Help blood sugar rising

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  • posted by Wendymay54

    Hi eveveryone my husband is now in week 9 of the 800 cals a day diet he’s off all mess and his sugars have dropped from 18 to as low as 6 but mostly 7 , however the last two days they have been 10 , we have no idea why this has happened as I weigh and cook every meal for him and have done for 9 weeks , his blood pressure is normal , he has lost 2 and half stone in weight everything else seems to be on track so why this now , it’s made him pretty down in the dumps

  • posted by captainlynne

    Check out the ‘this has to work for me’ thread. Bill documents his BSD journey, including some strange sugar levels. Sometimes those levels for the strangest things, as many of us have noticed. Please tell him not to worry, I’m sure it will drop again – and stay down.

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