a bit more.

    No matter. I’ll just have to keep on keeping on. But I’m going back to beans on my salad!

  • posted by Mifoz

    Still here, still going.
    I’ve pretty much reached my first goal which was to do the 8 week BSD and lose as much weight as possible, still to get blood tests, but I’m down to 91.4kg from 93 last time I checked in, so something must be working. Hectic week this week and getting to pathology lab first thing for fasting test isn’t possible, so I’ll get the bloods done early next week. Then I can have myself a “reasonable” Christmas and get the results from my GP afterwards. Cheating? Maybe 😂
    The Christmas lunch menu will be seafood and ham and salads with just birthday cake (mine!) for dessert. I’m making up the (young adult) kids each a basket of snacks and treats as a gift rather than having them generally on hand for everyone to consume, so that should stop me picking.
    Assuming the blood sugar is good, I’m wondering whether I should set myself another goal to keep me motivated. We have a wedding to attend in mid Feb so that might be the plan – a new dress perhaps, hopefully in a size I haven’t worn for quite some time 😃 Any other suggestions? I have so much further to go, and I don’t want to drop the ball before I cross the try line, if you’ll forgive the rugby metaphor.

  • posted by Tulip1

    There, it’s in writing now!
    Will post at bedtime with the day’s progress 😂

  • posted by Olive_1

    Hi all,
    It’s certainly countdown to Christmas all around. I’m doing pretty well, have consolidated my all-time low weight from last week, weighing in at 72 kgs for the week. Managed a reasonable weekend with just a few small carb deviations.
    A thought for you Rainey, is if you include enough good fat in your diet? It could help against the carb cravings. Fat around the “mid-section” is really my biggest problem as well, and it is strongly connected to insulin resistance. The key is to unlock the fat cells by keeping the carbs low and preferably get into ketosis. I find that adding good fat to my diet helps with this.
    I thought that now would be a good time for me to think about some new year’s resolutions for next year. I need to keep myself accountable and work on my “WHY” to shift focus from the coming holiday to what comes after. So this is mostly for my own benefit, but if you like the idea please add your own resolutions to the thread.

    1. Weight/Body composition: I still have a few kgs to go to get on the safe side of a healthy BMI. But I have realised that even at that weight I will probably be “internally obsess” and I really need to work on getting my fat percentage down (I do scans at my gym). This leads nicely to my next target…

    2. Health/Exercise: I need to add more lean muscle to burn that stubborn fat sitting around my middle. This I will do by increasing my strength exercise. This should also increase metabolism so really a win-win. I’ve got my eye on an online 21-day program that I’m thinking about doing to kick start the year (burn360). I’ve also decided that I will go and see a chiropractor that has been highly recommended to me, to see if I can get to the bottom of my hip-problem. I’m 90% better than I was a year ago, but there is still some room for improvement. I know that if I slack in the exercise my hip starts hurting again so want to see if that can be fixed.

    3. Fasting/Food: I really like the intermittent fasting lifestyle and can happily keep doing 16:8 or 18:6. I do the occasional OMAD day and some longer 36-40 h fasts. But I’m really conscious that I do not want to go overboard with this. I want this to be sustainable for the long run. With food I will aim to enjoy the food I eat and to make an effort to cook nice healthy food.

    4. Life/Family: This should perhaps go first on the list, but really want to focus on the family once we can all start seeing each other again after the Madness. Also want to stay healthy to be a good role model for my teenage daughters. Om a more personal level – I want to own less things! Need to do some serious de-cluttering, so will set up a schedule and try and take one room at a time (including big attic and basement that are both full 😊).

  • posted by Patricia1066

    Olive, thanks for going over the basics of insulin resistance. Despite being the same weight as when my bsd 800 ended I’m definitely wider and what I am eating is going directly to my waist. I’m in my 50s and while I feel better than when I was 40, I need to rebalance bread and potatoes in my WOE.

    The positive thing is that I don’t also have 15kg to remove!

    I don’t have diabetes due to early intervention (and my brilliant gp’s advice) and I will try OMAD. That’s one meal a day.

