Catastrophic eating emergency support!

We have not checked the qualifications of anyone posting here. If you are have any health related symptoms or concerns, you should contact your doctor who will be able to give you advice specific to your situation.

  • posted by pmshrink

    Hi Cherrieanne

  • posted by pmshrink

    Hi Hashimoto
    Thank you. I’m not leaving. People are being really nice. Just thought if I said something I’d get over it.

  • posted by pmshrink

    Thanks Col

  • posted by pmshrink

    Hi Captlynne
    Thanks. I know that’s true- judicious use of emojis!

  • posted by pmshrink

    Hi Marjorie- well said!
    As I’ve said before, we ve all been sold an addictive substance for years and sometimes we re going to slip back. But we can beat it, and I’m sure you will.
    Best of luck

  • posted by Marjorie

    Thanks Penny – have found it hard today but have managed to stick to the diet. Just need to be determined 😀

  • posted by Marjorie

    Well after my meltdown at the weekend I have put on 2lbs. My waist measurement is the same though. Just have to refocus and get on with it. I’m angry with myself but I am not giving up 😀

  • posted by hashimoto

    Hi marjorie, so glad you are not going to give up. Be kind to yourself, it was just a little blip and it is behind you now. You’ll lose that extra 2 lbs as quickly as it went on – and then some more. Go gal, go, we’re rooting for you 🙂

  • posted by Aly

    Oh what a mess! Totally off plan for a week and feeling wretched.
    Have read the book sweet poison and my head is spinning. I don’t know what my diet should be. This food plan makes sense as does the no sugar. I have done lots of thinking whilst stuffing my face and have come to the conclusion that I must limit carbs and sugar. I have to avoid cakes and biscuits which is hard as I have always made my own and enjoy doing so. How can I poison my family? I will have to get more inventive with vegetarian food too.
    I feel my head is reeling with all I have read. I am angry that we have been given the wrong information in order to line someone’s pockets.
    Really it all comes back to the decision I made a few years ago to eat only clean food. I need to add in the low carb to lose my excess weight.
    I am angry with myself too because I was convinced to sign up to slimming world online. I can’t really afford it so feel bad. Some of the food plans I can use but it uses fry light, low fat cheese etc which I will not touch.
    So I am going to creep away and re establish this food plan and try to resist joining any other commercial diets.

  • posted by hashimoto

    Hi Aly, I feel your pain. Being ill with a chest infection knocks the stuffing out of you, makes doing anything or thinking clearly very difficult which explains the state you have got in to.

    Stick with the BSD plan – it is sugar free – talk to your family about WHY you are following it and that you are not happy with feeding them sugary foods. You can compromise, cake, biscuits etc could be a once a week treat. I had a Rose Elliott book ( lent out not returned) I think it was called something like sugar free baking/cooking, anyway there was a cake recipe where the sweetness was created from adding mashed butternut squash. I know that includes flour (not in bsd spirit) but it would be a compromise while your family adjust or if they don’t want to change the way they eat at least you would know it was healthier than the old style baking.

    Can you cancel the slimming world membership? Talk to your bank, see if they can help. There should hopefully be a ‘cooling off’ period.

    ABOVE ALL be kind to yourself, you are still not fully over the chest infection. My GP told me it can take 6 to 12 weeks to feel well AFTER the infection has cleared. I’m so sorry you are having a tough time but there is light at the end of the tunnel 🙂

  • posted by Aly

    Thank you so much. Guess I am run down at the moment, taking antibiotics hasn’t helped! Have promised myself I will give it another go as it makes sense to me and I trust Dr M. There are so many research articles on the net, going back a long way by people convinced their way is right. The bio chemical research shows the truth but governments have ignored it. Why?
    Think maybe I must stop the research and just accept this. Off to slimming world website now to at least stop any more money going out!

