Is it me?

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  • posted by Collie

    Hi BSD’a
    Is it me or are we really surrounded by rubbish food! I may be a bit slow but have just realised that supermarkets are just full of it , I now shop in the fruit vegetables aisle ,meat and dairy aisle, washing etc household aisle. And that’s it!
    There are 100’s of square feet full of what? Sugar and Norty carbs. I feel I should campaign for the return of green grocers and independent butchers. Just taken an order of full fat organic unpasteurised milk( not suitable for pregnant elderly) tastes delicious really lovely. May get some healthy bacteria in my gut !
    I am so hoping this way of life grows and grows, don’t get me wrong it’s not easy this way of life I crave carbs and am hungry at times. Just learning to live with small portions , real hunger, and realising nothing bad happens if you go to bed hungry but wake up not hungry what’s that about?
    I am trying to go for variety not get stuck in the same old same old as its a way of life.
    Our bodies are amazing my weight loss is so not linear , it seems to come off in little chunks followed by static periods but during the static periods the inches reduce!!!
    I am starting to like me and my body wow that was hard to say. I am starting to trust my instinct so if I’m really hungry wait and still feel hungry eat a bit more , still lose weight. So listen to your bodies peeps but really listen with all,our senses. Ok that’s my saying for the day .
    Favourite word of the day Omelette!!!!
    Have a good one my ramblings are done for now , must go for a ramble with the collies!!!

  • posted by Frog

    you know that game where you look at what other people have in their baskets at the checkout queue?
    I used to do a supermarket shop & feel a bit embarrassed (and with buying cakes, biscuit and chocolate top ups in local mini supermarkets).
    Now I feel incredibly smug with a trolley full of vegetables, plain fish and meat & healthy dairy.

  • posted by Sandie

    Yep. Definitely smug here too. Have you noticed that supermarket shopping is a lot quicker when you only have to go to the vegetables, meat and fish counters then off home.

  • posted by weescotty

    Well said! I look at ppl in the street or on telly and then see old tv prgs & photies and the difference in so short a time in our body shape is alarming. I too appreciate variety and have had to make an effort to root out suitable recipes that are not expensive and – important for me – do not create a mountain of washing up. Which I hate. I really don’t think I could cope well eating the same for days.
    I live in a town pop approx 50,000 and we have ONE greengrocer. We do have butchers and a farm vending machine in our shopping mall.
    Buying fresh at supermarkets is tricky as now lots bagged in too large quantities for me to eat through without getting fed up.
    I did try to keep cost down by joining an internet site that gives access to coupons for money off all sorts. Virtually nothing is ‘healthy’ so so far not used a single coupon! milk, how many pregnant elderly women do you know? πŸ™‚

  • posted by Izzy

    it isn’t just that they are full of rubbish food, they are designed to entice. The first aisle in the store my husband works in is full of breads, cakes, cereals, biscuits and cereal bars. You have to run that gauntlet just to make it to the fruit and veg!

    Our co-op has a long stand open at both sides that houses all the chocolate and sweets, and where is it? right where you queue for the check out. I use the self service most of the time so I don’t need to stand beside it but you can’t avoid walking past chocolate. There is also a costa coffee machine in the same area to entice (I don’t like coffee but love a hot choc)

    I’ve trained myself to just not look now. I have ‘shopping tunnel vision’ !

    The thing that really annoys me isn’t so much the chocolate and sweets. We all know that those things are unhealthy. The thing that really gets me is that there are so many things we have been told are healthy that really just are not. Low fat products for example and wholegrain cereals.

    aaand before I stop my rambling. I’m always shocked in the yoghurt aisle 95% of the yoghurt available is low fat and you really have to look to find full fat yoghurt!

  • posted by Frog

    Most of the local supermarkets I can think of have the fruit and veg closest to the entrance (maybe the occasional special offer of muffins or donuts plonked immediately inside of the door. Maybe they think you;ll start of virtuous and then give in to cakes and chocolate.
    Not being one to make lists, I prefer to choose my meat and fish, and then go back and decide what vegetables I want with them, so lots of criss-crossing – but loads of superfluous aisles now.

    I agree with you on the yoghurt front – and someone was saying on another thread that her local supermarkets rarely stocked full fat cottage cheese.

  • posted by orchid

    Hi Izzy – totally agree about the yoghurt. I was shocked when I went to buy full fat yoghurt to find that I really struggled to find it – 2 cases of fat free, low fat – I eventually found some full fat Greek Yoghurt, but I really had to hunt. I also wanted some sour cream, which is usually well hidden and picked up the one brand there. I was really shocked when I got home to find that the sour cream was low fat! When I used to look for it as a low fat product it did not exist….. times have changed.

  • posted by Izzy

    times have changed and evidently not for the better.

    I hope the health guidance starts to trickle through now that some research has shown that our old advice is not just outdated but harmful and causing obesity.

    When I think of the dietician I saw at the end of last year she was a lovely lady but I just got the same old advice when I was hoping for something more targetted towards insulin issues. She was overweight herself. If the professionals can’t stay healthy knowing everything that they think they do, isn’t that a big sign that something has gone wrong?

