Moving from Fast 800

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  • posted by captainlynne

    In a few weeks I’ll be moving from Fast 800 to 5:2 and wonder how others have made the transition, how it has affected weight loss and fasting bloods levels.

    I’ll have been on 800 for about 12 weeks (after checking with the team), but on their advice have to make the change.

    So far I’ve lost 30 pounds (only another 56 to go!) bloods and BP both down.

    Any advice?

  • posted by Justabloke

    Captainlynne, same question but I’m after some specific advice. I posted it in the BSD Way of Life forum as I figured this forum was for the people who are doing 5 and 2 to lose their initial weight and the other for moving on post initial weight loss from either diet. I’ve got concerns about how to make up the extra calories including the complete lack of desire for additional food) and how to maintain the required nutrition from the 5 and 2 long term but with less calories during the 5 days of “normal” eating. Still need to drop about 20 kg to get to healthy weight.

    Congrats on your results so far. We finish week 8 on Sunday and also planning to continue for another 2 weeks.

  • posted by captainlynne

    Hi Justabloke. I’ve answered you on BSD Way of Life. Hope it goes some way to answering at least part of your post.

  • posted by Debi

    Not a diabetic but carb addiction needed killing!

    I’m a failed ‘Fast 800’
    Confession over… My last 7 weeks look like this:
    I managed week 1 of ‘Fast 800’ loss 8lb
    Week 2 no loss
    Week 3 loss of inches but 2lb gain
    Week 4 loss 1 lb but couldn’t sustain 800 Cals daily so stayed low carb & ate to satisfy hunger!
    Week 5 started 5:2BSD loved it!
    Week 6 much loss of inches but scared to weigh!
    Week 7 completed and weight loss total is at 11lb

    I exercise a lot and was already slimish after a 4 stone weight loss on the original 5:2 Fast Diet. The wobbly extra is slowly diminishing on the 5:2 BSD but I don’t feel like I’m dieting anymore. It’s so easy to just have brunch and dinner now I’m less strict with calories that I do it more each week that I’ve been following this version. Therefore, the fasting benefits are upped as I’m regularly able to remain in my fast for 17 hours!
    Hope this helps you feel positive about switching to 5:2BSD for weight loss but sorry I can’t help with blood benefits.
    So failing is winning…?

  • posted by SkyWalker

    For what its worth I am technically in week 12 as of today but stopped counting calories several days ago. I am struggling to eat a lot more and don’t push it. I am adding some more carbs now but not in a planned way. I just do not worry about it as I am still losing at 79.1 kg now from previous 96.2 in Feb. I think that I have managed to change my eating style as well as content of meals and do not expect to go back to Fast 800 until my weight starts creeping up again. My BMI is 25.9 today so I can go a while longer before getting to 25. I was not expecting to even get near to 25 but it seems it will happen unless I introduce some of the old and bad habits. The only time I have felt hungry was after a meal that included bread and sausage that was unplanned but as a guest who had skipped lunch it was a pleasant change. It did not do the job though and the carbs producing the hunger phenomenon was obviously alive and well.

  • posted by Funkydoofamily

    My question is around the reintroduction of carbs when going on to 5:2. I’m on week 9 of Fast BSD and will probably do another week. I’ve lost 4 inches round the waist and stone in weight with a few weeks where I’ve gained or stayed the same. The big bonus for me is how much better I feel when not eating flour, potato, rice and pasta. I’m nervous about being on 5:2 and how to keep the feast/fast principle while steering clear of those nasty starchy carbs.