  • posted by hashimoto

    Aly my friend says to her partner who is always searching for ‘the’ answer to something, but spends so much time researching he gets more confused ‘stop digging so deep the answer is much nearer the surface than you think’! You found the answer in the BSD so you are right to put aside the digging tools and go with it.
    I saw. My GP yesterday – took along my data, the book etc she saw immediately that this was the answer for herself and her mother because I had lost almost two and a half stones since she saw me in january. It will work for you – neither SW or WW worked for me but this is like a miracle 🙂

  • posted by Bill1954

    Aly the stress of feeling so ill and down is what pushed you into these actions.
    All the proof you need that this is the diet for you is on this forum and there are always people here to help.
    It must be so frustrating for you loving to bake. Could this help ?
    Try googling grain free baking. You’ll find hundreds of recipes that are far healthier than traditional baking
    I hope it helps

  • posted by Aly

    Thanks Bill, will have a look. Just made up some egg mayonnaise to stuff in an avocado for lunch. No baguette today! Need to make my own mayonnaise for next time.

  • posted by Aly

    Found a good book so ordered it from book depository. Yippee, guilt free baking!

  • posted by hashimoto

    Aly I have just found a perfect site for you

    Some lovely looking cake grain free etc, gives the calories, carbs, fats etc with the recipes. I’m going to bake some myself when I have guests. In fact I will make one for easter

    Waiting for a new baking book to arrive will really cheer you up – but take it easy until you are recovered 🙂

  • posted by Allychat

    I’m new to the forums as i promised myself i would only register if I could lose more than 5kg in a reasonable time. I have lost 7 kilos in 4 weeks and 3cm off my waist. I still have a way to go as i want to lose a total of 20 kgs. This is the first time i have lost such a significant amount of weight in more than 15 years. One of the best things i have done to satisfy an urge for something sweet is plan to have 45g of prunes as a snack. I dont eat these until last thing after dinner unless i really need them before dinner so that i dont reach for something catastrophic. I find they satisy the sweet need but because they are chock full of fibre & low GI they are a good choice. So far they always do the trick. I heard of a study last week too that said 45g of prunes daily is protective against osteoporosis. So im doing something good for my bone density as well as preventing constipation. Good luck everyone with your own wellness goals.

  • posted by Col

    Hi Aly, you have found the answer with this way of eating. Don’t beat yourself up ! Being sick can derail the anyone and antibiotics can make you feel really down. I have really been enjoying Bills coconut flatbreads and you could look at thecocnutmama site, she has some great baking ideas, low carb and very filling….I am experimenting this week so that I have recipes ready for the end of the 8 weeks, just perfecting a pizza base and will post when sorted! Hang in, you can do this 😀

  • posted by Aly

    Have book marked that site for future reference and signed up for emails. I prefer a proper cook book but the more the merrier.
    Am not counting calories for now just working at getting off the carbs again. One thing at a time.
    Like the idea of prunes, for once something I have no trouble sourcing here! The French love their prunes. Our neighbour makes up big jars of prunes in calvados and keeps them years. We went to them for dinner and after the meal the prunes were ladled into your wine glass with a good ladle full of the juice. Amazing! Maybe this way of eating is not so hard! 🍷

  • posted by hashimoto

    Ooh Aly those prunes in calvados sound scrummy. I’ve always been very partial to prunes. If I find any recipes on the net which I like I print them off and stick them in an A4 hard backed book – cos I prefer recipes in a book too.
    In fact I am just about to decide on a couple to print off right now. What book have you bought? As this way of eating is for life I might as well splash out on one! Also meets my gluten free needs! 🙂

  • posted by hashimoto

    Welcome to the forums Allychat! Prunes are also rich in iron. Well done on your weight loss so far. I know this sounds weird (even to myself) but I now find a piece of cheese or a few nuts deals with a sweet craving????? I can’t believe I am saying this but it’s true! 🙂

  • posted by Aly

    Every day grain free baking by Kelly Smith.

  • posted by hashimoto

    Thanks Aly, I will have a look at that! 🙂

  • posted by Allychat

    Thanks for the warm welcome hashimoto. I can believe that the cheese and nuts satisfy a sweet craving too. I find both very satisfying (i love both too). I think Michael might have mentioned the relationship between sugar & salt cravings in the book as emanating from the same issues too.