  • posted by Patricia1066

    Mifoz your Christmas meal sounds great. I’m thinking of a nice steak shared with dh. The extended family won’t be meeting up this Christmas, but we can zoom together.

    WindyJulz I like the idea of eating what I like very much, and I have been making adjustments to my weight throughout the year to stay within my target weight. However because I want carby food and am 50+ (probably with insulin resistance), my goal should have been to reduce my waist measurement.

  • posted by wendleg

    Hi Patricia ! Good to see you here, safe and well ! Funnily enough with time my waist, midriff area has shrunk but I still have a lot of belly fat . We are all different shapes and sizes aren’t we ? I have had a belly for what feels like for ever but I hope as I keep going that will shrink a bit too. Like you we are having a low key Christmas here . . I think you are probably right about insulin resistance . I feel we need JGwen’s insight here . She is very knowledgeable about its effects. Don’t underestimate the effects of the menopause Patricia and the thickening waist which so frequently occurs . ?

    I don’t really understand why you are the same weight but with more mass, Rainey . One thing I have come to realise is that the first time I did the Fast 800 I had good results and established some sound habits which I have been able to sustain . Trying to discard a bit more weight is definitely harder now and I wonder whether our bodies reach a ‘comfortable’ point which it is harder to move on from ? JGwen we need you !!
    I tend to weigh much less frequently though, tending to concentrate more on the way my clothes fit .
    When you say you let go during the holiday season ,Rainey … does that mean dropping the two fast days in 5.2 or generally eating a lot more higher carb foods ? You are definitely eating low carb now you say and dropping the weight . I wonder what reverting to 5.2 would do for you as it worked so well in the past . Some use it as a maintenance strategy.

    Well done on your continuing determination and for resiting those foods Ruby G .

    Hi Julz ! Most definitely, finding peace with food is key . When you talk of sadness do you mean feeling sad that you ‘can’t have’ certain foods ? It seems to me that you have come a long way and now love certain foods which are not necessarily the ones you used to eat freely . That’s a massive achievement . Like me you tend to think in terms of what we choose to eat rather than feeling deprived because we are not ‘allowed’ certain foods . I no longer want food to have that power over me as if food is controlling me . Do you understand what I mean ? Sure you can allow certain foods if you want but it is very liberating to find yourself leaning towards nourishment rather than comfort .

    Great news again SG. You are an inspiration on the thread . I know you will look after yourself and avoid any more woozy incidents . Yes, the French love their Bûches de Noël and there are some very elaborate ones available in the patisseries. I don’t think I could handle the high sugar content either but I will be drooling over your Michel star gourmet meal !

    Your Christmas lunch sounds lovely Mifoz and if I can’t check in on the 25th …. HAPPY BIRTHDAY !!! It’s always good to stay focused on why you are following this programme and I am sure we will all be declaring our objectives in January . Love your plan, Olive ! We can all take something from that .

    Let’s just keep going as SG says, staying focused, pushing on for these 9 days , enjoying our Christmas but without going totally off the rails . Tulip ! You CAN do it ! You can stay on track ! Keeeeeeeep dancing !!

  • posted by Rainey

    Wednesdays are the day I weigh myself. I was going to skip it knowing how many carbs I’ve eaten in the last 2 weeks: pizza, bread, hummus and even chocolate. And I haven’t exercised in 2 weeks since there are construction people running all over my house and there’s never a private moment when I feel like I can put on spandex and get a sweat on. But I *made* myself get on the scale. I decided I needed to be an adult and to face the music and scare myself back on track or at least deal with the relationship between carbs, snacking and weight gain.

    To my surprise and in defiance of all that’s holy and logical I lost another 4 pounds. That’s the most I’ve lost in a week since I got started on this plan! My size 14 jeans are still snug but I can still wear them despite my excesses.

    I guess my plan going forth is to carry on and satisfy my appetite with a big salad at mid-day — regardless of the calories — and some healthy carbs like my beloved garbanzo beans and see what happens for a bit. If nothing else, that indulgence may get me past the holiday goodies-but-baddies.

