Hi – I first found out I had blood sugars which were pre-diabetic a couple of years ago and read ‘The Diabetes Code, started intermittently fasting and cutting down drastically on carbs. (This is the first time I have discovered this forum though.) . I lost four stone and lowered my blood sugars to well within a normal range.
I have since slipped back into bad habits, my weight has gone back up (not completely but on the way to where I was at the start) and my fasting bloods are currently high pre-diabetic. I am so cross and disappointed in myself.
My questions if anyone has the time to consider them are these:
Have I caused more damage by going in and out and then back into this than if I hadn’t started it at all?
Does anyone have any ideas on how to cope with it when your partner has similar issues – significantly overweight with a visceral fat pattern – but really doesn’t want to join you in tackling them? I do know it is my responsibility entirely to make this work for me and no one else’s fault if it doesn’t. However, it makes it so much harder, Eg to plan meals and control what food comes into the house, resist temptations.
I also find following these principles has taken away some of the good things we share and enjoy together (centring around cooking, eating out, entertaining), leaving a bit of a void which feels difficult to fix.
I haven’t told him I am going back into this yet but I know his heart will sink when I do. I guess it’s eating codependency. He doesn’t try to create barriers to me doing this as such but detaches, doesn’t want to engage with it and reacts by making sure even more carb food is available at home for him in an anxious way – and then the shutters go down in a defensive way. I don’t want to damage our relationship but I would love to find a way to make this easier. I would love to know if anyone has any experience and advice on this issue.
Lastly – Are there any other newbies who would like to join a thread to support each other?