Busy single mom and professional

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  • posted by paupitufina

    Hi all, I read the book and I’m excited to start this journey. I’m planning to get all the food items I need this weekend. In the past few years I’ve gained a lot of weight and I don’t have energy anymore, my clothes don’t fit and I refuse to get bigger sizes so I tend to just wear what fits which is not a lot. I’m a single mother, I’m finishing my master’s degree and I work a lot at the same time. It’s hard to juggle everything therefore my nutrition has always been the last of my priorities. Reading this book has made me realize that if I don’t do something now, things will get much worse and my son needs me healthy. I really would like to hear tips from busy moms out there and how they’ve been able to stay in this diet. I appreciate you reading this, thank you in advance for any advice and/or encouragement. 🙂

  • posted by Britta

    I’m not a single parent, but even so, cooking takes time so for me the trick is furious planning… Menu plan for a week, weekly shopping, chopping veg in advance, making lunch for several days at a time, spend an entire saturday cooking and freezing stuff like soups to have in the freezer… I have recently started the fast800 diet and I’m very surprised as to how easy it has been to stick to it and also following the weekly menu in the book rather than having to make my own menu saves me a lot of time.

    Also my kids are not as low carb as we are so I plan meals that can easily be adapted – so eg spaghetti bolognese: they have wholewheat pasta with it, we have courgette (get spiralizer, you won’t regret it, its quicker than cooking pasta), same thing with rice / cauliflower rice.
    I never skip meals. I know it works for a lot of people, for me it always ends badly…

    Good luck!

  • posted by JulesMaigret

    Not a mom, so feel free to disregard the advice if you wish 😉

    I am a busy professional, I travel a lot and work on client sites, in my experience I would suggest

    1) Plan ahead – schedule the meals and prepare what you can in advance
    2) Don’t be too restrictive – adapt your meals to reduce the refined carbs and focus on the tastier parts of meals
    3) Stick to meals – avoid the grazing and snacking typical in professional environments – focus on liquids instead
    4) Accept that some days it won’t work for reasons beyond your control – just carry on the next day

  • posted by Maharani kitten

    Busy professional here who travels lots for work, studies and entertains grandchildren.

    1. Keep it simple. Meat and fish, salad and veg, add spuds/rice /pasta and fruit for pud for kids. Some people get all gourmet with this but I don’t care about eating samey foods for 52 days if I can lose 20lbs in the process. And the less I have to think about food, the less I get distracted and eat cr*p.
    2. Plan, but keep simple, easy stuff at hand for when you just can’t be bothered. Sometimes all you want to do is grab a boiled egg and a tomato. Make sure thy’re there, ready.
    3. In a business context, don’t snack, just teach yourself to refuse biscuits and cake politely and firmly. In a short time people stop offering them. busy yourself with a hot drink.
    4.Ask for gluten free option at lunch. That way, you avoid bread and usually get salad.

    Good luck’! I’m on week 6 and 20lbs off despite one of the busiest work months for a while. It can be done! MKx

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