Day one tomorrow, any advice?

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  • posted by Red-Riding

    Hi everyone. Day one is tomorrow and I’m nervous and excited. I’m 37 with normal blood sugar levels but a type 2 mother and i carry weight around my middle. I’m over 18 stone at the minute so I’m carrying weight everywhere but I’ve always had a stomach. 3 years ago I was fit, healthy and a size 12/14. Then I injured my back severely and the weight piled on. Successful surgery got me back on my feet but my weight is now reaching a point where my back pain is affecting my day to day. Two great reasons to commit and make this work.

    I have my menus planned with lots of chicken, salmon and veggies. I love to cook so going down the real food route. I’m not a breakfast fan so was considering giving it a miss, does anyone successfully do this?

    Is there any advice you veterans would give yourself on day one looking back?

  • posted by Igorasusual

    The main idea is to eat when you are hungry and so missing breakfast is no problem. In fact Michael suggests you can have Brunch/Lunch and then a relatively early dinner and so have a good “fasting” period between meals overnight.

    See how you go.

  • posted by Avila

    I am only on day 7, am 41 and weight had reached the obese BI from the overweight category. High blood pressure meds for a couple of years, glucose levels just inside ‘normal’.

    Taking time to plan – mourning what giving up, clearing cupboards of things to avoid, then shopping to the menu – that was all important for me.

    But in the week itself I have allowed some flexibility, and whatever ‘illicit’ we may consume – remember it is hugely different to where we started and that is a win.

  • posted by PrincetonianStud

    Hello Red Riding:

    The answer to your question is:


    I am so tired today! Man, it is a lot of work kicking some British Ass yesterday at the Battle Of Oriskany:

    It was a tough fight for my Independence, but it was worth the battle! It is 239th year since the bloodiest battle in the American revolution! Many in my family were killed both at Loyalists and Patriots!

    A art picture of my ancestor: General Herkimer. He got killed a few days later after the Battle Of Oriskany and Fort Stanwix!

    Til next August 6th, I will be kicking some Blubber Ass! 🙂 I hope you can join me in the Health Revolutionary War! 🙂

    Good luck on your health goals!

    Live Long And Prosper!


  • posted by SunnyB

    Welcome aboard Red Riding – hope your first day is going well.
    My advise is:
    * Keep track of everything you eat or drink – Weigh/measure everything consumed, so that you can keep an accurate record
    * Keep an eye on carbs consumed as well as calories and try to keep around the 50g per day mark
    * Drink plenty
    * Make sure enough calories are ‘spent’ on fats, as this helps you to feel full and stay that way for longer
    * Weigh yourself daily, as this helps motivation and measure yourself regularly too
    * Don’t beat yourself up if you transgress and eat something you shouldn’t, just get back on track
    * Use the forums for info and support, it really makes you feel you are not in this alone

    We’ll all look forward to reading your positive results soon.

  • posted by karenv

    I’m by no means a veteran only been on it for two weeks so far heh 🙂 But this is what has worked for me: (everyone is different of course)

    – having a menu for the week so I know what I’m having every day
    – having an especially nice meal planned for Friday evening so I’m not tempted by the dreaded takeaway (this week I’m making chicken chasseur from the bbc website, modified to make slightly more low in cal)
    – on Saturdays I skip breakfast, go to yoga class then have brunch in a cafe (scrambled eggs bacon and beans) and then a nice dinner later so it gives you a few more cals to play with
    – definitely what SunnyB said, using the forums and also tracking everything, both have been v useful for me
    – when I’ve lapsed (I had Doritos and cheese last week, and a curly wurly argh) getting straight back on the diet – not going ‘oh well I’ve ruined it now’ and going on a full on binge like I have in the past – it minimises damage
    – not comparing myself – some folk have great inch/weight loss some days or weeks and some don’t, I just keep reminding myself that this is for me and it’s important for me to get healthy at my pace

    oh! and the thing that motivates me is buying myself a nice non food treat at the end of the week to say ‘well done you successfully completed a week’ – this week I bought myself a lovely smelling cleanser, another week it was nail polish (or it could be a book you want or whatever). Just helps to motivate me!

    Best of luck Red-Riding, hope you have a great first day and week!

    Karen 🙂

  • posted by melb100

    Good luck Red Riding – hope it’s going well!

    I very rarely eat breakfast, it actually makes me more hungry for the rest of the day! There is nothing inherently bad about skipping breakfast – I think the reason people go on about it being so important is the risk of getting super hungry and diving into the biscuit tin by 11 am.

    If you know you can do without/ commit to doing without pre-lunch snacks then there is no reason to force yourself to eat it. If you know from experience you are liable to get super wobbly/ weak without it then try starting with something small (think full fat greek yog and berries is popular) and see how you get on with that. You might decide that life without breakfast is not an option, or you might find after a while that you’d rather save the cals for bigger lunch or more cups of tea.

    Remember – the best way of following this diet is the way that you can stick to!

    I’ve been following these guidelines on and off for a while. Sometimes I feel bad and think I should have followed them all the time, but then I remember that the other alternative is following a bad diet all the time! I know which one is better for me! So don’t feel bad if you do slip up or find it hard today – take it as a lesson in what to do differently tomorrow.

    Best of luck!


  • posted by PrincetonianStud

    Haben Sie sehr gut Deutsch verstehen? Von Ihrem Namen, vorausgesetzt, ich, dass Sie in Kassel leben, Deutschland. Ich liebte die Hartz Berge! Natur-Schönheit, wie Potsdam Schlösser und Kirchen! Viel Glück auf Ihre Gesundheit Ziele im Leben!

    Maybe not speaking German. But, with your name I would guess you live in Kassel, Germany! Maybe not! Maybe gesundheit is the only word understood.

    Anyways, keep it up with the great job you are doing on changing your life for the better!

    Live Long And Prospe r!


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