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  • posted by Kinahan10

    I am 4 stone overweight and have very poor will power and committment. I managed a few weeks on the BSD last year and did well. However I always seem to fall back into old habits. I am really keen to begin the BSD again and would be grateful for any tips and inspiration to help me to remain focused and motivated. I’m really desperate. Thanking you in anticipation.

  • posted by Papillon

    Hi, I’m also returning after several attempts at BSD last year and have 4 stone to lose. The first attempt led to my halving my Hba1c, so I know this works if done properly. Unfortunately I just couldn’t complete the 8 weeks. So I am officially restarting today. I think this time I am just going to try taking a day at a time (to ease the pressure) and see how that pans out.

    Good luck.

  • posted by KimF

    Hi Kinahan and Papillon

    I started this last week for the first time. I have 6 stone to lose! This week I have lost 3 1/2 lb and am a little disappointed when I read people losing 5-7 lb in a week. I have been weighing daily and after day 5 I had lost 5 1/2 lb but over the last 2 days it has gone back up! I know this can work (my sister has lost 5 stone this year).

    That said 3 1/2 lb is still a good start and I am going to keep going. I don’t think I have been drinking enough water so going to up that this week.

    Like you both any help or advice from those further on in their journey would be welcome.

  • posted by Smaus

    A confession – I have been lurking on these boards since starting the 800 calorie regime on 20 March. Nearby 5 weeks in I’m breaking cover principally to say a big thank you to everyone who posts regularly for your tips and insights which have definitely helped to keep me on track.

    Kim F – For anyone who is where I was 4 weeks ago I’ve jotted down my experience, half way in. For old hands or anyone who has started before there is nothing here you don’t know or haven’t taught me, but here goes!

    How its been:
    Starting out: Day 1 & 2 were tough; very tired in the afternoon, headachy and a bit cold. “Resolved” by finding some Madeira cake in the freezer on day 1 and baking flapjacks on day 2. Not ideal, but I counted them all in and carried on doing better thereafter. If you possibly can I’d avoid starting this regime on a work day. I’m not big on exercise at the best of times but first two weeks I’m not sure I could have. Now getting in a decent 7-10k walk on most day is totally fine – I admire all of the cyclists out there!
    800 calories: Really isn’t very much – especially if you are fat because you have been over-eating. Some days/weeks are easier; others are a bit hungry and the calories just seem to disappear. However the meals I have had have all been satisfying and with a bit of planning a few deviations for social events can be accommodated. I planned on no alcohol for 8 weeks but that hasn’t panned out – but I’ve counted it in.
    sub 50g of carbohydrate: tough but possible; I really admire anyone in the 20-30 g territory.
    Only 5 weeks in, so can’t honestly say I’ve lost interest in carbohydratey things but quite surprised that I’m managing ok without main meal starches that I used to eat a lot of. I do miss a wider range of fruit – I think its the sweetness.

    Side effects
    Gallstones: I have gallstones, but haven’t had a really bad episode for over 2 years. A couple of times in the last weeks I have been a little more “aware” of my gall bladder, but so far so good.
    Constipation: Not that I have noticed, but I have followed the water and salt advice.
    Sinuses: better, but probably because I’m drinking lots.

    Plan, plan, plan. And don’t go near a supermarket without one!
    Water – keep drinking, it works. I liked the chugging advice that someone gave a little while ago!
    Keep counting regardless, even (maybe especially) when you fall off the wagon
    Courgetti, mashed cauliflower and celeriac “fries” have been the answer for me to fill up the plate. Haven’t got the hang of cauliflower rice….
    As well as gum, I have found Ricola sugar free sweets helpful. Not calorie free and artificially sweet but gives my mouth something to think about when it is tempted. I’m not to be trusted around a bar of Lindt, but did find some slightly worthy raw cacao buttons that are a bit of a pacifier, and not entirely disastrous if I scoff the lot.

    It’s hard to say what will work for any one person. Being in the right frame of mind has probably most important for me, focussing on overall loss of weight/girth in slower weeks; count the calories and carbs even on a bad day, you’ll find that in the round it won’t have been so bad. It’s very early days for me, who knows whether my willpower will last but I have certainly been motivated by the kick start this has given me.

    Apologies for such a long post, – what I’d say above all is if you’re on the brink – give it a go and don’t let slip-ups derail you. There are many amazing people on these boards who will help you along the way; and thank you again to them!


  • posted by sunshine-girl

    There are so many tips that could be given and my advice would be, if you think of a question, type it in the search box and you will probably find it has been asked and answered dozens of times before. So there are threads about weeing (straight down to basics) pooing or not, plateau, cravings, raised blood sugars, dawn effect, how much water to drink, how many carbs to have, where are the hidden carbs that might surprise you (onions and apples to start with), what if this and why is that, you will find it somewhere. If not then just post your own question.

    I think one of the main things for me was to get organised. What is the saying ‘fail to prepare, prepare to fail’. Plan your meals for a few days and make sure you have everything in you need. There is nothing more disruptive than planning a meal and finding you are missing ingredients so turn to something unplanned. Always have something in that is BSD friendly to snack on, try to rid the house of temptation. Get support from those closest to you and ignore those who say this cant work or you are mad or whatever.

    Just give it a chance, it is only 8 weeks (to start with) and it will work for you. If you fall off the plan get straight back on the same day if possible, no waiting until after the weekend or after that birthday or whatever other excuse you can come up with. If you slip up on one occasion it can soon be put right. Just get on with it and do the best for you and keep on keeping on…

  • posted by Kinahan10

    Thanks so much for taking the time to reply. I appreciate your tips and will take them on board. I am going to start on Wednesday and will make sure I am organised.

    Hopefully I will be keeping in touch.

    Thanks again

  • posted by Theodora

    I agree with s-g and Smaus – planning is key. And tasty food – lots of spices, herbs, garlic etc if you like those things, throw them into everything.

    Never give up, if you fall off the wagon it is not a disaster, don’t beat yourself up, just climb straight back on board and keep going. None of us are perfect and all we can do is our best – and it WILL work. Logging in here everyday is a great motivator, I have found – you can use it as a confessional on bad days and get heaps of sympathy, encouragement and even, if necessary, some “tough love” but on the good days, everyone will share your joy 🙂 Our BSD family are a great bunch of people 🙂

    Keep a check on those carbs – tomatoes and root veg are quite high so try to limit these.

    And drink – water, water and, when you think you are going to float away, even more water. I always drink a pint before meals as it helps to fill you up. Good luck on your journeys, and keep us posted.

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