  • posted by orchid

    Hi Captainlynne, I have the same question. I have stopped the 800 and morphed over into ‘med where possible’, but in an uncontrolled way as I was away from home with a couple of long car journeys, staying with family then on a holiday for a week – so been off for 3 weeks.
    I was not diabetic when I started, just heading towards pre-diabetic and 23kg above ‘normal weight’. I kept on the diet for 10 weeks before I went on holiday. I had lost 15.2kg, blood sugars now firmly in the ‘normal’ range and I was ‘fat-burning’. When I started BSD I had looked at my diary and decided is had to be done then as that was the best 8 week window I had. This coming weekend I am on a course and then my cousin is down for a holiday and we will be at Chelsea :-), plus be out and about ad hoc stops etc for a week. My aim was to keep within 2kg of my 10 week finish weight and restart on losing the last 10kg after that – probably first week of June.
    So how did I do when I was away – my new clothes are still fitting me, so I knew I had not put on much weight. I did weigh myself yesterday for the first time in 3 weeks and I am 2kg higher (mainly gut-fill) so happy enough with that, no longer fat-burning though and have not yet done BS. I have been eating carbs again at times when I had no choice, but did avoid rice, potatoes, chips etc and deserts except for ice-cream which I had a couple of nights. I still do not feel that I have made a full change and am worried about reverting to old habits.
    I read recently that you need a year on a change programme to actually hardcode the change into your system – be that eating or exercise. So – I have started to think about the next phase as I do want this hardcoded into my system.
    What did I learn in the 8 weeks?
    1. Losing weight fast was such a high……. and strangely great fun. The forum helped.
    2. Weight everything – the eye is not accurate; read all labels.
    3. Avoid all processed foods – make things from scratch where at all possible.
    4. Don’t beat yourself up if one day does badly, the next day starts afresh.
    5. Full fat is not the enemy – it is a friend.
    I have ordered a paper copy of the BSD book and will reread it over the coming weeks. I read it in January on the Kindle, and gone back often to check things, but it is a nuisance as there are no page numbers for referencing. I also want to scribble on it – saw a comment from someone about that in the last couple of weeks – personalise the book – great idea.
    I particularly want to read it in light of my own experiences and look at the longer term especially the fasting which others have been talking about. I took the 800 cals and 60g carbs approach.
    The first question for me is whether to go for another 8 week stint on 800 cals to get rid of the last 10 kg then move to the 5:2 or full med; or to go onto the 5:2.
    From Judith’s posts she just increased her calories a little each week for a number of weeks until she got to the calories she had calculated was her maintenance point.
    So – first step – calculate my maintenance calorie intake per day. Reread the book to see if the fasting days and sticking to maintenance calories for the other days will work on the last 10kg or do 6-8 weeks to get rid of that. Also – look at some of the other ideas that came out of the January ‘Trust me, I’m a Doctor’ series around olive oil for the heart, trying to eat in an 8 hour window per day, barley and oats to reduce BP etc. and see if they can be added into the 5 ‘normal’ days.
    Sorry for the long ramble – I have been thinking about what to do a lot and procrastinating on putting it into action. Putting down my thoughts and concerns down has helped me work out my next steps.
    I will be very interested in anyone else’s experience, approach or thoughts.

  • posted by captainlynne

    Hi Orchid

    Please remember that when I started this I was type 2 diabetic, diet controlled for 6.5 years, but being threatened with medication. I needed to lose between 6 and 6.5 stones (84 – 91 pounds). I need to avoid some foods that others can eat with no problem.

    Today I’ve finished 21 weeks on Fast 800, not only keeping to the 800 calories, but keeping carbs as low as possible.

    During that time I had 5 days holiday abroad and 4 days at a residential conference. During the holiday I made the best choices available, but gained 2 pounds, which disappeared after a few days. That made me realise I needed to concentrate more on portion control. I don’t normally eat at lunchtime, but at the residential conference dinner was much later than I usually eat, so I had a slice of cooked meat with a small amount of salad. I had my usual cooked breakfast (bacon, egg, baked beans). When given the menu to pre-order dinner I immediately crossed out the desserts (including the cheese board – it’s huge and comes with grapes, celery and crackers). Then I looked at the starters, trying to work out the best option, deleting carbs as necessary. Same with the main course. When the veg arrived I just took a small portion, ignoring potatoes and other root veg. The portions for the main course were huge and I couldn’t finish them.

    To date I’ve lost a total of 49 pounds (3 this week). My fasting blood sugar has dropped from 10.9 to within the normal range. A recent HbA1c blood test also showed a drop – from 9.6 immediately before I started on BSD on 19th December, to 8.7 in January and 5.5 in April (within the normal range).

