One Month at a Time 2024: Welcome to an Optimistic October

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  • posted by sunshine-girl

    Setting up the new thread is always difficult – thinking of new things to say and new titles. So this months is courtesy of my husband, he has his uses.

    The weather is getting cold but it can be a wonderful time of the year with beautiful autumnal colours of oranges, reds and golden browns. It is a time to look back on how we have done with our goals and plans through the past months and also a time for planning for the upcoming season of celebrations – Thanksgiving in America in November, Christmas in the UK and all parts inbetween.

    Lets set some new goals – or continue on a successful path – and look forward to the rest of the year with optimism. Come and join us if you want somewhere to start, no need to struggle alone, or to continue with your efforts and reach higher goals.

    Everyone is welcome, no pressure, no guilt and no preaching, just care and whatever help you might need.


  • posted by sunshine-girl

    Starts Tuesday 1st October. See you here.


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