Gall Bladder!!!

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  • posted by General Dogsbody

    My Blood Sugars Levels do not seem to be coming down as quickly as I thought they would, I had my Gall Bladder removed last year and was wondering if this would have any effect on blood sugar levels? Hubby is still convinced that I will give up (as I always have in the past) but when I feel myself getting weak and bread and the toaster is calling my name I think to myself ‘week 2 of 8 I can do this!’ Not feeling that hungry but I have never been a breakfast person, when I get to work I have a cup of hot water, another about 11am, then another half an hour before my lunch – which is usually an apple which I cut up into chunks and microwave for a minute and another cup of hot water half an hour after. When I get home from work I AM HUNGRY, but have another cup of hot water then…. you know the rest…have never done different dinner for family so am keeping this up but I give myself less carbs and more veggies!! and always eat with family at table. Good luck to all.

  • posted by Frog

    I know nothing about gall bladders General Dogsbody – but your post made me appreciate the luxury of living on my own – the only ‘person” to interfere with what I eat is my cat, who only wants to sneak away stuff that I’ve carefully weighed and logged.
    We’ve just ‘shared’ lunch of steak with vegetables – she starts off by trying to look incredibly cute, then stalks the plate, sits on my laptop, and finally tried to attack my feet until I cut some steak off for her.
    It must be really hard cooking for other people and having them eat tempting stuff. I was at work the other day, and someone had toast – it was only grotty white bread that I wouldn’t normally eat, but the smell was to die for!

    There’s a BBC program, I think Wednesday evening, looking primarily about the psychology of couples losing weight, but around that weight loss and fitness generally – quite inspiring as the series started the day I began BSD.

    I don’t measure my blood sugar levels, so I don’t know the impact on those, but I do try and spread my 800 calories more evenly through the day, and haven’t been feeling hungry – I occasionally miss breakfast, but I don’t think that I could regularly make it through to my evening meal on just water and an apple.
    Good luck with it all.

  • posted by SkyWalker

    Hi there, General, not sure if what you wrote is the whole picture or not but I would guess that an apple and some hot water is an unhealthy way to live and eat and does not seem to me at least to be following the Fast 800 guidelines. We need the fluid sure enough, but also fats, and protein and 30 gm carbs but in one hit at the end of the day I do not think you will get the benefits the rest od us are getting. I admire your strength and tenacity but how you mange on that regime I cannot even start to imagine. Good luck and do not be so hard on yourself.=, perhaps you are not? PS I have lots of gall stones but cannot answer the question for you, I think though it would be unlikely – perhaps others know better?

  • posted by Izzy

    I’d agree with skywalker I don’t think the apple is the best lunch, no wonder you are hungry!

    As for the gallbladder I don’t believe it is a problem for your blood sugars. I’ve had mine out too but I’m not diabetic so I can’t confirm for sure, but my understanding is that it has no relevance. It stored and released bile, which helped digest fat mostly and to my knowledge has nothing to do with blood sugar.

    I’d recommend re-reading the book if you have it, or brushing up on the guidance here. I don’t usually cook different for the family either but I cut out bread/pasta/rice/potato etc and I have courgetti or cauli rice frequently. I’ll usually have yoghurt and fruit for breakfast and soup or salad type stuff at lunch with cheese or chicken etc.

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