    Oh, and I’m down 33 pounds since mid-August and *finally* have a BMI which is merely “overweight”. I don’t believe I’ve been below 150 pounds since I started having kids more than 40 years ago!

  • posted by Tulip1

    well, I stuck exactly to my plan- ok that plan did involve a hot chocolate as that’s what my elves did this afternoon for me and the children ( a very elaborate scene in fact, I am very lucky to have 7 elves this year 😂😂)….

    but no other random treats….tomorrow, best to have a treat free day I think!!

  • posted by Tulip1

    there *may* be home-made cake at work today- I need to avoid this, right? I’m so blimmin tired I can’t think logically x

  • posted by WindyJulz

    Wendleg – thats exactly it – I feel sad sometimes when i think “I cant have that” …even if i dont really want it. For example, yesterday I merrily went to the supermarket for essential supplies (broccoli) very excited about going home for roast broccoli and cauliflower. Even thinking about christmas treats, it never occurred to me that i wanted a chocolate log….but walking out of supermarket here is a shelf with chocolate logs….. and suddenly i was like “oh I cant have that…or the shortbread next to it” and i felt all a bit sad. I dont want either of those things….. and on reflecting I have no reason to be “sad”, and I am cross that marketing shoves things like this into our thoughts and drives our emotions. I am improving and the sad feeling doesnt last long and I’m sure in time it will stop. But trying to focus on the stuff i can have and love having and not thinking in terms of “cant haves” – cos actually I “can” have it, if i want it, but i dont ACTUALLY want it!
    Funny the power of mind, suggestion, visual stimulus etc. I have control over how I look at things so i just need to develop that to a place where I am contented. Getting there.

    Finding working from home is getting progressively more challenging from a food and boredom point of view….. enjoying a couple of days in the office then I’m on holiday for the duration. Looking forward to that allowing me to be more active in daylight hours and not having work pressures. More fasting, more walking and running and controlled mindful eating.

    Tulip1 – think how chuffed you will be avoiding the cake…… you dont need or want the associated lethargy do you?! A decisive ‘no thank you’ will feel amazing.

    Good work Rainey, thats awesome.

  • posted by Tulip1

    Thank you Julz- I didn’t eat cake, chocolates, biscuits or mince pies, all of which were on offer in plentiful supply in the staff kitchen today!!!!! 🙄🙄🙄….I am seriously verging on exhaustion so chatted with my manager and jiggled my patients around a bit as luckily had some leeway today (I’m a physio)- and have left early and had a good substantial low carb lunch. I am going to lie down now for an unspecified time!! Just need to do a quick and easy elf skit before the school run.
    Love to all xxxxx

  • posted by sunshine-girl

    Hi everyone, I dont eat cake but when it is sat there, it is meant to look pretty and inviting. Even though we will be having mini buches (chocolate logs) with our Xmas meal hubby decided to buy one today. I talked him out of it because he thought I would share it with him. I kept saying he couldnt possibly eat it all and he said he wouldnt be, so I asked who he was sharing it with…. Talked him into leaving it for now and buying a 2 pack of mini buches when we shop next week. He did, however, get away with buying a box of chocolate liquers – fortunately they are whiskey, cognac and rum, all of which I dont like, but there is cointreau and poire william (pear fire water) so I might just have one of each over several days. Got home to find a second parcel from our daughter with chrissy presents and cards AND 10 Crunchie bars and 10 Double Deckers. I do like bitter things and honeycomb is a bit bitter, so a couple of Crunchies might go in my drawer. Hubby says he will probably find it still there in August. He is right. Also got some Bourneville Dark Chocolate and can you believe it Wendy – it is 35%. Thats not dark chocolate to me so hubby can have that. 75% minimum for me but prefer 85 to 90. Gift daughter received from her work was a box – and I mean a crate – of 15kg of chocolate. Everything you could think of by Mr Cadbury – I’m sure she will give a lot of it away.
    Talking about kgs, I am still on 76kg which is 11 stone 13.5lbs. Hoping to be into the 75’s by tomorrow when I will be seeing my doctor. Have a good day y’all and stay safe.

