No loss for 11 days!

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  • posted by Egg on legs


    I am on week four and lost 6lb in week one and 2 lb week 2 but have been at a standstill since. I rarely go over 800 calls if I do so then just by 50. -100. I track everything on my fitness pal and walk each day. Anyone else experiencing this plateau?

  • posted by Pat.Unlimited

    Do you measure your blood glucose or take any body measurements? That might give you confidence that changes are happening. Selfies can also be helpful in revealing differences in body shape.

    If you go over by up to 100 every day, that could amount to almost an extra day’s food every week, so beware of exceeding the recommended 800 regularly. I’d suggest tracking your calories quiet carefully for a while and seeing where those extra 50-100 calories are coming from. If any of it is starchy carbs or if you eat a lot of fruit, that would be a good place to trim back.

    Finally, how are your bowel movements? Depending when you last had one in relation to when you get weighed, that can make quiet a difference in the short term.

    Other than that, be patient with yourself and be particularly vigilant tracking your calories for a while.

  • posted by Egg on legs

    Hi Pat

    I don’t measure my blood sugars but have lost inches as well as pound and fit into a size smaller jeans.. I also feel better but am disappointed with no further loss as I want to keep motivated. Good point about the additional days worth of food. Thanks

  • posted by Bill1954

    Probably your body just readjusting, It does tend to hang on to stored energy reserves when under assault by a new eating plan.
    Make sure you keep up the water intake and that you have a decent amout of fat in your food.
    If you stick to 800 calories the weight has to start coming off again.

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