Day 1

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  • posted by webbj54

    Am lying in bed with a cup of tea, browsing recipes and dreaming of losing two stones. My big worry is giving up that deliciously large glass of wine in the evening. The gym is a distant memory, so I need to give myself a good kick up the pants today and see if I can find my way back there. The husband is a barrier to losing weight. His Royal Smugness runs and spins five times per week, is wafer thin, but on metformin etc as he eats high sugar, high alcohol and controls his weight through exercise, whilst preaching. A lot.
    I would like to show the bugger I can lose weight and be healthy without revealing what I am up to, so I need all the help I can get. Help!!!!!!!!

  • posted by LindaA

    Hey webbj54
    If you’ve read through the forums then you will know that a lot of people have lost a lot of weight over the last 6 months and more are joining every day as the word gets out.
    I started 4.5 weeks ago and have lost 8.1kg.
    I’m exercising every day, even if it means getting up earlier before I go to work to get my walk in (it’s nearly winter here in Oz and too dark to walk the streets once I get home). The dog has never been so fit😀
    If you’ve got any questions, just ask, someone will be able to help you.
    …and don’t worry about hubby, just worry about you and getting your health in tip top shape (losing weight is a bonus). Follow the recipes, they are delicious and hubby never need know!
    Good luck

  • posted by webbj54

    Thank you so much for the warm welcome – it means a lot. I am feeling highly motivated, had a two egg omelette for brekkie and a just putting on my merrells for a good walk around the lake. Thank you.x

  • posted by Nicky72

    Hi everyone. This is my first post on here. Im Nicky and I’m 44. I have 3 stone to lose! I’m starting the diet on Monday. I’ve cleared the fridge and cupboards of all temptation. !! Im just concentrating on one day at a time. Reading other people’s post have really given me the confidence that I can do this…. And I will do it! Nicky

  • posted by Imogen

    Hi Nicky72

    Welcome to the BSD gang! You are all set to go…one day at a time sounds like a good plan…do let us know-how you are getting on.

    The forums a great place to get advice or support and a happy reminder that others are travelling with you!


  • posted by Natalie

    I think we have the same husband! Mine thinks exercise is the answer to everything, while he eats sugary carbs. He’s got away with it so far.

  • posted by webbj54

    Have just returned from a 45 minute walk and stocked up the fridge with fresh fish, eggs, tomatoes, lemons, olives and baked beans. Now for some measuring and calorie counting. Am feeling extremely holy and hoping i can keep this up until bedtime. Can anyone tell me what is the average weight loss per week if I stick to this?

  • posted by webbj54

    Thank you for your support.x

  • posted by Igorasusual

    Hi webbj54

    the amount of weight you will lose really depends on what you’re starting at, but Michael in the book says you can lose between 10% and 15% of your starting weight.

    So it might be good to calculate this – take the lower end, say 12% of your weight, and work out what this loss would be.
    Then divide by 8 and this is your notional loss by week. However, most people lose a bit more at the beginning and then quite often plateau in the middle (there are lots of posts here about that!), and finally lose more at the end. And many people with a lot to lose keep on going after the 8 weeks, and they say that they like the way of life and the food anyway!

    I would like to lose about 18 lbs which is comparatively little, but have found weighing is not particularly helpful. It’s better to measure yourself, or simply judge by your clothes, as they get looser. I’m 4.5wks in, and have lost c 5 lbs, but this seems to fluctuate up and down! But my waist is thinner, my jeans are looser, and I really do look thinner, even I can see it. Perhaps the fat I’m burning is going off my internal organs, which is also my aim.

    Hope this helps, and good luck!

  • posted by webbj54

    Thanks for that advice, it makes good sense. I am 11 stone 2 and would like to be 9 stone 2 ; so two stone to lose. I was a lot slimmer than that when I was a lot younger; but 9 stone 2 would be amazing!
    I am hoping to lose 4 pounds in my first week, but I think that might be a bit optimistic at my age…..grrrrr.
    Watch this space.x

  • posted by webbj54

    ho hum. All went well until nine o’clock…..I had an extra glass of wine…and then some chilli squid……
    Turns out , I have had 1100 calories……grrrrrrrrrrr….xxx..kill me now – after a day of suffering…grrr.
    On a happier note: spotted bats scooting around in the trees in the garden., and,……did not sample the chocolate toblerone cake made by my granddaughter Scarlett.x

  • posted by LindaA

    Hi webbj54
    Don’t worry, jump back on the wagon and go again tomorrow. You’ve learnt something, now put it into practice.

    Are you drinking at least 2-3 litres of water, are you counting your carbs?

    If you’re in Australia, you can download an app called EastDietDiary – try and get into the habit of weighing everything and entering your food into the app. You learn a lot about where carbs hide and it tends to keep you accountable.

    Most people give up the alcohol whilst they’re on the 8 weeks, wine hides calories and sugar and lessons your willpower, at least it does mine!

    You can eat really well on 800 cals per day when you eat the right foods and you won’t feel hungry after the first couple of days.

    You can do this and you will succeed. Keep reading the book and follow the recipes for the first few weeks till you get the hang of it.
    Good luck😀

  • posted by Igorasusual

    Hi webbj54

    I agree with LindaA – first of all jump back on the wagon, you know what to do.

    Then I would really consider if you could steer away from the wine for this 8 weeks. I have been generally very good with the BSD and found it relatively easy to do, but my big slip was on an evening out with colleagues. I’d planned in for a glass of red wine, but had two glasses of white wine (more calories than red, who knew?) and despite eating sensibly in the restaurant, got an attack of the munchies on the way home and ate a 400+calory Pret a Manger vegetable wrap, followed up at home by two slices of bread and butter!

    I think that maybe the wine might have set me off………

    So I’m thinking to either avoid wine in the rest of my 8 weeks, or at least be prepared for the subsequent munchies. Perhaps I could have an emergency carrot in the bag?

  • posted by webbj54

    Thanks you two. I have had a better day today as I have planned a bit better. Have ordered the book because I have only been using the website and you guys for advice so far. I actually feel so much better for taking control of sugar, even if I didn’t get the calories as low as I should have. Not looking forward to giving up the wine, but will have a go. Thanks again-it’s great to feel supported.x

  • posted by Sinp@3ia

    Have at it! The first step is the hardest, and the most important. Once you’ve taken the decision it’s simply a matter of persistence. You’re bloke will twig once the meals change and the carbs disappear from the kitchen, but this isn’t about him is it? Day one for me today….. Can absolutely recommend the chicken, red pepper and asparagus suggestion in the book as a starting point for dinner! Just walking for exercise to get up to 10k a day steps is a gentle way to get moving. Welcome to a new way of living 😉.

  • posted by Sinp@3ia

    You’ll see it’s a breeze! Proper food and no starvation involved. Best of all, you’ll likely find a whole new world of food, without the sugar……!

  • posted by webbj54

    Thanks for the tips.x

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