  • posted by RubyG

    Hi Julz, I echo what you have said about the supermarket. I did my last big shop at Lidl last night (and my first since starting BSD) and I was astounded at the vast shelves of “carp” and the marketing behind it, as all the money-off coupons seem to be for absolute junk. I may have been a bit enthusiastic in my coffee, cheese and charcuterie purchases, but there were whole aisles which held no appeal at all.
    After a couple of wobbly days, I seem to have found my mojo again, light supper of cod and fennel last night, Asian-style chicken broth for lunch today (supper undecided) and I finish work today until 4th Jan, so what isn’t finished by 5pm today will still be waiting for me then I’m sure.
    Hubby and I played the dressing-up game again over lunch, feeling how much better some of our coats are fitting – that’s always a motivator for me.
    Hang in there everyone, we can do this!

  • posted by sunshine-girl

    Forgot to say, going veggie tonight with the chickpea and pistachio pot from the Fast 800 cook book.

  • posted by JessKirkpri1

    Hi, Can I join along? I’ve just completed my first week and have shed 4lbs! I’m stoked 🙂 and also so surprised at how much more stable my hunger is, and really proud of my effort to stick to it. Already feeling so much more confident.

  • posted by JGwen

    Hi Rainy

    Just doing a catch up on the forum. – I don’t think you are doing anything wrong. What you have to remember is that the gut bacteria which digest carbs are capable of signalling to your brain that they want feeding. Those carb cravings, and that struggle to fast is all down to them fighting for survival.

    I know what its like, I forget how many years I have been on the forum, its either my 3rd or 4th anniversary and during that time I have gone through cycles of not being as strict on the carbs and each time I have to fight urges to keep on eating the carbs.

    There are two common practical answers. – You could do a fat fast or an egg fast. – Both of those will come up if you search the forum. Its about breaking eating habits for a few days so you know you are eating but you are not having anything that will feed the carb monsters, so they will die off.

    My personal technique is to have a conversation with my carb eating bacteria. I picture them as being like the bugs in the toilet cleaner adverts fighting for survival.

  • posted by JGwen

    The issue of getting our bodies to tackle the fat layers under the skin is something I struggle with as well. – When I was on a weight lifting research program we were getting our body scans done at various stages of the program as part of the battery of tests to see how just a 30 minute program of strength training just once a week effected our bodies.

    All the scans for me were clear of fat around the organs and all my fat is the type that is under the skin. There is just too much of it. Much too much of it still.

    Healing insulin resistance depends on just how bad it is, I have been monitoring my status in ketosis using a breathalyser for ver a year. During that time I have seen some improvement in the length of time it takes me to get back into ketosis, and there has been some improvement in the number of carbs I can have in a day and stay in ketosis. But lets be clear on this. I have gone from having to stay under 20g of carbs a day to be in ketosis to being able to have up to 26g of carbs a day once in a while and stay in ketosis. I think the key for me on accepting this is looking back and realising that I have been suffering from health problems which were a clear sign of IR since my early 20’s that’s decades of damage to heal. But those decades of damage occurred because we didn’t understand the impact high levels of insulin has on our bodies until recently and we don’t have the research available to be able to set out a clear set of actions to reverse insulin resistance.

    I heard a phrase last night that is rolling around in my brain on how apt it is for so many situations. We are all facing the same storm but each in our own boats. – Some of us will be younger, have been eating high carb for a shorter period, have a physically active job, and not a lot of weight to discard. Others of us will be of retirement age, been eating carbs since early childhood, have health problems which limit activity and are morbidly obese. But all of us can do things to help improve our situation.

    I think there are a number of strands. Gut bacteria, metabolic flexibility, muscle cells, and time.

    1. Gut bacteria. Our mix of bacteria changes in response to our diet. If we have been eating a high carb diet for a long period of time our mixture of gut bacteria will have a high population of sugar digesting bacteria. I think that means that there are lots of bacteria to rapidly digest any carbs in the meals, causing more of an insulin spike than someone who has a healthier gut bacteria mix. I think reducing carbs helps to improve the mix of gut bacteria. But its worth each person working to proactively improve the balance of their gut bacteria.

