Hi, where can I find the book blood sugar diet way of life? The recipes in the diet book are all great, I would love more when I reach maintenance.
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Hi Dobson, I dont think there is such a book. If you look on some of the sites they do just call this the blood sugar diet way of life. If you look in the forums tab at the top of the page the phrase you are using is just one of the off-shoot forums along with Starting BSD, 5:2 BSD, BSD Med Style Diet etc but definitely no new book. Have you already got the booked called The 8 Week Blood Sugar Diet.
Thank you. I have the 8 week blood sugar diet and the recipe book.
I must have misunderstood as in that book under what do I do once I have achieved my goal, it says for maintenance we recommend the blood sugar diet way of life. I thought it meant a book with that title. -
I see, no it means you should continue to keep this diet as part of everyday life. Not ditch it and going back to how things were before. There are several people who have reached maintenance. Some seem to have left the site but as maintaining is actually harder than losing the weight some do come back with a few added pounds knowing they can get back on track. Don’t let it get out of hand if you start to gain on maintenance. You have to test things out for yourself, add a little here and there, allow yourself some bread when you are out for a meal but dont make it a staple of your daily diet like sandwiches for lunch. Keep an eye out for foods that cause you problems and eliminate them. There are lots of good videos out there if you go onto Youtube and ask for maintaining weight loss and if you watch a few you will find someone who you can relate to. I like Dr Becky Fitness, all free.
Hope that is helpful, you can ask as many questions as you want or join us on a weekly thread currently called Judicious June and a date, currently 6th June, next one will start up 13th June. We are a mix of beginners, maintainers, long timers etc.
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