    My BMI has dropped from 40.9 to 30.9. I only need to lose another 3 pounds to move from obese to overweight. I have also lost 4 dress sizes.

    I still need to lose another 29-36 pounds approx to be where the medics want mr to be and will stay with 800 calories and very low carb until I reach my target.

    After all this time, eating this way is a habit. I cannot imagine eating refined carbs again. I have also lost the taste for diet fizzy drinks – now I drink water (usually fizzy).

    In a few weeks I’m on holiday in Italy, staying with friends. I’ve already told them I can’t eat pizza, pasta etc – so now they think I’m coeliac! They have a relation who is coeliac, so said they’re used to catering for it. Told them not to bother with special foods, I’m happy with meat, fish, cheese, veg and salad. When I arrive I’ll ask them to take me shopping so I can buy some food to help out their budget. And I’m taking a hand-held Spiraliser with me – introduce them to courgetti etc. 😃

    At the age of 65 I feel better than in many years and wish I had found this way of eating many years ago. It is not a diet – it is a way of life.

    Hope this helps. Any questions, please ask.

  • posted by debs14

    Hi. Can someone tell me how to work out the Maintenance point? I have completed 10 weeks and want to do 2 more weeks on the 800cal. I have lost 6.5kg. It seems like most people have lost a lot more then that in the same time frame. I won’t get discouraged as I only need to lose anther 5kgs. THANKS!

  • posted by Carolg

    Hi Lynne,
    If you don’t mind me asking why are the team advising you to move off the BSD? I am in week 13 having lost 3 stone but still needing to loose another 8 or 9, and want to keep going on BSD. With my GPs blessing I am now off all my diabetic meds, just having my bloods periodically monitored.

  • posted by captainlynne

    Hi debs 14. Well done on your loss so far 😃 My suggestion would be that when you reach your target weight you start to gradually increase your calories while still eating the Mediterranean style foods, drinking the water, and restricting carbs. When you increase the calories gradually you’ll find how many you can eat without gaining weight. Hashimoto has done this, but she’s on holiday for a few weeks.

    Hi CarolG. Ask anything. If I can answer, I will. And others will too😃

    Perhaps I should have made it clear that I asked the team that question months ago, when I was still in my first 8 weeks on BSD. As I was one of those who started this in the early days we were in uncharted territory so their advice possibly reflected that. In the book MM says 8 weeks then on to 5:2 Mediterranean style. But that some may stay on 800 calories longer if they have more weight to lose.

    There are now many of us on these forums who are much further along the BSD journey, and now cannot even think about eating carbs again (or the amount of food that we used to eat!)

    I’m now on my 22nd week on 800 calories, losing 57 pounds so far, and another 28 or so still to lose. The weight is still coming off, my fasting blood sugars and HbA1c are down from diabetic levels into normal levels, I have more energy, have better concentration, think more clearly and can cope better with stressful situations. Many of us have also experienced unexpected benefits.

    Hope this helps. Any other questions, please ask.

  • posted by Funkydoofamily

    Hi all, I’m struggling with the transition from Fast 800 (which I did for 10 weeks, losing 2 stone nearly) onto the 5:2. I would rather just be on 800 everyday!! I got so used to it, wasn’t weighing much as I know quantities and wasn’t hungry or craving. I find I’m getting cravings back now which I didn’t have during the 800 daily regime. For example, I’m so much hungrier in the mornings, I guess because my body is getting to used to more calories on the feast days and so my usual practice of not eating from 7pm to 9am is getting harder and I’m feeling grim on my commute. Also, whilst I know I can still be low carb and just add in a few more carbs now, it just makes me feel either shaky or bloated. I haven’t reintroduced rice, pasta or flour but have had a few potatoes as I figured they were least processed. But even one of those makes me crave more. I’m worried about returning to old habits.
    I just feel like my body is shifting back to wanting food it has survived perfectly well without for 10 weeks! So I guess I’d like any advice on maintaining now that I’m on 5:2 and also, how often can you go back to 800 a day and for how long should you do it? I’m thinking that one week a month I might do 800 with the other three being 5:2.
    Thanks for your help.