    2. muscle cells. – The cellular structure of muscle cells which are adapted to burn fat for fuel is different to that fed on a diet of carbs. My guess is that staying long term in ketosis and building muscles is the solution to supporting our muscles to use fat as a fuel as the normal.

    3. Metabolic flexibility. That’s about how easily your body switches back into ketosis after eating carbs. – mentally I picture it as being like something that has rusted and needs oiling and moving back and forth to get back to normal. I think it comes from a mixture of fixing 1 ans 2 and time.

    4. It has taken time for us to damage our bodies, it will take time to heal. – Our cells have a lifespan and are developed according to the conditions present at the time they are created. So consistently following the plan will see a gradual improvement in our bodies structure.


    When it comes down to our waists, the thing to remember is that our bodies are designed to make it easy to carry surplus weight around our waists. – – Especially for women.

    its really irritating that we discard weight from our necks, collar bones emerge, shoe size drops before we start to make inroads into waist size. But I count it as a positive, If I could get a the fat off specific areas I would probably stop wanting to get rid of fat when there was still areas of fat that I couldn’t see in a mirror.

  • posted by Patricia1066

    Hi Wendy, thanks for the steer. I feel fine my BMI is in healthy range, yet my belly measured as larger and I have two sets of jeans – the size 14 stretchy (currently in my laundry pile) and the size 14 tight (relegated to bottom of the drawer.)

    Maybe it’s my age and attachment to bread and potatoes, a very Irish thing.

    I used to obsess about eating bread now I just eat or don’t eat carby food depending upon how ‘heavy’ I feel. It’s a feeling that lifts when I eat yoghurt .

    Just describing the feeling makes me want to drop the bread, wow that would be a Christmas present to myself.

  • posted by Patricia1066

    Just crossposted with your post JGwen. I’ll think about what you wrote. You put the theory into practical advice very well.

    Did you enjoy the gym, or is running a farm enough of a workout? I’m thinking of joining an online exercise group for over 50s in my area. Just gentle movements which is perfect as I have not been motivated to exercise alone.

  • posted by Tulip1

    I think I smashed it??

    Just seen my repeat blood test results on my online record- HbA1c down from 42 in May to 34 last week……normal!!

    V happy and thank u all so much for your support on my getting healthier journey

    Love to all xxx

  • posted by JGwen

    Well done Tulip1.

    Hi Patricia1066,
    I had a chance to be a guinea pig on a 6 month research program. They did a full battery of tests, body scans, took blood samples, did scans of our hearts, blood vessels, mental reaction, physical reaction, strength, power, flexablity, balance. Each testing session too two hours.

    After the first set of tests we spent 12 weeks where we had one 30 minute weight training session a week. It started with a warm up on a exercise bike or stepper. Then we did three exercises, leg press, chest pull and chest press. With each of the weigh machines we did a set of reps, had a 3 minute recovery, set of reps, recovery, set of reps moved to next machine. We started out at a weight where we could do more than 7 reps but couldn’t manage more than 15, and each time did as many reps as we could in each set. When it got up to being able to do 15 reps the weight was increased to the next level.

    I love gathering data so I enjoyed it, my power and strength gains were impressive but my overall score was poor simply because of the high levels of fat.

    I did enjoy it. its a different type of exercise and I found it a great stress buster. – I could walk into the gym feeling like I wanted to spit tacks and during the session could see the funny side of the story. – One example was having some guys here to do some work on the drive. Just picture the experience of letting laural and hardy lose with a digger for a week. – Having a free gym membership, where I could call in once a week as part of a shopping trip to town was a great pattern. The only reasons I didn’t continue is the time commitment and cost of driving into town combined with the cost of gym membership. The gym in town has been closed since March (turned into a Nightingale hospital) I should price up the cost of pay per use.

  • posted by Patricia1066

    What is going on in the Nightingale hospitals? They were not costed for staffing as intensive care and in London were unused.
    However if needed to isolate large numbers they would be ideal. Hmmm.. the vaccine seems to have rendered this unnecessary.
    Anyway offtopic.