  • posted by Cherrianne

    Hi Aly, welcome back to the fold! I have been wondering where you were and how you were doing. That chest infection really knocked you around didn’t it?
    You seem to have regained some enthusiasm and motivation so keep building on that and you’ll soon be back on track. 🙂
    Welcome allychat, you’ve made a great start, good to see you posting on here 🙂

  • posted by jpscloud

    I’m creeping in with my tail between my legs! Did really well all day (day 5, very pleased with myself) but fell victim to catastrophic eating tonight (scones were involved, let’s say no more).

    I think in the big scheme of things it won’t be too bad… I have an off-plan dinner scheduled for tomorrow but I’ll keep calories to a bare minimum during the day, then on Friday I am getting back on plan. That’ll make this week kind of a 2-5 I suppose, with 5 days low calorie and 2 a bit higher.

  • posted by hashimoto

    Jpscloud – tomorrow is another day as they say. You just had a little blip but it is in the past. Sounds like you have it sorted 🙂

  • posted by Sharon

    Hi Jpscloud,
    It is just a blip, mine was a small chocolate egg (that I had brought for the grandchildrens Easter egg hunt) like Judith said tomorrow is another day.

  • posted by Aly

    I had a week of catastrophic eating and put on 4 lbs. I have been back on track three days now and have lost the 4lbs. Put it behind you and move on. It is a big change to eating habits and it can be hard. This is a lifestyle choice so just keep going. Well done for admitting to it and getting back on board.

  • posted by hashimoto

    Well said aly 🙂

  • posted by captainlynne

    Wise words Ali 😃

  • posted by jpscloud

    Thank you lovely folks! On phone so find it hard to type properly – give me a keyboard any day! Will post later on.

  • posted by Hb

    Oh dear – after over a week hovering at the same weight with no new weight loss (am in week 5) my morale is low and this Easter weekend already I have succumbed to hot cross buns and Easter eggs and it is only Friday! . My transgressions from the diet are becoming more frequent. First of all I thought I could have the odd slip up without any big deal but clearly now they are preventing my losing weight. How do I take back control?

  • posted by Cherrianne

    Hi Hb,
    First of all, and most important, forgive yourself!!! We are all only human after all, and this is a time of huge temptation. The fact that you slipped up a few times means that you probably haven’t conquered the carb cravings yet.
    Be realistic this weekend and lower your expectations or you’ll set yourself up for failure and feel even worse.
    Set a fresh day to re start the BSD and treat this weekend as if you are on the 5:2 ( just this once). Set yourself a choc/ alcohol/ hot cross bun limit each day and stick with the limit.
    Next week start afresh and talk yourself into sticking within the BSD allowance. Get cooking over the weekend ready to start again, and freeze them in meal size portions. Keep reminding yourself that this weekend is a one- off, so that you’re mentally prepared for your fresh start.
    You can do it! Just keep posting and you’ll get lots of support 🙂
    All the best….

  • posted by Aly

    The way I look at it we are completely changing the way we regard food. We have having to readjust our thinking. This takes time! We live in a world that bombards us with affordable foods we are trying to ditch. Be kind to yourself and take off the hair shirt! As has been said try to restrict the no foods and start again once the silly season is over. I love toast so once a week I have a slice. Maybe one day I can do without but for now this keeps me on track.
    This is a very new approach and we have lots of wrong information to work through. Back on the wagon and stop worrying what the scales say.

  • posted by MerryMary

    Bill yours was the first post I read here in the forums. I had tears reading about your poor eyes. Having said that I love your sense of humour and I am really enjoying your posts along with everyone else’s. I do believe that Dr Mosley in targeting the need for a person with diabetes to recognise and address the real problem of sugar and its effect on the body, is also highlighting the terrible global pandemic of sugar addiction and how if we can’t change what we are putting in our mouths, the results will be so much more widespread of symptoms such as what you have suffered in retinopathy etc. Sugar addiction is so wicked. I also gave up smoking 18 years ago as others have mentioned here in the forums and it was the hardest thing I have ever done. Giving up sugar is going to be way harder even than that for me. I am not a binge eater but a chronic inconsistent addict. Just as lethal in the long run though. And I have had many minor catastrophic events over the years that usually result from emotional stresses. I am also one of those who is upbeat but can be suffering a darkness on the inside. We humans are so complex!! I’ve slept the afternoon away post night shift so I’m off to walk the dog and think of something healthy to cook for dinner! Thanks everyone. 4 days countdown till d day for me … That’s BSD day :-))