  • posted by Switzerland

    Hi Funkydoofamily,
    I moved from Fast 800 to low carb med 5:2 on 27/05. I have kept my food low carb and med style. I have introduced rolled oats and 100% rye (pumpernickel) but only had them a couple of times a week. On the 5 days that I don’t count calories, if I’m feeling peckish at the end of dinner I have hot chocolate (milk/cocoa powder), a spoonful of full fat natural yoghurt or 30g cheese. That does the trick for me.
    On the ‘5’ days I maintain the pattern of eating that I do on the 2 x 800 calorie days eg. no snacks between meals , fast for 12 hours overnight. I try and not eat any foods that will cause a sharp peak in my BGL’s. I also make sure I eat 2 servings of fruit a day and 5 servings of veg. In my case I find the protein takes care of itself as even before I did the BSD I would have @45g/day.
    From reading the threads it seems very individual as to what combination of the BSD you settle with.
    I hope this has been helpful.

  • posted by debs14

    Hi Funkdoofamily,
    I know exactly what you feel like. I feel that will happen to me as well so I am continuing on the 800cal, low carb for 5 days and having a bit of a splurge on 2. This seems to be working well. If you are having 21 meals a week, 1 or 2 bad ones won’t matter. Try to have your carbs early in the day(works for me) I still count my calories and weigh my food for portion comtrol(100g protein portions) I keep my carbs >35g. Hope this helps!

  • posted by MarieS

    Hello Captainlynne, I have seen your profile and you have had amazing results. Well done! I am just starting the 800 calorie programme today and wondered if you had any tips? What was a typical meal plan for you on any given day? Many Thanks.

  • posted by captainlynne

    Hi Marie

    All I did was stick with the 800 calories a day, as we as low carbohydrates. I decided that I just had to stick to it, no matter what happened around me. Threw out the high calorie and high carb good. Made sure low calorie low carb food always in the fridge. So when I was too tired to bother there was something to just grab quickly.

    Originally I ate 3 times a day. But a cooked breakfast filled me up so I now normally eat just breakfast and evening meal. At the moment I am in Italy staying with friends so I am eating a small breakfast, small lunch then evening meal. Still with an eye on calories and carbs.

    If you read some of my other threads it may give you more information but if you have any questions please ask.

  • posted by Nettle


    Good too see you pop up. Your posts on this site this year are a legacy, thanks.
    The beginning of the first weeks for me in March seem so very long ago, but I remember the first 8 weeks whizzing by. A preconceived idea of many out there is that diets have you on a wierd and whacky regime. I am asked often “What do you eat, what did you have for breakfast? ” I feel I am eating great food, normal food, so it is a normal sounding meal plan I share. They don’t expect to hear bacon eggs tomatoes and mushrooms, don’t fret the fat, on a so-called diet. Full-fat luscious yoghurt and blueberries to boot. We are normal, we are successful on this, WE ARE IN MAINTAINENCE and loving it. I think the term is balance, we are in balance; fat, carbs, calories, water, dont forget the water! Energy in, energy out.

    Have you seen the beauty in a low-carb Italy? I guess you are more relaxed this time around.

  • posted by captainlynne

    Hi Nettle 🙋🏼😃

    I’m still around. Just not posting much.

    Oh – I’m capitana!

    I agree with everything you say😃

    I really don’t see myself eating the old high carb way ever again.

    We had friends over tonight. The meal was a one pot chicken dish. Chicken, veggies and rice all together. I left the rice. Visitors brought chocolate cake. I had cheese. So did one of the visitors!

    Breakfast here has been yogurt & nuts, not my usual cooked meal, because we eat lunch. If I can’t eat what they eat it’s meat and/or cheese plus veggies or salad.

    It’s an adventure looking round good shops. All the different foods. Checking labels.

    We missed the earthquake fortunately. Tomorrow travelling to a very small town near Turin and the mountains dividing Italy from France for a few days before returning to Cremons before I fly home on Friday.

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