    Our council gym didn’t reopen even when they would have been allowed. That research on muscle building (not diet I seem to recall) will be interesting. Have they published yet?

    My stress relief is having a good walk with whoever is being obstructive. I think better on my feet. Laurel and hardy no doubt wouldn’t care, but did they get their just desserts?

  • posted by wendleg

    Well done Tulip on your great results ! I hope you get a well deserved rest soon and well done for resisting the sugar bombs in the staff kitchen ! xx

    Fingers crossed for your doctor’s appointment today SG. Wow… that is a lot of choc even for a Christmas pressie but as you say your daughter won’t be keeping 15kg of the stuff !!!

    Glad you have found your mojo again RubyG .! I am sure you are looking forward to a well earned rest from work too . Keep trying on those clothes !

    Welcome Jesskirkpri1 ! Of course you can join! You are very welcome and well done on your results ! Just shout out and one of us will be sure to give you some guidance if you have any queries. I will add you to THE LIST !!

    Overjoyed to see JGwen posting and giving us the benefit of her extensive research . JGwen is a legend !

    Hi Patricia ! So glad you are posting regularly with us . I understand that bread is one of the hardest foods to give up on this way of eating . It was KazzUk’s biggest challenge but she managed it through total abstinence . She found it impossible to just ‘cut down’

    Nothing very exciting happening here . A visit to the farm later will be the highlight of my day 😉 We won’t be doing any big shops as we can get most stuff locally .

    I can’ t believe how quickly the weeks are flying by . It never felt like that when I was working 😉 Wishing you all a great weekend and a happy holiday to those who are finishing work today for a while xx

  • posted by Tulip1

    thank you, I am really very very excited as this was the main reason for me doing the BSD, so most definitely will work hard to maintain this WOE now….I have 7 lbs left to get to normal BMI and additionally 4″ left to ok waist measurement for my height- after loosing 2 st 10 lbs and 9.5″ respectively. The blood result really feels like such a good boost ☺☺☺

  • posted by sunshine-girl

    Hi all, waited until after my doctors visit to post. He is very pleased with me. Everything is great, HbA1c, cholesterol and triglycerides but not only that, BP down to 110/70 and weight down 2.5kgs since last visit in September. Although I was down even then and if he had added it up it would be 4kgs because, ta da, today I hit 75.9 kgs. Just need to lose half a pound to get to my 9.5 lb goal I set at the end of August. The bad news from the doctor is that I cant expect to be vaccinated until around May or June – that even includes my husband on age and ill health and me on ill health. Unusual for France to be behind the UK in medical things but I dont think they have even started here yet.
    Dont know what I am going to say to my daughter, she is expecting us to visit in April. Oh well, at least she will have eaten all that chocolate by then. BTW she works for a large chocolate company and the box of goodies was instead of the annual Christmas party. She will give a lot of it away to neighbours, friends children and charity. Bless her.
    Christmas card from grandson George (aged 12) said ‘from your favourite grandson’ and card from other grandson Adam (aged 15) said ‘from your better grandson’. Love them both the same and miss them so much.
    Oh well, still looking forward to our zoom meal, hubby will be testing out the computer this weekend seeing if he can connect to daughter so we dont have a faff on the day. Stay safe everyone and keep on keeping on… only 7 more sleeps.

  • posted by Rainey

    Not always easy to please the doctors so good on you, sunshine_girl!

    Good news to hear that people in Europe are beginning to get the vaccine!!! Here’s hoping it’s the beginning of the end for a long, horrible year with too much sadness and too many people missing loved ones this Christmas.

    Here it’s a slow roll out and complications seem to be developing to slow it down even further but I *hope* they will at least be able to vaccinate all the healthcare workers. No word from my daughter that her hospital has it yet. But *soon*, I hope!

  • posted by Patricia1066

    Tulip1 and sunshine girl, those results are very good, well done.
    I was good this week, i didn’t eat bread for last 4 days no alcohol no dessert, and i have been doing lower body exercises. I didn’t buy chocolate or nuts so couldn’t snack. I did miss a snack with my tea, but I lived through it 😀.

