As her husband is recovering from knee surgery, Wendy’s time is a little stretched right now, so she asked me to set up our next weekly thread.
Scarily, we are very close to being halfway through September already! So those of us with a desire to be ‘serious’ in September, must double down and make this week count.
There is no shame in just doing our best though, even if that means falling a bit short of our original aim, after all life often steps in and messes with our plans. What’s important is not to allow these events to completely derail us.
Hopefully a good number of you will join us for the coming week. It doesn’t matter what happened over the last week; it doesn’t matter if you’ve never posted here before; it doesn’t matter if you’re brand new to this way of eating or are returning …. everyone is welcome here. And hopefully our usual ‘frequent flyers’ will stick with us for another week too.
Quick update on my personal progress … I’m currently in a good enough situation at just a pound off target, so realistically I should be there by the end of the week. This is the last week I’ll be around for sometime, as we head off on our next trip on Sunday, so I’m really trying to make this one count.
Let’s ‘keep on keeping on’ as we continue continue to get serious in September 🙂