Exercise? Sorry – I thought you said "extra fries"

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  • posted by webbj54

    I am back. I lost three pounds, fell off the diet due to complete idiocy and returned to bsd last Sunday. I can’t explain my ups and downs….it was like …..I go to Waitrose for a dedicated BSD shop only…come back home….open the bag…and in there, are crusty bread rolls, organic plum jam and a bottle of wine. Who knew?
    Anyway, I am off the wine, lost the same three pounds again and having another go? Watch this space. Love from Janet.x

  • posted by Switzerland

    Welcome back Janet,
    Who’d have known you’d arrive home from Waitrose with someone else’s groceries!
    Hope your groceries remain BSD friendly now.
    Happy journey.

  • posted by Izzy

    if you’re shopping keeps getting swapped try using the home delivery service lol

    Good Luck Janet you can do it this time and if you can stick out the first week or two it gets a lot easier!

  • posted by webbj54

    Thanks guys,. Thank goodness this forum is not like prehistoric slimming clubs,….does anyone remember not going back after a bad week, because you felt guilty and just knew that someone would give you that disappointed look? Janet.x

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