I am monitoring progress on length of fast and levels of energy (just like we don’t loose we discard weight I want to count progress on energy levels rather than focus on fatigue.)
I completed a 70 hour fast this morning. My weekly program is the day after the fast to have one day were I eat what I feel like eating before going for low carb again.. I am feeling more energetic again but its difficult to describe. Its the knowledge of how many tasks I can achieve before I need to sit down for a rest, and how long I need to rest before I can start again. But I feel like I may be back to 50% of normal energy.
I came across an interesting article today about research into diet and ME. (Are we still using the Take a Look at this thread as a central place to post links?)
A university has studied the blood of ME sufferers and their level of fatigue. They have a theory that ME may be a virus (which is why this may apply to Long Covid as well) which interrupts cells ability to convert glucose into energy. However it does not block a cells ability to use ketones for fuel. – The research also divided participants into 3 groups. One group which had “normal” insulin levels struggled the most with fatigue. The second group had lower insulin levels and indication in the blood stream that their body was using ketones for fuel, this group suffered less fatigue. The third group was in the middle between the two. – What was also interesting was the tone of the whole research which treated using glucose as fuel as normal and fat for fuel as highly unusual..
I am going to start the next fast on Sunday again, but this time I am going to start later in the day. This Sunday I had breakfast and I didn’t feel like eating later the rest of the day,, the only problem with that is the spend all of the second day awake during the period where your body is trying to push you into eating to replace glucose stores and not have to switch over to deep ketosis, So much easier if you time the start of your fast so this stage happens while you are asleep. To give me the additional incentive to stick to it I am going to try for a slightly longer fast this week. –