App reviews / best app for home cooking

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  • posted by Britta

    Hello all. I’m in my first week and have started looking into calorie counting apps. I did a search and read some different threads on apps, then downloaded Fatsecret. I then looked in the book and found a recipe which was 335 calories. I can’t seem to find a way to enter that into the app without having to go the long way around and enter all the ingredients. I am not a patient calorie counter by anyones definition… I would much rather be slightly off on calories than spend ages recording stuff. So here comes the question: Which app do you think is better for me? While some days I have the patience to put all ingredients and get a picture of fat/carb/protein, other days I want to be able to put ‘egg recipe’ 335 kcal. Which app do you think?


  • posted by Gattina

    Hi Britta and welcome.
    I use My Fitness Pal (MFP) to enter calories – I tried fatsecret but found it hard to get my head around. It may be a case of which works best for you so you might just have to play with them for a bit and see which one you prefer. MFP does have a function when you create a new recipe to add from web, but only seems to give a few sites to choose from. I haven’t used it but may be useful.
    Good luck – but even if you do have to list ingredients, you’ll only have to do it once.

  • posted by Puddy

    Hi, I use MFP as well. I do find that you have to be a bit careful because some of the entries seem very strange. There can be wildly different values for the same thing. If something doesn’t seem right to me I usually check with other sites and get an average. It’s never going to be 100 whatever you do but is a very good indicator. If your recipe has the nutrients values listed you could enter those rather than every ingredient

    I hope this helps

  • posted by JGwen

    I use fatsecret. You can use options on it to record favorite dishes. One piece of advice would be to batch cook dishes, if you make enough at a time to put portions in the fridge / freezer for future use you only have to enter the list of ingredients once.

    Also it is the macro list, the carb, fat, protein breakdown which is more important to note that then the calories. –

  • posted by Britta

    Thanks all, I’ve had a play around with it. I’ve managed to add up some of my favourite recipes, it took a while but as you say I only have to do it once and I suppose it all helps to get an idea of how many calories are in stuff. Covid-19 lockdown is a good as time as any to do this…

  • posted by Martenst

    I love simple and easy recipes to make at home. Although sometimes I want something refined and special. And I discovered new recipes that can show my usual foods and dishes in a completely new light I always like to learn from the best of the best. This allows me to improve my skills and knowledge and I hope my family will appreciate my efforts.

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