Hi , What if any are the side affects of suddenly stopping Metformin altogether if any at all ?
We have not checked the qualifications of anyone posting here. If you are have any health related symptoms or concerns, you should contact your doctor who will be able to give you advice specific to your situation.
One really serious side effect is that the pharmaceutical companies lose lots of money and will put a hit out on you.
Seriously, I don’t take Met but do take Glycizides and insulin and I have reduced slowly slowly. It depends on so many things, how much do you take, for how long, why do you want to stop, is it because you are seeing really low BG after following this plan. Just a few questions needing answers. Lots of others have reduced or stopped Met and I am sure you will get some better answers.
Have a good day,
Hi Sunshine – Girl thanks for quick reply
I’ve been taking it for around 10 years along with uncontrolled Type 2 Diabetes , anyway I’ve managed to shift around 70 pounds and started researching properly and the jury seems well and truly out although not with my Doctor who say’s I will be Type 2 For Life ( quite deflating that as I feel fitter in my forties now than I did in my Thirties
Obviously I need to take the decision for myself , so stopped about 10 days ago on my meter it has went up slightly from in the sixes to low sevens ?? my last HBA1C test in November was 5.3 and was wondering if my next one would be back up because of not taking metformin ??
There seems to be a big argument on not taking it with not many outwith the docs saying keep taking it
Hello, I stopped taking Metformin as soon as I started the diet on Jan 9th. I’d been taking it for 10 years, and my sugars were usually around 7 when I had annual check ups. When I checked 10 days in to the diet, I was delighted to find my sugars were 5.5, lowest since first being diagnosed in 2004! BUT, just checked today, and they are up at 8 🙁 my feeling is that I need to exercise more – I’ve had a heavy cold, so not been walking my usual amount. I am determined to make this work and stay off meds… Have found the diet remarkably easy to follow and have not cheated at all! I am doing it with my partner, which is a great help. We both love cooking and find all the recipes a delight! Who knew dieting could be so enjoyable? Keep up the good work!
Hi Magmart , thanks for reply and your own feedback great result for you well done , seems to me like the effect of Merformin isn’t enough to really lower the sugars , certainly not more than low carbing & exercising , what has been your Doctor’s response ? as I haven’t told him yet ?? well done on getting off the meds , my main worry was that I head heard it has cardio benefits ?? from taking it
I haven’t told my doctor either! I wanted to wait and present her with the facts, rather than get in an argument with them. I’ve already refused Statins ( suggested as I had a brief period of slightly raised blood pressure, all ok now), and as someone else has suggested, I’m afraid doctors are mainly bound by NICE guidelines which I believe are out of date… Drug companies have a stranglehold on the NHS in my view! Anyway, I reckon so long as you take regular self checks, it should be safe enough to continue,… At the end of the day it is down to personal choice.
Good luck! -
No real point telling the docs as you say they are bound by guidelines and they need to stick to them , In Scotland the surgery’s have what they deem a Diabetic specialist ( using that term loosely ) and there lies the problem in my opinion not once have I ever been offered to see an Endincrinologist , to help or advise me its always just take another prescription Of Metformin Or Glicozade I actually stopped statins 3 years ago as I was convinced that they were causing my joint pain ? I have had everything from aluprurinol to gabapentin over the years nothing has worked apart from the obvious losing weight which the doctor always advises anyway , but I feel like I have had 10 years of medication that hasn’t helped along with not helping myself of course , vicious circle just a bit strange now that taking no medication has only seen my levels go up slightly ??
I assume the HBA1C test is the all conquering one rather than the daily meter testing and my last one was 5.3 decent range even that doesn’t get explained properly by the doc , so truth is I’m none the wiser ]
Onwards & Upwards
Henrik67, the HbA1c is the most reliable test as it is blood taken from a vein (capillaries in the finger) and it measures your average BG over a 12 week period, so it is accurate over that period. 5.3 is what one would call normal but you are on medication so it is a controlled normal which is exactly where you want to be if you are happy on meds. You are obviously not so what you want is around 5.0 with no meds and it is doable. Stick with the plan, especially the no bad carbs rule and you will see your BG come down on your self testing. As it comes down, reduced your meds (or do what Magmart did if you feel comfortable, you can always go back on them) and just monitor carefully. When are you due your next HbA1c – I get mine every 3 months but I understand in the UK it is every 6 months. My result was 8.2 before the diet but I had only been on the diet 6 weeks when my next became due and it was 6.6 and a further 3 months on down to 5.9m so it can go down fairly steadily, don’t expect miracles. I want to be 5.5 in March but I am still on insulin so it is not a natural 5.9 right now although since the 8.2 I have reduced insulin by 50% and also reduced oral meds.
Thanks For The Info ( Much appreciated ) you are clearly getting the results you want with a mixture of both , truth is i never listened to the docs for years so it’s my own fault that now when i do want to listen understandably they don’t ! 6.6 is a great result for you from 8.2 well done especially reducing the meds too – I’m interested to find out next month at my next review the impact on not taking the meds as like you say my last result was whilst taking them along with diet & exercise
I stopped taking metformin 500mg 3x daily in October when I started the diet. My hba1c came down from 57 in September to 39 in December. I didn’t bother telling the GP I had come off it. The patient information leaflet tells you not to take it if having less than 1000 calories per day.
I took met for over 10 years and stopped in 2011 after losing about 5 stone. I lost 12 stone altogether and am now classes a in remission. That means no meds but I still have to have my annual check and diabetic eye screening, I didnt just stop but followed my docs advise. I’ve put 2.5 stone back on and started eating loads of sugar-not a good plan and hence me joining here today for support.
I felt great coming off the met but was in a really good place with being really focussed on the weight loss and excersizing regulalry. I really think we need both elements to get to that official ‘remission’ status.
xx -
Good morning
I have reduced my Metformin from 4 x a day down to one and will be coming off it completely in a week or so.
As many I haven’t done this with medical supervision – which is not to be advised, but this is my choice and my risk.
I found that reducing it has been the way forward for me, but with many things it has to be about what worlds for you
Keep records, test yourself and make small changes -
Hi, so my first post, and looking for advice on this subject, about me – diagnosed in December 2016, with levels in the 11, I am 6ft 4 and weighed 19st,- so a big bloke. I was put on 4 metformin and sent on my way with some advice on dieting. I picked up the books and started reading, and have followed as close as i can to the dieting regime, 2 months post diagnosis my levels were 6.8, Dr dropped my metformin to 3, and last week at my 3 month check i am at 5.7 and I am down to 16st 4lbs. Hence i am looking for feedback for other users of metformin who have reduced their dosage or dropped them completely as my GP advice is that i am on these for life and we may reduce longer term but for the time being i need to be on them, this kind of is the opposite to where i would like to be longer term.
hi allan, I think you will find some of the answers in the posts above also type metformin or stopping metformin in the search box and you will see other discussions.