About to embark on the 800 journey

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  • posted by Japanike

    Having read the book twice, checked out the recipes on this site and I am halfway through reading the fast exercise book I feel ready to begin my journey. I am unsure of a couple of things though, (maybe I have missed this information in the books) for example some of the recipes show heck sausages or bacon and chorizo. I was under the impression you were to avoid processed meats such as these. Also struggling slightly with variation as I don’t eat salad foods. And last query is whether gluten free pasta is able to be used?? And if I am following my own made up recipe, is there a veg to protein ratio I need to follow or just make sure that I only have 800 calories each day. All help and advice is gratefully accepted ๐Ÿ˜Š Thank you

  • posted by Igorasusual

    Hi Japanike

    Processed meats are fine in moderation, and you don’t need to avoid them. Bacon is great with eggs for a protein laden and very satisfying breakfast – or brunch. All are important in a balanced diet.

    You say you don’t eat salad foods – is that because of allergies or do you not like them? The reason I ask is that you may well find your tastes change whilst on the BSD and things you didn’t like before you find are really tasty. Many people here have reported trying unusual (to them) things and really liking it! So be a bit adventurous, before you conclude that things are not for you – you may be surprised!

    Pasta is one of the refined carbs and should be avoided, gluten free or not. The thing is, if you try and ‘replace’ some of the refined carbs (sugar, bread, flour, potatoes, rice) with something which imitates them, then you are not really training your palate not to want them.

    I can reassure you that you may really fancy a slice of bread, or some pasta, but if you resist (day by day if necessary!) you will find that you stop wanting them so much.

    Spiralised vegetables are great pasta alternatives – you will find people here really love spiralised courgettes, cooked briefly, but with a sauce a bit like you’d put on pasta. Yummy – honestly!!

    In terms of nutritional balance, I used the following website as I had the same question
    If you put in your details, and then add your carb grams – people do find here that 50g or under per day helps weight loss, or you could try a little higher if you like and do 75g – then it will help you work out your grams of protein and fat. (Remember to eat full fat, it’s good for you and fills you up – low fat alternatives have sugar in). I used My Fitness Pal to check what calories I was eating and to log in my meals.

    Good luck – try searching (top right box) for any questions you have, there’s probably a thread discussing it already…. and keep asking! ๐Ÿ™‚

  • posted by Japanike

    Thank you so much Igorasusual .. I had just noticed that bacon, salami and sausages are OK a couple of times a week. Thank you for the link too, I will check that out too. Salad stuff is just a thing I have not been able to eat rather than an allergy, so I really am looking forward to changing my taste buds and getting to like new foods. I am a real pasta lover so that will be the biggest hurdle for me. I will be swapping it for veg alternatives as suggested. I will have a look through some of the information and questions that have already been asked, I am sure I will pick up loads there. Thank you again for taking the time to reply. All help and guidance is appreciated.๐Ÿ™‚

  • posted by Igorasusual

    You are most welcome and good luck with your journey ๐Ÿ™‚

    By the way, you don’t need to buy a spiraliser at the start if you don’t want to, or don’t know if you’d like the veg that way.
    I have really fallen in love with courgettes during the BSD and I just cut them into chunks (about an inch square I suppose) and sear them in a dry saucepan over quite a high heat. If you leave them for five minutes or so, stirring them about with a wooden spoon, they shed their water and go brown, and taste absolutely delicious – you could put a pasta type sauce on them then.

    And 150g of courgettes is just 27 calories and 2.7g of carbs! ๐Ÿ™‚ ๐Ÿ™‚

  • posted by Japanike

    Great idea thank you so much Igorasusual I have never tried them and will make this one of my first new items to try. Getting my menu plan ready now for the week ahead to ensure I stay on track. Thank you for all your replies, I will update you on my progress and my views on courgette ๐Ÿ˜‹ I am looking forward to beginning this change to my eating habit more and more. Thank you again.

  • posted by Japanike

    Oh no!!!!!! just realised I can’t have crisps…. Nightmare. Anyone know if I can make carrot and beetroot crisps as per Jamie Oliver’s recipe. Slice thinly with mandolins carrot and beetroot (and parsnip but can’t have these) preheat oven to 150 then bake for 2hrs 10 mins…. Not tried them but could be an option ๐Ÿ˜Š

  • posted by Igorasusual

    In theory yes you could do beetroot and carrot crisps – they would be a bit carby.

    My recommendation is to give crisps of any kind up – can you try it for 7 days and see how you go? For the same reason as not trying to substitute pasta with gluten free.

    This is really a lifestyle change. It’s only for 8 weeks – many people feel so good on it they carry on – but there’s nothing to stop you going back to refined carbs afterwards.

    But I would really recommend not trying to replace crisps to start off with.

    Sorry I sound such a party pooper.

    Go for it – you can do it!

    What is your target weight loss? Are you type 2? What’s your overall goal?

  • posted by Japanike

    No crisps… It’s a deal…. For at least a week. I am looking to lose about a stone, not type 2 but on the edge so trying to avoid it with the right tools, knowledge and help. Overall goal is to be fit, healthy and within bmi and avoid type 2 as long as possible. Got my menu planned out, tomorrow will refine the fitness plan ready for the big start on Monday. ๐Ÿ˜Š

  • posted by Igorasusual

    Excellent, well done. ๐Ÿ™‚

    I wanted to lose 20lbs, though I thought I would be satisfied with a stone. Ended up with a 26 lb loss in just over 8 weeks, and at 8 stone 10 lbs lighter than I’ve been since a teenager :). Very pleased to be in size 8 Zara jeans. ๐Ÿ™‚ ๐Ÿ™‚ (on maintenance now for more than 2 months, still no weight regain)

    If I can do it, you can. You could have a look at my thread “Not too much to lose….” and see if there’s anything helpful in that. Search box top right.

    Good luck! ๐Ÿ™‚

  • posted by Japanike

    Thank you for the support Igorasusual…. Day one is over and went really well. No Carb Bircher for breakfast and could have eaten that all day long it was so yummy… I work from 6.30 to 13.30 daily and had this around 10.30 (only because I was busy..)
    Lunch was Chicken 3 ways (lime and ginger from the book) with cauli cous cous, courgetti and mushrooms cooked in lime juice and 5 spice. while this was cooking I did a jog warm up, 1 min run and 1 1/2 min walk x 5 then 2 min jog and it took about 15mins. When I got home lunch was ready ๐Ÿ™‚ boom…..
    On Mon and Tue I work from 5pm to 8pm, then it was home for Lentil Soup (recipe from this site, only slightly adapted as I couldnt find garlic) so tasty I was impressed with myself, I had this with the Gram Flour Drop Scone also from this site. Thank you so very much to Izzy for the lentil soup recipe and also to pmshrink for the drop scone recipe.
    Together with 3 litles of water and two cups of coffee, this concluded my day.
    Made the Blueberry and Green tea shake for breakfast today and all is good.
    Onwards and upwards ๐Ÿ™‚

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