Hi, just getting head around the diet and trying to plan my meals. Was wondering I can have gram flour (chickpea flour) on this diet?
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Hi, just getting head around the diet and trying to plan my meals. Was wondering I can have gram flour (chickpea flour) on this diet?
Yes you can, just count the carbs and keep portions small. I used it only occasionally as mostly I went down the ‘avoid rather than substitute’ route with carbs.
Thank you for you reply mixnmatch. How many carbs a day max are you allowed?
That depends very much on your own circumstances. For adapting to burning fat under 50g out of 800 calories is recommended, but some people who are very insulin resistant or dealing with medication have had to drop to less than 20g of carb to lose weight, and some vegetarians and vegans have had success at closer to 60g. Try 50g first, and see how it goes.
Ok thanks will try that. I was recently told I am pre diabetic so trying to make changes so that I can lose the weight. I need to lose at least 30 pounds. ☺
I’d be wary of just swapping all your wheat flour for gram flour – it’s a better choice, but only a bit better. For the best results we need to cut out a lot of carby foods, not just switch to slightly lower carb versions.
I’m saying this because when I discovered gram flour I was tempted to try making cakes and biscuits with it.