  • posted by TrishaDawn

    Thank you so much Cherrianne for your suggestion of the 5:2 diet just for this week. I’ve been demoralized by being invited to friends’ homes for meals three times this Easter, and as a consequence of my crazy thinking, have kind of lost the plot since Thursday. Not too badly, but I’m an all or nothing person when it comes to dieting. I’ve done the 5:2 diet before, so thinking about my week’s eating this way has helped me feel that I haven’t lost total control. I can fit my two fasting days around the meals out and can still feel I’ve stuck to my diet. Then begin afresh after Tuesday. Brilliant idea and one I can use the next time I have to eat a meal that someone else has prepared for me.

  • posted by hashimoto

    Good advice there from cherrianne for those who are struggling over this festive season, 5:2 then back to normal. Brilliant, Cherrianne 🙂

    Merrymary – have you read Bill’s post about his recent visit to the eye hospital. I won’t spoil the fun but it was very good news.
    This sugar problem…….I couldn’t believe it when another BSDer discovered that curry sauces (eating out) all have sugar added to them. Whaaat??? 🙁
    All you UK residents, who haven’t already, may like to sign the petition a group of us started ( see link below) asking for the NHS to encourage diabetics to eat this low carb diet. 🙂
    You can click on an icon on the website to post to your facebook or twitter accounts

  • posted by Cherrianne

    Hi All,
    As much as we need encouragement and support from others, we need to encourage ourselves. The forums are great, so much care and concern on here. We need to show ourselves the same care and concern.
    We are constantly bombarded with subliminal messages about food. Aromas deliberately piped into supermarkets to make us buy more. TV ads ( count them, and be shocked at the frequency in popular shows), billboards, magazines, big signs advertising ‘specials’. We don’t consciously note them but our brain gets the message. Is it any wonder that we are tempted?

    Again, we have subliminal messages about how we should look and what the ideal body should be. How many of us can measure up to an airbrushed ideal?

    So the negative self talk begins, we are tougher on ourselves than anyone else would ever be! Yet our body is an amazing creation. It serves us so well and is worth love and nurture, no matter what shape or size we come in. So let’s feed it the fuel it deserves, accept our frailties when we lapse, and show ourselves the same care we give others.
    Happy Easter everyone

  • posted by Janet1973

    Totally agree Cherrianne, how often do we tell each other that its not so bad but we berate ourselves for not being perfect.

  • posted by Hb

    Thanks so much Cherianne. Woke up this morning in a slightly more positive frame of mind. Love the idea of setting myself an Easter treat limit this weekend and thinking of it as a 5:2 week. I am really enjoying the food on Bsd and feeling better for it but I think I need to be more realistic about how my brain and life works. I think it will take me longer than 8 weeks to get there because I am doing it mixed in with the odd social event at work/ weekend or travelling at weekends to see my boyfriend who is not doing bsd and loves foodie treats. This lifestyle means I tend to stick more to the plan during the week. Frustrating but the reality. When I only have me to think about I can maintain control. When I am with others I am easily influenced. Slowly slowly I will get there I guess. I want to improve my health and body image and get my confidence back and this is definitely the way forward but perhaps just not as quickly as others. Right, pulling myself together now and heading out for a walk. Today is a brand new day. Loving the forum for support and reading about others’ experiences. Keep going everybody!

  • posted by hashimoto

    Thankyou Cherrianne, a wonderful message that we all need reminding of. Happy Easter to you and all our fellow BSDers 🙂

  • posted by jpscloud

    I’m the opposite to you Hb – I am in control when I’m with people (so weekdays/term time at work are fine) but I live alone these days and have always been a secret eater – now a secret binger. I find it very hard to maintain control in the holidays and at weekends.

    I do feel I’ve turned a corner with embracing the blood sugar diet and feel like I am making progress towards health.

    Happy Easter everyone, and thanks for the lovely support on these forums!