    This morning I baked bread and had a slice for breakfast. Sometimes for lunch i have a single slice of bread with topping of gherkins, salt beef and lettuce. That’s my favourite sandwich and as it’s only got 1 slice of bread it’s relatively low in carbs. Looking like bread is still in my life!

    I am going to make my own mincemeat again and the pies will be my Christmas dessert. OH has toffee pudding and never snacks – that works for him.
    I hope everyone has a peaceful Christmas, chats with their loved ones and finds peace with their food. There is a long slog still before most of us gets the vaccine, but small victories are worth celebrating.

  • posted by Rainey

    On a completely different note, how are you guys in the UK coping with this new virus strain? It sounds like an awful thing to compound the difficulties of negotiating Brexit.

    I understand the vaccine is still expected to be effective even with the new strain but that the tests so far developed aren’t as useful as the new strain produces a higher rate of false negatives.

    Though I’m sure it’s grossly inconvenient and *certainly* very poorly timed, I hope the newest shutdown will be effective in slowing transmission while new technologies catch up. You are, at least, fortunate to have a national health system that’s on top of tracking and fighting it. Here we wallow in spotty and non-existent response and aren’t even learning the lesson of poor health care for one equals poor health prospects for all yet.

    Anyway, wishing you all the fortitude to deal with the restrictions that I *hope* will keep you safe!

  • posted by wendleg

    Hi everyone

    Very unsettling times, Rainey for sure . I am in France but we are in no doubt that the new virus strain is already here , and coupled with the travel restrictions across Europe this is most definitely not the Christmas we wanted or expected .

    Looking ahead to this week I have decided to rest the weekly thread . I think we need this time to reflect, re assess, find ways to celebrate with our families and loved ones as best we can . In my case it will be a very very low key affair with Whatsapp and Zoom featuring very heavily as we are all apart . Some of us will be spending Christmas alone, having had travel plans disrupted maybe at the very last minute . Sending you much love. It will be an emotional time for us all .

    Of course you can continue to share your thoughts and experiences on this thread if you wish . Let’s see how we feel at the beginning of 2021 and reassess if we want this weekly thread to continue . I am quite happy to pass the hosting onto someone else even though I will continue to contribute if I can help and support .

    Celebrate as best you can in the way that feels good for you . Wishing you a restful, peaceful time
    Wendy xx

  • posted by Patricia1066

    Hi Rainey from the isolating UK.

    The test and trace system here has never caught up with the spread of virus here, so you don’t get tested in order to control spread, you test if you have symptoms. The NHS is trusted and hopefully will be able to distribute the vaccine asap.

    It’s unsurprising to learn that thousands of mutations are identified by the labs doing PCR tests. This makes it harder for any one mutation to get noticed. However the one in the news today has 17 mutated proteins, highly unusual. It may already be in Europe and cause false negatives because of the altered shape that the basic PCR looks for.

    We have gone through a lockdown without any benefit, as rates are soaring in our region. There was a three hour window on Saturday night before the latest Stay Home deadline, and there was chaos on roads and trains to depart for every part of UK. Similar to what we saw in Wuhan early in the year.

    We just don’t learn.

  • posted by Tulip1


    Wendy, thank u so much for keeping the thread going- I for one say a big please to continuing in the New Year, this has been a rock for me, however I definitely don’t have the time or energy to take over.

    Happy Christmas all,

    Love Clare xxx

  • posted by SunnyB

    Wendy, I agree resting the weekly thread for a couple of weeks makes sense. We are all facing a strange and usual festive season and we each need to find our own way to cope with that …. hopefully not with masses of carbs!!

    You have tirelessly put time and energy into hosting the weekly thread, Wendy, providing support and encouragement, drawing from your own personal experience and sharing that with us all. Taking a break from this responsibility is very much deserved …. relax and enjoy your festive season.

    On a personal note, I am conscious that I will need to get back to basics in the new year, so would like too see the weekly thread revived, but will understand if you don’t feel you can resume the hosting responsibilities in 2021 and if that’s the case, hopefully someone will volunteer to step in to take over the hosting.

