Do you take vitamin supplements?

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  • posted by IKeeptrying

    What do you take? Do you need them on the Fast800?

    I take them and I wonder whether I need to take them or if they do me any good

    I’m trying to eat less and eat healthier – I’ve been doing this plan for a few days the low carb med plan without the fasting for now. I’m trying to look at what I eat and when I eat it and unpick my bad habits eg I have a tendency to pack in big meals like I need to be full, or I think if it’s healthy food then the more the better, as it’s making me healthier – it’s weird logic, I know.

    So I’ve been thinking do I actually need to be taking vitamin and mineral supplements? I take a probiotic, a vit c, magnesium as it helps with restless legs, zinc for immunity, vit d for immunity etc etc am I just throwing my money away?

  • posted by Bryla

    Hi IKeepTrying. Michael Moseley recommends we take a high quality multivit on fast days (i.e. 800 Cal’s or less). If we aren’t restricting calories substantially and are eating a varied, healthy diet, then our food should give us what we need. But, NHS advice now is that adults in the UK probably do need a vit D supplement in the winter months. I too take a low dose of magnesium, which definitely helps me with restless legs, on the suggestion of a physio.
    Taking more supplements than we need can have some unwelcome effects. Take a look here for detailed info Stick with it! Sounds like you are really getting to grips with all those misconceptions most of us have struggled with. You will find your own way in time. Posting on a regular thread is usually the best way to get info and support from others, I think.

  • posted by IKeeptrying

    Thanks Bryla I’ll probably keep taking the pills until they run out – although I’ll keep up with the magnesium for my restless legs etc – I think that vit d helps with my insomnia too. But you don’t really know if they do any good or not and I’m on the lookout for signs of any dysfunctional attitudes to eating and my health – I guess for me this is what this plan is about unpicking my weird logic 😀

  • posted by sunshine-girl

    I take a multivit every day. Does it do me any good. I dont know but it helps in case I am low on any one thing. Particularly I dont eat fish so maybe it helps. As for the restless legs. I started magnesium on the advice of my doctor for restless legs and cramps. They put my blood glucose levels up. Just put a small bar of soap at the bottom of the bed near your feet and that will sort it for you.

  • posted by MerryMelba

    reported as advertising

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