Hi, I have just started the 800 Cal/day diet and am finding I am always high on the carbs and low on protein. I have two meals a day one of which is plain yogurt with berries and the other a ready-meal (usually Sainsbury’s Love your veg selection), with lots of broccoli. I don’t want to eat red meat, nor bread products (my downfall). Can anyone recommend easy to prepare, protein rich meals? Can anyone recommend the breakdown of carbs, fats and protein best for this diet, (and to be in ketosis)? How many grams of protein per day is needed to avoid losing muscle?
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Hi KerstenO, I am not surprised you are high on carbs. I have just looked at the nutrition label on a vegetable meal from Sainsbury and it is 38 g carbs and 9.4 g of sugars – carbs and sugars are the same thing so I dont know why they have listed them seperately but they make a whopping total of just under 50 g of carbs in one meal. Any not a very substantial meal at that. I know you say you are a lazy cook but I am sure you can find some simple recipes for veggie meals. Like a tray bake of mixed veg, chucked in the oven for 30 mins. That to me doesnt sound like much of a meal but that is basically what you are eating now. Just a plate of veg (highly processed) and a bit of broccoli. It is good you are asking as it shows you are willing to try new things. Why dont you want to eat red meat, are you veggie, do you eat other meats like chicken or fish. How about eggs and dairy. You can find so many good things to eat. Did you see Dr M’s wife make the portobello mushroom pizza – a massive mushroom topped with a few bits like tomato puree, a protein of choice and some cheese and grilled. Need to know more about your preferences than just throw recipes at you.
The protein question was answered in the TV programme last week – 60g to prevent muscle loss along with a few exercises – even just pumping your arms with a couple of bean cans for weights while watching TV.
Hope to hear more from you. -
Hi sunshine-girl, Thanks for your feedback
I eat chicken and fish but prefer to not eat red meat when possible for health and environment reasons. I did watch MMs program last week but I must have missed the 60g protein. Thanks for that, now I have a goal.
The ready meals I eat do have a breakdown for total carbs and total fat but you are absolutely right, nearly 40g in one meal is a lot. I do hate cooking and for just one it hardly seems worth the bother but I will make an effort. The portobello mushroom pizza looked delicious. I do love fruit and berries and nuts too but fruits are high carbs and nuts rather calorific. I did the Lighter Life diet many years ago and found that easy but alas once I started eating again the pounds piled on. -
An omelette is a quick and easy way to have good quality protein for one. I like to cook both sides like a pancake and dress like a pizza and incorporate lots of veg. There are many options with it.
Tin of tuna (or any other fish, or protein source – beans? chicken?) with a salad, or in egg wraps, or on lettuce boats is another quick easy meal for one.
Veggie stir fry is easy to do for one, just whack all the veggies you like into a pan and cook, add chopped tomatoes or cream cheese as a sauce, herb, spices etc. Add beans or chicken to up the protein. You can do a small one just for you, or make a big batch and freeze.I like to keep things simple but tasty. often just cook for me, sometimes me and hubby with alterations for him. Dont over think, enjoy.
Eggs are brilliant. Omelettes and scrambled eggs aren’t difficult or time consuming to cook.
Stir fries are also easy. You can even buy a bag of pre prepared veg, so you just need to slice up the chicken, halloumi, or tofu, or use prawns, or nuts. Then heat a little oil in a pan, stir the meat (if using) until cooked, throw in some spices (or a spice mix) and the veg, stir for three minutes (or as directed by the packet) and you’re done.
Or have a salad with cheese, eggs, nuts, or any cooked meat.
Hi KirstenO – I am eating 2 meals/day right now as well. I try to get between 30 and 45g per meal as this seems to be the range that promotes muscle protein synthesis. Keeps me satiated too. Some of my favorite options right now are eggs, as the others have mentioned, and cottage cheese. This morning I had eggs with kimchi and avocado. I don’t really like sweet things like fruit with cottage cheese unless it is covered with lots of cinnamon, so tend towards savory things like pesto or olives mixed in with it. I only occasionally eat fish as I’m mostly vegetarian, but when I do, tins of sardines on salad are handy. I often keep a container of protein powder on hand as well for making smoothies on those days when I need to get my protein in but don’t want to cook. I prefer real food most days though and it needs to be a good quality protein powder made from whey or egg white for the best amino acid profile with minimal or no sweetener. Hope that helps.
Thank you all for lots of useful suggestions. I had eggs and avocado for lunch, easy to make. I am looking at some of the recipes to try and be a bit more adventurous.