800 Diet

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  • posted by General Dogsbody

    Have started the 8 week Blood Sugar Diet this week, but as I am prone to migraine quite a but of food recommended is out of bounds for me .. nuts .. loads of fruit (seems apart from the high sugar ones I love!) cheese of any kind & chocolate – which is not allowed! So I was wondering would it be advisable to take a vitamin suppliment whilst on the diet? Looking forward to losing weight – even though its nearly 10 stone and even better getting my blood sugar under control .. before my husband!! – he is on tablets to keep sugar under control and says I will never succeed.

  • posted by SkyWalker

    General, some of what you write is obviously true and important to you. Migraine is a problem that you have no doubt lived with and learned to control. It is not that foods are banned, just that some foods are so high in sugars and calories that they prevent the body from flipping into maintenance mode via fasting. I can say that you will succeed even if you just cut down on white foods high in carbs. Many on here have reduced symptoms for many issues after following BSD/Fast 800 me included. I have had only mild migraine symptoms so cannot really comment. On the diet I kept off nuts because of their high calorie content. Cutting down on bread, pasta, rice, milk, cereals will definitely have a beneficial effect. The meal plans are carefully prepared examples of ideal nutrition on lower calories but are not essential. I lost over 3 stone (nearly 20% of body mass now). Go for it you can always consult others here if you find an anomaly or two in your experience. it will be worth the effort even if you have to modify parts of it, keep posting.

  • posted by Stephie63

    Hi General D, the recipes really are only for guidance, you don’t have to stick to them to the letter. Just adopt the principles of eating less carbs, especially refined carbs, and fewer calories, but make sure you increase your intake of healthy fats, and drink loads of water. I’m sure it will work for you, but keep posting on here, there are lots of friendly people and we all share our experiences and support each other. Hopefully your husband will be so amazed at your progress he’ll be joining in!

  • posted by bumblebee

    healthy fats are sooo soo sooooo important! I’m trying to think how to explain it without going off on one but maybe I’ll tell you my story….

    Once upon a day not long ago – Wednesday in fact!

    I thought oh let me be lazy and not bother counting the fat content of my food as long as the calories are low who cares – breakfast and lunch were ok then came what I can only describe as the hunger monster that had me having thoughts of eating my coffee cup – I was ravenous and ended up going above my caloric intake for the day but luckily i didnt eat anything crappy just ate an extra portion of my home cooked meals. then I ate some babybels! then I wanted to keep eating so I smacked my own hand, cried myself to sleep feeling like I was posessed by a demon thinking I’ve royally messed this up now I have to start from Day One again!

    Only when I decided to dig deeper to understand what happened I saw what triggered the monster – not enough healthy fat content. Now I rather sacrifice 120 calories to coconut oil in my food and coffee than eat and eat and eat like there is no tomorrow.

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