  • posted by caronl

    Wendleg, Just popping in to say a big thank you for all your advice, support, exhortations and occasional nagging! You are a star. Very best wishes to you and yours for as good a Christmas and New Year as is possible!

  • posted by sunshine-girl

    Thank you for keeping us all on track Wendy. I havent given in just yet but dont really want to be posting after Thursday except maybe if I reach my final Christmas goal. Would be nice to have something to gee us all up in the New Year and hopefully it will be a much better New Year than we have had.

  • posted by JGwen

    Hi Wendy,

    I remember the heated debates on the forum the first year I was a member between those who believed that there should be no stepping off the low carb bus for any reason and those who wanted to share Christmas with their family. – I think having a couple of weeks where maybe there is somewhere for people to post would be good but with less focus on the reading on the scales.

    Thank you for all your effort on running the thread for so long. – You have been a great standard bearer and I hope someone else steps up to be your successer.

  • posted by Butterlover

    Hi Everyone.I didn’t post much lately.I was off plan.I have returned to plan and feeling good.Thanks so much Wendy for your amazing effort in keeping us going.I agree that everyone is very busy and a break is definitely helpful .I am so sorry for everyone in UK and Europe in lockdown. Stay strong the vaccine is coming soon. Wishing you all a happy festive season .I will be back in the new year as I still have kgs to discard.

  • posted by sunshine-girl

    Hi all, yes JGwen I remember the days when we had some real hardcore dieters on this site. Not a carb passed their lips and there was no such thing as having a slip up. You would be almost banished. Wonder where they all are now!!!! Irony meme if I knew how to do one.
    Had a bit of a bad night. Woke at around 5.30 and felt a bit weird, went to the loo. Back to bed but I couldnt settle and felt sick and restless and just weird. Got up and did a blood test at 5.45 and was verging on a hypo. Stood their at 5.45 stuffing my face with some left over beef and had a couple of glucose tablets. Everything is fine but it is strange how your body tells you when things are not right, there was no way it was going to let me go back to sleep. Anyway, I have gained a smidge of weight but still 12 stone spot on. After a breakfast of grilled mushrooms and a poached egg I had enough in the tank to let me do a 30 minutes aerobics workout. Still keeping on for a couple more days. Bonne continuation a tous – or French for good luck everyone.

  • posted by Patricia1066

    Wendleg, have a lovely Christmas we miss you already! You have been giving us wonderful support, and a place to return whenever we like.

  • posted by nhatha3432

    I weighed in this morning (23rd December) at 91 kgs (14.3 Stones) , making a total weight loss 27.6kgs (4.33 Stones), from a starting weight of 118.6 kgs (18.63 Stones) on 17th August 2020; four months of it. So, last day of my diet today, final weigh-in tomorrow, which clearly won’t be much different from this morning’s, and then off the diet for Christmas and New Year, and then starting in the new year with a new diet and a fitness routine suitable for my age! I shall keep you posted. (Before and after photos are quite ‘shocking’)

  • posted by Mifoz

    Well done nhatha! Those are amazing numbers, I’m sure you feel great too. I hit 91.1kg this morning too, so a small loss from last week. I started at 105kg at the end of September. My husband pointed out this morning on our walk, that before I was carrying around the equivalent of 2 large bags of dog food, so no wonder the walk is easier! I’d have loved to get under 90 for Christmas, but perhaps by New Year.

    I’ve been baking for the family over the past few days and haven’t really felt like sampling much. I made my grandmother’s recipe Christmas cookies and just one (they are small shortbreads) was enough to check they tasted ok and bring that smile to my face in memory of her. We had breakfast out on our walk this morning, and despite me thinking I might cheat since I had blood tests yesterday, I still chose a low carb option. So maybe this is all sinking in.

    Sad to hear about how tough the UK is going. We have had new cases in New South Wales this week, so there is a lot of uncertainty, but we were in a good position to start with so seem to be getting on top of it as quickly as possible. Terrible timing for the lead in to Christmas Day. I really feel for everyone who has had their plans upended so suddenly. Fingers crossed the vaccine roll out goes well and we can put this all behind us sooner rather than later.

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