  • posted by hashimoto

    jpscloud, that is so tough on you. Is there anyone you know who would be prepared to join you for a day eating what you eat? If you could find a few people who would do that you could have a few days of the holiday like that. Things done companionably are so much easier.
    Wishing you luck 🙂

  • posted by Cherrianne

    Hi Jpscloud, reach out on the forums, there’s always someone who’ll keep you ‘virtual company’, even if no one is close physically.
    People post on the what did you eat today thread and you could use that for ideas or as a blog to keep you accountable. Use a food diary tracker and make yourself a promise to be honest.
    We are all here because we need and want to make changes. If you acknowledge your binges on here you won’t get judged, you’ll get help 🙂
    If you don’t keep it a secret it won’t be so shameful, and the beauty is we have no idea who you are so no need to cover it up! Bet you anything it’s the ‘secret’ bit about it that’s controlling you. Now you’ve revealed it, you’ve stripped it of power.
    Have success this week, all the best…

  • posted by jpscloud

    Oops – I didn’t mean to sound lonely! I have a busy life between work and caring for my very elderly parents, but in any case I’m not much of a socialiser by choice. I like my own company and enjoy solitude – that might seem odd but it’s how I am! I do have friends I can be with as well, but I really do value my own time.

    The secret eating is a problem though… the way it works is that I will eat healthy and sensible portions when with company but have always been out of control when eating alone. You’re quite right Cherrianne, it does have control over me but I’m following the fast 800 well on most days and maybe I will be able to wrestle the control back.

    Thanks for the support you guys 🙂 I will post on the what have you eaten today thread when I can. I do keep a food diary but I tend to cheat it when I binge… I’m in a state of denial when binging and everything goes out of the window.

    On a happier note, my binge was fairly moderate this week and I’m now back in the 800 calorie range so I think between the book and the lovely support here I am getting somewhere.

  • posted by RozyDozy

    Hello jpscloud, you sound a lot like me – liking solitude and similar eating pattern problems. A while ago I found a quiz (I think it was on the BBC’s iWonder pages) about what type of eater you are – it seems I am 50% constant craver, 40% emotional eater & 10% feaster. Able to control the eating when with others, but once I was on my own I could hit the fridge and no-one else would know about it! My fridge magnet “fridge pickers wear bigger knickers” did nothing to stop me. Before I started this diet I acquired another fridge magnet – this time it said: “It’s hard to feel as fit as a fiddle when you are shaped like a cello.” That one seems more motivational. My constant craving is relatively under control since being on this diet (admittedly, there have been a couple of bags of crisps and a few custard creams consumed). I haven’t calorie-counted, I’ve preferred to keep an eye on my portions and just cut out the “extras” and try to eat the foods recommended on this diet. Just remember that no-one is a saint and the odd lapse isn’t going to be the end of the world. The important thing is that you regain control and put those food gremlins firmly in their place – you rule, they don’t!
    Good luck, and take care,

  • posted by Fatty

    Sending strength and support to everyone that’s struggling. X

  • posted by hashimoto

    Hi jpscloud, looking after elderly parents is so demanding even though it is done with love. No wonder you need some time on your own to recharge your batteries! It could also be one of the reasons for the ‘secret eating’ . Well done for following this diet with all that going on in your life.

    Hope you have a great Easter weekend 🙂

  • posted by jpscloud

    Thank you RozyDozy! My relationship with food is not rational, so I know I have to factor in lapses. My favourite saying at the moment is that a lapse does not have to become a relapse – I can’t remember who should get the credit for that but I suspect I read it in the Fast 800 book or on here.

    Thanks Hashimoto… life is very busy just now but I am lucky as my parents are my great friends and although dad is now severely disabled and bed/wheelchair bound, mum is incredibly active for an eighty-odd year old, and values her independence so she manages most daily things well. I just look after some of the heavier work for them and help with gardening and so on.

    Thanks to you too Fatty – hope you are doing well.

    I’m feeling very strong just now, I think I have lost around 5lbs since starting the diet just over a week ago, but will weigh in at slimming world tomorrow, provided they are doing the group on bank holiday… they usually do. I want to keep going there as I like the support from the group and the BSD is similar to slimming world’s SP plan without the calorie counting. It’s also a good independent weigh in so I can’t delude myself with my own scales!

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