Just started today, do you need to check blood sugar?

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  • posted by Chrisdarl

    I have just started the diet today. I am am fit but have over the last year put on over a stone after a hysterectomy. This all makes sense to me as I have a terrible addiction to sugar.

    Can anyone tell me whether I’m in for a rough ride coming off sugar and carbs? If so how long and coping strategies to help? I have a 15yr in the house so can’t completely get rid of everything unhealthy..

  • posted by SkyWalker

    No need to worry much. You will find that when you replace your carbs sugar, bread, pasta, rice, biscuits and cakes with eating more fats and proteins that you will no longer feel hungry and after that it is a mental thing. In week 18 now, I am fine, no cake for over 3 months or biscuits or rice and I don’t like pasta. It is unbelievable at first but I d not need much will power most days and everything is allowed with the 800 cals and 30 gms of carbs but some carbs are nutritionally worthless so choose carefully. Wife sorted too.

  • posted by Igorasusual

    Just sitting on the train with my cup of coffee WITH NO SUGAR!!

    It’s now 30days since I gave up my 2 spoons in coffee and tea. I can’t say that I’m not noticing, hasn’t quite got to that stage yet, but I am drinking the coffee with enjoyment which is enormously greater because I have kicked the addiction. I’ve been told it takes 6 weeks for the taste buds to finally get used to it and I know I can do that.

    840 useless and damaging calories per week (8 cups per day of coffee/tea) gone forever. That’d do a lovely meal which wouldn’t damage my body.

    But better than anything is knowing I CAN DO IT!

  • posted by Leeanne

    I went from 2 normal sweeteners to just 1 stevia for a few weeks and now I drink my tea with no sweeteners at all. I think some of the sweeteners are more sweet tasting than sugar. I count a cup of tea with whole milk as 7 cals. Same with yoghurts. I never thought I would eat Greek yoghurt! Now I have it every day and love it. Tasted my daughter’s Muller yoghurt and it was just too sweet.

  • posted by Alanhypno

    Blood sugar readings

    Is there a decent proper BS scale to use?

    Even the one in book is a little unclear

    I need proper targets to aim for

    6.2 fasting today ,not good enough as still on metformin

  • posted by Maefly

    Chrisdarl – it is not necessary to check your blood sugar unless this is a reason for you to be on the diet. I am a type 2 diabetic so decided to track my fasting blood sugars every morning. I have foung it useful for when I am struggling to loose pounds as I can still see the effects on my BS.

    Alanhypno – As far as I know below 5.6 is normal for a before breakfast (fasting) blood sugar. Mine used to be in the 7 or 8s even with Metformin. Started the BSD and they quickly came down to the 6s. After a few weks they were in the 5s (with occasionals peaks which I can find no dietary reason for). I recently stopped my metformin following an HbA1c of 40 (48 is pre-diabetic). My diabetic nurse (DN) said that my BS would bounce back, so set a review for 3 months. Actually, I had three days in the mid 6s and now my BS is lower than ever, low 5s and high 4s. I am really chuffed.

    Hope this helps,

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