Day #1 – Am I doing this right?

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  • posted by messyjessy

    Hi All,

    I’m on Day 1 and although I feel a bit lightheaded already at 2pm, I’m doing okay. Just wanted to ask some advice on whether you think I have the macros/nutrition sorted out right.

    Weight: 85kgs (187lbs)
    Height: 160cm (5’2ish)
    Goal Weight: 65kgs (143lbs)

    I’ve put all my meals I’m eating today (including tonight’s dinner) in my app and the calculations are:
    Calories – 751
    Carbohydrates – 25g (14%)
    Fat – 38g (49%)
    Protein – 65g (37%)

    I’m also drinking lots of water, at 2 litres already! Anyway, if someone could shed some light for a first timer, that would be fabulous! Good luck everyone.

  • posted by alliecat

    Hi there,. Messyjessy, and welcome! I’m happy to hear that you decided against meal
    replacements 🙂 You might try using a bit of sea salt on your food, or even a few flakes
    from your hand to help with feeling a little dizzy. All the water that we need to drink
    depletes our sodium levels, and often the extra salt corrects that symptom!
    You sound very organized, and are way ahead of the game, weighing and measuring
    With respect to your macros; Carbs and fats look great, but I think your protein
    is on the high side. I did the program for 10 months straight through until reaching
    my target, and used this formula to determine protein levels:
    1g of protein for each kg of IDEAL body weight. At 5’7″ that is 62.7kg, (138lbs) so for me
    that would be no more than 63g. I’ve been in maintenance for 11 months, but it is rare for me to go
    above 54 gm. The thinking is that too much protein gets stored as fat. The general (unscientific) rule
    is that 50g is plenty for the average woman, unless doing a lot of intense weight training 🙂
    Very best of luck on your journey. This way of eating changes lives 🙂


  • posted by SunnyB

    Hi MessyJessy – I too am pleased you have opted for real food rather than meal replacements. By using real food, you have the opportunity to learn what proper eating should look like, which you don’t get with the replacement system. Allie is our macro guru, so I’m confident you can’t go far wrong by taking her advice in that area.
    Hope you will soon adjust to the new way of eating and the initial problematic symptoms will soon subside. Do please keep us posted on your progress and be sure to shout if you need us.

  • posted by Halftaff

    Hi everyone. I just started the BSD yesterday, got the BSD & BSD recipe books and working from them and own recipies. Hoping this one is ‘the one for me’, I’m thinking positive and looking forward to it. I’m only thinking one stone at a time, and there’s plenty of those to lose!!! Please be patient with me as I’m sure I will write the wrong thing in the wrong forum at some point. Quick question for all…….whats best yogurt I can buy for this diet from usual stores….the yogurts I see are all really low fat with high sugars etc. Many thanks

  • posted by SunnyB

    Welcome Halftaff – you don’t say where you are based, but I’m guessing from the name possibly the UK. Anyway, look for full fat Greek style natural yogurt and definitely leave all the low fat stuff in the chiller cabinet.

    It’s a good move to set mini goals, as this helps to keep motivation high and provide a sense of achievement as you progress. Those mini goals don’t all need to be weight related – could be getting in a garment you had to side line awhile ago, or dropping a clothing size.

    Don’t worry about posting the wrong thing on the wrong thread, just choose one that seems relevant to the topic you want to discuss and post. We are a friendly bunch and you will receive a warm welcome wherever you post. The forum is a great resource, where you will find lots of advice, encouragement and support, along with help celebrating your successes. There is a new four week challenge thread which started today – title has something about April Fool in it. Joining in on the challenge threads is a good idea, as they are populated by newbies, those still walking their BSD path and some of the maintainers too, so a great source of information.

    Best wishes to you for every success as you set out on your BSD journey and I’ll look forward to reading of your progress and success.

  • posted by Halftaff

    Thanks for you’re support and suggestions SunnyB, and yes I am in the UK. I’m definitely going to stick to mini goals and hopefully see some good results.
    At this time I am going to do the best I can to take in info from both my books and the forums. Over the last week there has been a few changes to my life which I am trying to absorb and work forward with, so for now decided not to join the 4 week challenge, however will no doubt join another in the future.
    Day 3 for me just now and doing good, haven’t been hungry, nor missing anything……long may it continue : ))
    Take care for now

  • posted by SunnyB

    Hi Halftaff – glad to read that you are doing fine. Be gentle with yourself in these early days, especially as you have other things going on – don’t over burden yourself, ‘cos stress will not help. Whether you are on a 4wk challenge or not, be sure to shout if you have any questions or are struggling and please remember to let us know how things are going. Hope things continue to go well.

  • posted by JJfromOz

    Hi all, I’m starting again after a break. I reduced my weight by 16 kilos, had an accident that laid me up for a couple of months and I gained 4 kilos over that time. Now keen to recommit to the BSD to get rid of another 12 kilos in 12 weeks. For me, that will mean no white food, no added sugar and one night a week of a couple of glasses of wine only. I’m planning to substitute meal replacement shakes for meals when I’m eating solo and otherwise eating mainly veg/fruit. Relative immobility has dealt me out of my exercise routine, so I’m looking forward to getting back into that once I’m fully healed in about a week.

    looking forward also to sharing highs and lows of another adjustment to my eating habits.


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