  • posted by Collie

    Ha sadly Im a midwife so lots of pregnant women and Im elderly or getting that way xxxx

  • posted by Collie

    Oh how i so agree with you , all the healthy slogans on food stuffed with additives and sweetness. To be honest I knew this but was truly addicted. I still miss them but don’t want them I have made huge strides but am working on the longing almost like a bereavement for carbs!! How sad is that.
    The adaption process is about re learning what gives the same feelings – definate work in progress.
    Sometimes at work we get healthy food gifts but 99% are chocolates hence this health professional being fat. I do not expect gifts and am very grateful that people are able to think of others while vulnerable. Please don’t think we are ungrateful.

  • posted by Izzy

    not at all I don’t think anyone ungrateful. My dietician could have had other health issues too, it isn’t like she would tell a patient that sort of thing. I wasn’t meaning to be so judgmental my post came across as harsh.

  • posted by Collie

    Oh No Izzy you were defo not harsh or judgemental I was trying not to be harsh by seeming ungrateful for the presents . OOPs no harm intended love your posts . Your recipe post help me enormously xxx

  • posted by Izzy

    that’s ok it was my own reading of the post that made me think it seemed harsh not anything you said lol. Definitely no harm intended or done by either of us I hope πŸ™‚

    Glad you like the recipes, I love experimenting and trying new things.

    I’ve been guilty of giving the gift of chocolates to people in the past as well for various things without thinking of the fact they may have been trying to avoid such things. A fruit basket may make a nicer gift to consider in the future but even that has it’s flaws!

  • posted by Leeanne

    As well as the health benefits from changing the way I shop, I’ve also seen a reduction in the bill! I now only shop once a week – the exception being running out of fresh strawberries which I’ve had to buy more of mid-week. I still buy a few treats for the family but have come to the conclusion that it was me all along eating us out of house and home!!! (Wk 14 and weigh in now starts with an 11!)

  • posted by Timmy

    It’s not just the supermarket that has the temptation either, it’s all over my bloomin house! For reasons known only to her, my wife bought 2 tubes of pringles for the kids yesterday. It took all the willpower I could muster not to shove one in my face! In the end I had to hide them from view.

    Although she did admit that after seeing the kids with all the weird white powder that came off them all over their lips, it is the last time she is going to buy them! Thanks god for that.

  • posted by Izzy

    well done for not eating them Timmy! think ahead to the sixpack…

  • posted by Timmy

    Lol. Funnily enough thinking of a flat belly was what stopped me in the end. That and remembering seeing a program about how Hoola Hoops were made. I think Hoola Hoops and Pringles are made using pretty much the same process, which is a by-product of making crisps.

    When they wash/boil the potatoes for crisp manufacture, loads of the starch comes out into the water. And whist the actual potatoes go off to become crisps, some clever clogs thought it would be a good idea to boil down the water and retrieve the starch. Then Hoola Hoops were born! They are basically nothing but potato starch, exactly the thing we are trying to avoid!!

  • posted by Collie

    Yuk that really is gross. It funny but I worry about what is in my dogs food they eat raw meat responsibly sourced !! Yet I have been stuffing rubbish, where does this rubbish stop. I remember jamie Oliver ( love him or hate him) going on about turkey twirzzlers and kids is any one big enough to take on the giants of the food industry. Sadly the food is relatively cheap in monetary terms , it would be good to think that a thinking democratic country could use it intelligence to the better . Heres hoping Im a glass half full person.
    On another note Holland and Barrett (UK) have nuts on offer .

  • posted by Natalie

    I’ve been giving my husband’s aunt chocolates as presents for years as she is well known as a chocoholic. Tomorrow I’m giving her a potted cyclamen instead!

  • posted by Frog

    Izzy – your post reminded me of a funny Austrian Doctor that I used to have, many years ago.
    She was shorter than me, a similar build – poss a size 16 or 18.
    I was overweight then, but less so than now, but also quite muscly as I did lots of weights. I didn’t go to the GP often, but every time I saw her, she insisted on weighting me, and pronouncing crossly “If I weighed as much as you do I would be very very fat”.
    Made me laugh every time!

    Health professionals are still human – I’m amazed at how many smoke! And drink excessively – no automatic passport!

    I used to have a brilliant Dentist – I also knew her on a social level, and used to try and schedule appointments to avoid Mondays when she might be hung over & not fully recovered from any coke excesses at the weekend.

    I also had a very slim nutritionist – she was good-ish, I lost weight, but over the series of appointments I had with her, there was only one food that she ever expressed a liking for – one evening she got really excited that purple sprouting broccoli was about to come into season. On reflection at the time I wondered if she had issues with anorexia – but to engage yourself with food as a career when you don’t actually like it – Weird!

  • posted by Frog

    thanks Timmy
    that should be enough to put me off of Pringles and Hula Hoops for ever.
    The residual waste from making crisps. Lovely

  • posted by Frog

    “slurry of wheat, rice, corn, and potato flakes” doesn’t feature on the cartons or the advertising

    might as well put “sweepings from the factory floor’ on the ingredients list

  • posted by Timmy

    It’s the cocaine, sorry, flavouring on them that makes them so moreish and temping. Not after reading that article though. Yuk!

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