Thanks SunnyB and sunshinegirl for keeping the thread going and welcome CurryTruck and Igglyboo!
Good to see regulars posting .
Clare I hope things settle for you and you can keep a depressive episode at bay . It’s hard to interact with our partners when we are feeling fragile and it’s not easy to share what is going on . School starting again and getting into that routine when you are tired is hard. Delegate where you can Clare ?
Lauren, that is so good that you were validated and appreciated by your pupils in your promotion. I hope the workload is becoming more manageable now ?
Hi caronl , hi Merry ! I always feel warm and cuddly knowing you are both still there ! Julz you are a legend with your running and that’s brilliant that you are managing that staying low carb. There is a book called ‘ The art and science of low carbohydrate living’ by Jeff Volek and Stephen Phinny that advocates low carb for athletes . You amaze me Julz !!
I love the fact that this thread allows us to discuss so much more than weight and our struggles with food. Reading the posts this week there are so many more issues that come into play .
SG I too thought your post was honest and brave . It is most definitely true that we spend a lot of time trying to please others, fearing the consequences if we imagine changing things and ultimately going with status quo as it’s less challenging or that we expect things to improve . We are not responsible for others’ behaviour and we can only take responsibility for our own . I admire your strength and insight and your hubby is lucky to have you !! Maybe a bit scared by that strength because deep down he knows he needs you ?
Amz/ Orangepanda you know that I have followed your posts from the first time you came on the thread and I have often been saddened and yes outraged to hear how you are at times belittled and sabotaged in your efforts. I have often said that you are worth more and you shouldn’t allow it but I am not in your situation and no one can really tell you what to do ( I’ve been very tempted I will admit !!!)
Amz it’s your life, your health and you really must not allow anyone to put you down. Always remember this … THEIR BEHAVIOUR SAYS SO MUCH MORE ABOUT THEM THAN IT DOES ABOUT YOU !
I wonder if your hubby is fearful and insecure and masks that by exerting some control ( over you ?) You should feel supported and encouraged in your relationship but ultimately you have to feel strong in yourself and uplifted by your progress regardless of what anyone does to undermine you .
I do think you are getting stronger though Amz and you are learning to filter the negativity around you. I hope you will read sunshinegirl’s post and not be fearful of what she is voicing . We are all here to support you Amz and even if at times some things are uncomfortable to read, you are safe with us . We have your back .
Please don’t go away ( I will come and find you 😉 )
By the way hair loss is often cited as a consequence of low carb. I think dietdoctor discusses it and if I remember rightly it can help to increase protein.
About loose skin . I lost 30 kg and did not have any loose skin (some wrinkly bits on my thighs and arms but not loose as such ) I always include some form of fasting in my week as simple as never eating breakfast to doing extended fasts up to 60 hours when that feels ok and I think that has had some effect . Remember Jason Fung never referred his fasting patients for loose skin surgery . I however do not have a flat stomach and doubt I ever will but that does not bother me .
Amz you are making great progress with your weight loss and exercise regime . Remember to focus on you , stay strong and stay with us !!!
I am going to have a nose round SG’s house now !!!