Emotions and eating

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  • posted by Dottyeel

    So if ever I needed confirmation that I reach for food when I am upset it’s just now.
    I’m at work and it’s been a good and productive day so far. And then in comes the email and I realise that a colleague who I have always considered to be fair and reasonable and a friend is just playing the game and has just betrayed my trust. Totally a ‘WTF?’ moment.

    So I am now feeling hurt, confused and angry and all I want to do is EAT EAT EAT, preferably carbs, lots and lots of carbs. My first thought after reading the email was ‘I want crisps’ followed by ‘I want pint and cheesy chips’. (That’s ‘I want some potato chips followed by a pint of ale and some fries with cheese melted on top’ for you guys in the USA!)


    I won’t eat the wrong foods though. I’ll sit and finish this post and then do a mini-meditation, draft a email reply saying what I really feel/think and then delete it and then send the politically safe reply while avoiding the office biscuit tin (cookie jar).

    I have always known I eat for emotional reasons but on a kind of intellectual level. Sometimes all it takes is a single incident to crystallise your understanding of an issue. In my case negative emotions have led to bad choices and I need to be very aware of my mood when dealing with my diet.

    Okay, moan over. Back to work and writing a polite email and moving on.

  • posted by Igorasusual

    Well done dottyeel! Onwards and upwards! And downwards, of course.

    Just a quick non-BSD comment, you are sure that the email can’t be read another way, aren’t you. I have sometimes got incredibly cross and angry at an email, but then after some ranting and stomping about (and air-turning-blue swearing, often in front of other people), re-read it and seen that it can be read a different way. Only a thought.

    Turn your back on those cheesy chips! 😉

  • posted by LainieUK

    Hi Dotty

    Sorry to hear about the horrible behaviour at work. I’ve had a few work issues in the past and what has helped me is to:

    1. Speak to someone I really do trust (outside of work) who can give you some perspective. My hubby is great at this.
    2. Write down how you are feeling – get it all out. Then either keep it somewhere safe (not at work) or shred it. It’s amazing how it can help.
    3. Do something acitive – even a short 20 minute walk can help.
    4. And most recently I have started using a mindfulness app which really helps me – ‘Headspace’.

    I know it’s easier to make suggestions and I’ve been an emotional eater for many years. When I got low all I wanted to do was eat and sleep, but if you can take some positive steps, not only will it help you manage the emotional eating but also it may give you some strength to deal with the work situation.

    Keep strong! Everyone has a horrible time at work at some point.

    Elaine x

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