I can’t have coffee – neither the normal nor the decaffeinated variety. Is it OK to have barley coffee?

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I can’t have coffee – neither the normal nor the decaffeinated variety. Is it OK to have barley coffee?
I would avoid it if you can. each “serving” is 7cals, and I think that’s pretty week, but mainly the carbs: 1.7g, is not ideal. I’m not good with too much coffee either, I try on or two cups a day, also have tea, redbush tea or half an OXO in a (500ml mug) and I’m managing to drink some water now by knocking back a small glass before each hot drink. Good Luck!
Thanks for the tip. It is weak, but when it’s the only ‘coffee’ taste you can digest, you settle for it! However I haven’t touched it since starting so I’ll stick to my fruity infusions for now.